

Author: 九汐公子
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What is 郡主是孤心上朱砂


【青梅竹马、爽文、1v1甜宠,女主全书最强】   未国泠音郡主苏氿,从出生起被赐了十多次婚,也撕了十多份赐婚圣旨。     未都世家笃定,苏家功高盖主,苏氿目无王法,定然不得善终。     然而皇帝笑眯眯道:“小氿丫头,这杏陵年少,你想嫁谁便嫁谁。”    ……  听闻泠音郡主曾被清修山院逐下山,是因为修为很废,不学无术?     清修山院院长惊悚:“被逐下山?她打赢了老夫才下的山。”     血滴杀手门门主吐血:“修为很废?元婴强者修为很废?”     已故的寒音谷老谷主听了都要诈尸:“不学无术?她一曲琴音御万兽,夺我谷主之位,也叫不学无术?” ……    山河令出世,落到了苏氿手里?天下哗然,苏氿也配执棋天下?     “她配。孤愿为她棋子,为她厮杀天下。”大渊皇朝惊才绝艳的太子殿下拜倒在她红裙之下。     ……   苏氿:本想置身局外,做个嚣张郡主,追追青梅竹马。不想终入棋局,那她便手掌山河令,睹山河盛宴,执棋定天下!    君御离:身在局中,心系于她。她是他年少时便放在心上的一点朱砂。灼灼滚烫,烙在心上。  

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A forced relationship with the man she truly despised. Locked up in his mansion, Lexia felt her live fade away. Hurting her like she wasn't human without any sense of guilt he had hidden her from the world. Until he found out something she was hiding ...... When she woke up again, he was still next to her. " Finally awake," he said. She blinked glancing back at him. She felt his hand softly touch her bruised lips. " Does it still hurt ?" he asked, but pulled away when she flinched ." am sorry "he found himself saying. Lexia slowly moved back and William followed getting up. "Something wrong ?" he asked noticing the tears form in her eyes. " Why are you so...so.." she bit her lip, "different "Lexia got off the bed," I thought it was a dream, but it was real "he heard her add. "Don't move too much or you will hurt yourself more "he said getting off the bed. "Am fine, just tell me why you are here and acting different....are you going to finally kill me? she cried. "Lexia, calm down," he said moving to where she was, "am not going to hurt you " "And why not when it's all you ever do, hurting me like am a punching bag? Did you finally get tired of hitting me and decided to hurt me differently" she was yelling now. He stopped as his eyes portrayed his confusion. "Please ...leave me alone William. I can't take it anymore..." she cried, "my b...body can't take it anymore" Her legs gave away sliding down to the floor. "I know you're pregnant," he said and Lexia's cry stopped as her eyes moved to where he was ."

jandralitto · Fantasy
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8 Chs
Table of Contents
Latest Update
Volume 1 :春日游,杏花吹满头
Volume 2 :夏日游,杨花飞絮缀满头。
Volume 3 :为君谈笑静胡沙
Volume 4 :鲜衣怒马少年时
Volume 5 :秋日游,落英缤纷花满头
Volume 6 :冬日游,似水云雪落满头
Volume 7 :番外:载酒买花年少事


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