

The light no longer shine upon the righteous, then let me fight in the dark

DaoistfZzxNA · Fantasy
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15 Chs

noble person

"Qin Yihuan, 2054 mana!" The examiner's shaky voice breaks the silence. I thought it would be hard to get even 500 mana ever since I only have 400 mana in my previous life though it was a genius mark. With this amount of mana, I can be contracted by a high-level god but there is a big problem right now. Because of unbelievable mana, I become the center of attention. Even though I am an heiress of a big group, I am an introverted person. Such kind of glare they are giving me can make a hole out of wall. "Miss Qin, please to meet you. I am the president of IAC, Alfred." As I am going into the holy room to contract, a tall man who's around thirty introduced himself to me. In my previous life, none of the soon to be awakener have mana that exceed 2000. The genius of the centuries, Jack Smith that contracted with Ra, the Egypt sun god only have 1897 mana. It's not a surprise to meet him. "Nice to meet you, Sr. Chairman." "Miss Qin has abundant amount of mana. Regardless of which god you will contract, I hope you can join the IAC." "Sorry, Mr. Edinburgh. I'm afraid I have to reject this offer." "Oh? How did Miss Qin know my surname?" It was unexpected. I thought he's going to be surprised. I never thought that he is playful. "As the lady from Frost Duchy, it's natural to know the surname of prestigious Edinburgh Household. Is Marquise Edinburgh well?" "Ho ho, I never thought that Miss Qin would be rumored Duke Frost's doted goddaughter. Yes, my father has been well. He always tells me how cute and smart you were. I never thought we would meet like that." "Then I will take my leave." I slightly lift my dress and bow him. After all nobles always mind about etiquettes. Sir Alfred's dignified look slowly disappears from my sight as I enter the holy room. It was a very nice offer as I tried so hard to get into IAC in my previous life but still, I have other plans. Milky white alters that will remind you of clouds, Golden walls that represent the glory of gods and a gigantic magic circle: the holy room is still glorious as in my memories. In such a large holy room, I am all alone.