
A Quest

"Five points? Just for a quest?" Mikel could not help but ask in surprise, he had already imagined and calculated his Power Level if he should add the total 6 points and it gave him joy.

"Master, please don't be too happy yet." the voice said.

"Huh, why should I not be happy?" Mikel asked while looking confused.

"You think it will be easy to kill a low-level beast? just because the system said it's a low-level doesn't mean you will kill it at a whim."

"Hey, did I almost plan to get myself killed? You should be explaining things on time for me" Mikel said with a bit of a frown on his face.

"Master sorry to say this but I think next time you need to add at least two points to Intelligence, you need it a lot."

"I think you are right.....wait a minute, are you saying that I'm dumb?" the frown on the boy's face became deep that veins could be seen popping out of his forehead.

"Not at all Master, I was just suggesting."

"I see that you are tired of your work right, If you are then do well to tell me, I can ask the leaders to change you"

"No Master, but even at that, they won't change me because I'm the only one who is fit for this mission. If you don't like me, you just have to bear it, there is nothing you nor I can do about it,"

Mikel bit his lower lips in frustration, what the voice said was nothing but the truth, he couldn't change or replace him.

"Well, let's forget that. I will forgive you once but not twice. By the way, what are you called?"

"Conan is my name and Of course, I am a boy just like you."

"What? A boy? how old?"Mikel asked in surprise, all his thoughts were that the voice in his head was that of a man, never did he think it was a boy.

"Master according to our realm, I am 100 years old but according to yours, I could be 18-20 year's old."

"Is there a way I can see you?"

"Not yet Master!" Conan replied with a sigh.

"Okay then, so Conan where do I start from, I mean the quest...I need to get moving already because I would not want to miss the 5 points" Mikel thought about the points he would distribute and needed to do something about the quest.

"We should leave here, I do not sense any beast here so we have to begin our journey"

After the boy finished talking, Mikel got up and began to walk out of the place, he had no particular direction but just as Conan had said, he needed to begin the journey.

He kept walking for hours without encountering any beast, he would stop at some large tree to take a rest and will continue almost immediately.


"Master, I hear noises...It seems you are being watched so you have to be careful," Conan informed and Mikel took note immediately and became cautious.

Before Mikel could do anything, a six-legged beast came out and stood before him while scowling at him.


{Low-level beast found}

Name: Slender Night Lion

Race: Lions

Strength: 50

Agility: 30

Endurance: 30


Poisoning: 100

Poisoning: Its sixth legs are filled with poisonous substances that can make its prey turn into a statue. There is no cure for it.


{Warning: Do not let the claws touch you}



Mikel was about to say something when the beast attacked him unexpectedly using his sixth leg. He, thanks to his agility stat was able to dodge the incoming attack.

"Master be careful of his sixth legs, he wants to use it on you."

The beast relentlessly turned around with speed and began to come at Mikel who was looking for a way to fight him.

Mikel dodged another attempt made by the beast to grip him with the claws, but he didn't see the third attempt coming.


Mikel was thrown to a faraway tree, he was lucky enough that it wasn't the poisonous claws that were used but rather the first two legs.


-20 HP

HP: 80


"Arrrgh...Dammit!" Mikel cursed as he tried to get up, his back was already aching from the impact.

"Master, he is approaching you. You have to stand up and fight or else you will die and my mission will come to an end, I don't want that to happen"

"I'm trying here alright."

Mikel slowly got up with the support of the tree, he saw the beast coming and clenched his fist.

He had no weapon to fight and didn't know how to fight as well, he was powerless over the irritated beast but that didn't make him lose hope of killing it.

He turned around him and began to search for something; an object to use as a weapon.

He saw a broken branch by his side and picked it up, then facing the beast he took up a fighting stance.

"Come and get me you stupid beast" Mikel cursed as he signalled to the beast.

"Aren't you trying to provoke him the more?" Conan asked in a disbelieving tone.

"Yes, the angrier he will be, the more he would want to get me and it will make him lose his sense of reasoning" Mikel replied and concentrated on the beast before him.

Just like Mikel had said, the beast after hearing the lousy remark from the human got enraged and without thinking twice rushed at him with a high speed, Mikel seeing this smiled lightly and prepared himself for what he was about to do, this was the chance he had to inflict pain on him and he wasn't going to miss it.

As Mikel saw the beast running towards him, he held the branch firmly and when the beast was close enough, he swirled and using the branch in his hands he sent the beast flying away.


The beast slammed himself across a border and fell with a thud, he let out a roar as he was in pain.

Without giving the beast a chance to recover, Mikel dashed to him and began to strike him on the head with the branch.

"Master, instead of striking him that way, how about you use the sharp edge of the branch to kill it." Conan who was tired of watching Mikel continuously hit the beast who refused to die decided to talk.

"But that is what I'm also doing by hitting his head" Mikel retorted, he had almost used his energy as he was getting tired already.

"He won't die that way, you have to push the sharp edge of the branch into his head if you really want him to die or else you are wasting your time and giving him time to recover."

Instead of listening to what Conan said, Mikel stubbornly kept striking the beast with all he had, during the process the beast abruptly stood up and slammed his head on Mikel's stomach which caused him to fall on the ground.



-20 HP

HP: 60


"Dammit! how did it suddenly become strong again?" Mikel asked as he stared at the beast in fright.

"Master, I told you but you choose not to listen. If you want so much to die, tell me and I'll inform the seven leaders."

"Watch and see how I will kill it now" Mikel picked up the branch and waited for the beast to come close to him.

The beast jumped up and before he could pounce on his prey, the sharp edge of the branch had gone into his mouth from his lower jaw.

The beast cried out in pain and tried to move away but he couldn't, Mikel drew out the branch and stood up instantly.

After deciding on his next move, he jumped up and shoved the branch into the head of the beast right at the spot where the brain was meant to be. The beast roared loudly and began to struggle hard trying to use his poisonous claws at Mikel but he couldn't do anything as he was becoming weak.

Using his last resolve, the beast used his hind legs and jumped on Mikel, with his sharp claws he gave him a deep gash on his chest causing his cloth to be dyed red.



-40 HP

HP: 20


"Master, are you alright" Conan seeing Mikel lying on the ground with blood all over his chest became worried.



1: Kill a Low-level beast

Quest Status: Completed

Reward: 5 points

Total AP: 6


Poison immunity: This skill helps in making one immune to all kinds of poison or poison-related elements.


"I guess the beast didn't want to die alone," Mikel said staring at the beast lying dead not far away from him, "Arrgh, I forgot about the wound on my chest...Did I get a skill? Cool then, I didn't suffer the poison for just nothing"

"Master, are you okay?" Conan could not help but worry more seeing the way Mikel kept grinning.

"Do I look sick? No, I'm just in some pain on my chest and happy to have finally killed the damn beast" Mikel replied in a tired tone.

"That is great Master, we should leave already before another beast come to attack you."

"I need to rest a bit. I'm exhausted pretty badly" Mikel complained without moving from the spot he was lying on.

Conan sighed and decided to let him rest a bit while staying in a cautious state in case of any danger.


After an hour rest, Mikel woke up and checked his stats, seeing that his AP were 6, he decided to distribute them to his strength, agility and endurance; giving them 2 points each.

After feeling energised, he put the dead beast into his inventory just as Conan had told him to, though not knowing the reason why he still listened to him not wanting to make the mistake of disobeying him a second time.

Mikel stood up with the decision of leaving the forest, he walked for hours without stopping until he got to a small plain road.

He took the left side of the road and strolled until he reached a small town, he went into it without a second thought. The people walking around kept taking glances at him but none of them came up to him or called out to him.

"Conan, why do they keep staring at me? I don't look different from them" Mikel asked in his mind, he didn't want to speak out or the people will think he is a mad person.

"The wound on your chest is open and you are walking freely without feeling any pain which is unusual so you don't have to blame them"

"Then I have to find a place to change my clothes and stay until the wounds heal up or else no one will want to speak with me"

"You are right master, but you need money first. Look for shops where they sell dead beast and try to see if you can sell yours, that way you will have some money with you" Conan offered, that was the reason why he told Mikel to store the beast in his inventory.

Mikel nodded and began to walk around the place not minding the stares from the people of the town.

Soon he got to a shop and knocked on it, an old man with white beards came out.

"Hello child, what can I help you with?" The old man asked friendly.

"Uhm, Sir... I have something I want to sell, don't know if you will buy" Mikel said in an awkward manner causing the man to smile showing his set of brown teeth.

"Let me take a look then."

Mikel raised the beast and when the man saw it, he exclaimed and smiled at the same time.

"Kid, you are truly impressive. All my years here in this town, I have never seen a person carrying this beast. Its family had been killing and poisoning the people of this town and not yet once has anyone been able to kill it, you know what...I'll give you 10 gold coins and 10 silver coins."

The man rushed back inside to get the coins and while he was away, Mikel could not help but let out a stiffed scream.

"You see why I told you to store the beast? you should be grateful to me."

"You are doing your job so why do I need to be grateful to you" Mikel almost rolled his eyes mentally at Conan who was already frowning.

"Here is the coins boy, I have a suggestion for you"

"What is that sir?" Mikel asked as he quickly grabbed the bag of coins.

"You should join an adventure guild, that way you can make some money and also get some experience"

"Okay sir, I will think about it"

"Alright boy, have a nice day then"

Mikel nodded and left the shop instantly while storing the money in his inventory.

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