
静的ボイドInsticWalker I Whisper Of The Voice

Purified City Tech has it's fantastic future ahead of it as Netro becomes a Mayor To the City, but also Creates his Company Called Exoniear AI Corporation But Every New Chapter Has Its Consequences, As A Virus Breaks Out By Someone Who Broke a Chemical Weapon That Unknown And Natural were trying to stop. They Failed Too, And Now They Have To Track Down A Team Called 'The Sonar Squad' And Try To Reverse this virus, Called N67 Netro is trying his Best To Handle This Situation Without Naturals Help.

NaturalSfmStudios · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Chapter Eleven: Unexpected Feeling

Unknown was looking outside the window tired, having his head down on the desk where natural writes his journals on, it was raining, it had been a week since this virus broke out, He yawned as he then put his head on the desk about to take a nap but also tried his best to stay awake, Unknown was very stressed out and somewhat disappointed in himself, he felt like he had let humanity down, if only him and natural had stopped the guy from escaping maybe things wouldn't be so difficult, but even if they had stopped them, would there have been other ways for them to release this virus to the world, Unknown thought to himself and went over it plenty of times.

"Who were they anyways" Unknown said to himself contemplating, Unknown then felt an aura around his body as he glowed, he looked at his hands and then looked all around himself, all of a sudden he then felt a sharp pain in his chest, like a present of someone dying. Unknown sat down on the chair trying to gain his strength back. Unknowns eyes widened, as Unknown then jumped as his phone rang, he grabbed the phone out of his pocket, 'it was Netro' Unknown picked up "hey, What's up, How's You're Robot Coming Along" Unknown said, "it's going absolutely great, Terfex is helping me understand him better, and taking good care of him too" Netro said as Unknown nodded "sounds like a lot of work" Unknown said "Yeah it is, it's like taking care of a small child" Netro said as Unknown was confused "how so" Unknown said "like humans, We have a Brain, but a robot have something called a nerual Network which helps them learn from what we do, it could be good, or bad, So Far Terfex has been the only one to teach it a few things since he's a robot himself" Netro answered as Unknown understood "Anyways Unknown, I thought you new more stuff about this than me" Netro said "Yeah, i just wanted to make sure you knew what you were doing, My Mouth is sealed" Unknown said as Netro smiled "it's good to hear that, you finally think my knowledge is acceptable, I'll take that as a compliment." Netro said Confidently as Unknown didn't seem bothered by his response, usually Unknown would let out a big let down, or a talk which made the other person feel like a fool, but Unknown wanted to trust Netro, and maybe he could trust him, Unknown didn't speak as he remembered the light glow just now and then spoke up "Hey, had anything happened in city since the virus outbreak?" Unknown said as Netro went through his computer "Sasha Help me out here" Netro said as Sasha got on the other computer, Sasha's eyes widened "oh, no" Sasha said as Terfex, and the others looked "A Tower or the Centered Tower Collapsed" Roxy said "but how" Roxy wondered as Unknown eyes widened "wait, you mean a building collapsed at the Central Tower" Unknown said Worried, "Have You Even Made Any Statement Regarding to the Outbreak Or Accident In the Tower, You Are Mayor Right, Netro" Sasha said as Leo Was Surprised "You're The Mayor OF THE CITY, SINCE WHEN" Leo said as Netro sigh "since about a week ago, no emails, nor phone calls have been brought or sent to me to even make these statements or do anything" Netro said as Sasha typed in camera feeds from the left corner of a rice ball shop across the street from the Central Tower, Sasha spots a Girl with dark purple hair and a red Violet sweater, "hey guys, that looks like that magic girl that Unknown hangs with" Sasha said as Netro looks at the footage "wait go back and play it again" Netro said as the others stand there and watched, Silver sneaks through and then knocks out a security guy, "what was she up to" Netro said as Unknown didn't know what to say, he was speechless "S-s-silver was there" Unknown said as he got up out of his chair and ran upstairs then knocked on silvers door loud "SILVER, SILVER OPEN UP THE DOOR" Unknown said Fricking out, Unknown then broke the door as he looked around her room, as she was no where to be seen, she was missing. Unknowns eyes widened, Unknown then went down stairs "Guys don't just air me out, Tell me what's going on" Unknown said as the phone cut off into static, as Netro's computer and his tech screens did the same, as it went into a Recording of a man with a deep voice "You guys are too late, and you're deer precious friend of yours, well dead, perhaps, what a worthless magic bitch" the voice coms said as On Netro screen it should silvers lifeless body with no head, as Netro's Eyes Widened in Terror "S-s-silver, T-t-they K-k-killed you" Netro's said stuttering every word as Unknown only gotten the voice coms, "and as for you Unknown, You're Next On The List, Say Night night" the voice com said as Unknown turned around and saw a guy standing in front of Unknown, very tall, Netro was Able to get the phone call back as spoke out "Unknown, Something Bad is Going to happen, Unknown, are you there UNKNOWN!!!!!" Netro Yelled.