


Shinigami_King · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Chapter 6 Corrupt Emperor

After Akito's plan was explained to the King. Yori decided to just grab him. "Let me go!" the King demanded, As if it was going to help him. Yori ignored him, the king begged and begged to be spared. Aside from the King screaming, everywhere else in the capital was completely quiet. Which made the King's pleading sound that much louder, to everyone outside. We finally made it downtown the bottom. Everyone was waiting for us there. A giant mob of people angered by the King. From the crowds narrow perspective it had seemed like he was planning to kill everyone.

The King persisted, "This is all a set up you fools!". The crowd ignored him, as they discussed ways to punish him. Some suggested burning him alive. "Why don't we lock him in a cage for the rest of his life!". Another person shouted, "We should make him fight in, an arena!". While everyone was deciding what to do, the foolish King kept repeating he was innocent. It's clear he didn't understand how people work. They don't believe what they don't see. And what they saw was a civilian being attacked by the King's knights in the name of him.

Finally he announced thinking he had a point, "Who would replace me as King!?". I still have no idea why the effects wore off, but he kept on. "What if this whole thing was just an elaborate trap from this monster!? To frame me!? This kingdom was protected for years, and as soon as 'bombes' were planted in the school, he showed up hiding the secret he was a Shinigami!?". I didn't silence him, if I did it would look like he had a point. But it seems he fell for my trap. "How did you know bombes were planted in the school? You were in the capital the whole time, and it didn't even explode". The crowd was silent. The King knew he was done for at this point. There wasn't a way out of this. The King's eyes turned white.

The crowd understood each other. They all had the same thought. One person replied to the king's first question, "Well we all know who we want to be our new ruler" he said while looking at me. I announced that I had a way to properly punish him, in exactly 8 hours, at the front gate.

About an hour later, I ordered 10 people to move all my belongings from my old apartment into the capital. The capital was on a huge castle. It took about 1 hour but they finished. They got all the important things I wanted to be moved out. It was mostly just manga and my coin collection.

Everyone was tired, but excitedly waited for the 8 hours to past before I told them what we would do of the old king. I was tired, but I figured I show explain everything to Hikari. She woke up in an entirely different room then the one she fell asleep in, so she must be having so many questions.

When I entered her room she was still asleep. I tired nudging her arm to get her to wake. It was no use. Her room had clean floors and neatly packed shelfs. Completely different from how I saw her take care of her room. She was almost most definitely going to ruin it. I left the room, I can come back later.

I went back into my throne room. Earlier the king told me to insert this key into a hole in the wall, Like a door. I saw a keyhole that matched the shape of my key, I put it in then twisted it right but felt like a force was keeping it back. I twisted it left and it went all the way to the left. It seemed to have work. I took out the key, then the left side of the wall started moving out. I had to take about 5 steps back to avoid getting hit. The wall finished opening in about 20 seconds. It revealed a very dark room, it was like looking up at the stars at night. I went in. There were over 90,000 bookshelves in the front. They were all stocked with hundreds of books. I saw a floating blizzard blue box, it had the word search above it. It was completely strange, the box had length and width but absolutely no depth. The box kept following me no matter what. I went 10 feet to the left sat down, and looked down. The box was floating right above me, in an angle where I could see it clearly when I looked up. So the lack of depth wasn't an issue. I wanted to test the capabilities of the search tool. I put the words, "Akito Ryusaki". A strange blue aura appeared and started morphing into a book. The book's cover had bold golden text that read, Akito Ryusaki. Inside was the full story in extreme detail about my life. It had seemed to stop adding right before I entered this room, when I opened the wall. I then used the search tool again for the word Shinigami. The Akito book levitated out of my hand and into a cart to my right. It seems that cart stores already searched books. Strangely the cart was completely empty, the king of Hai clearly didn't use this room to its full potential. Possibly didn't even fully realize all the fundamentals of this room. He most likely just picked up a book from the shelf without thinking. A new book appeared in the same way the Akito book did. The book read, Shinigamis. It had the mythology, the designs, and even every name of every Shinigami. It was over 6,000 pages, but after 10 minutes of flipping through the pages. I found me, Mayumi, Julius, and Hikari. Mine had the same info as Akito book, but this one only had Shinigami realm related stories. Next I searched for the words "Akito Shinigami". I thought it was just bring up my book. But suddenly a small red x appeared in the box right by my words. I looked up the word, "lightning". This time, the blue aura appeared on one of the shelfs. It grabbed hold of a book and brought it to me. It just had all the facts about lighting, how it works, its atoms, and a simplified version of it.

This gave me all the information about this library I needed for the search. You need the full name of a person to get all the information about them. It'll only give up to their second latest actions. It also reveals their powers, abilities, curses, intelligence, if their memories were rewritten, if anything was altered, and all random facts about them. It'll even tell you the name of someone who was in their life and had no idea who they were. Even things in their life they don't remember, such has memories of being 1 month old. And any phenomenon in the universe, and as I found out from looking around the library, any universe, you just need to say the name of it and it'll bring the book to you from the shelfs.

The inner wall that opens up into the throne room very simple. Their is just a knob on the door. I turned it, but the wall was too heavy. I had to use one hand to push against the wall. After it was slightly opened, I took my other hand off the knob, and used both hands to push it out. After I left I found Yori outside waiting for me. "How'd you know I was in here?". I asked him. I already knew the answer, but I just wanted to hear him say it. "You should know, I was in the room with you when the King told us where the Mirror house was". Hehe, now time to troll him. "Oh? How sweet". I just wanted to make that joke, and I always sound so calm no matter what. "Thank you!". Well, I wasn't expecting that response. "Now then lets leave".

I went back into Hikari's room to see if she woken up yet. It has only been about 45 minutes, but that could still make a difference. I opened the door, Yori followed behind me. She was awake. Already she had ruined the room. Aside from the mess of manga all over the floor, everything seemed to be alright. She was completely calm for someone who had woken up in a room she's never been in before, without anyone with her. "Hey, where am I?". Yori sat down on the floor. He picked up one of the manga books on the ground and started reading. "You're in our new castle!". I could tell she was confused. "Yori may you please explain?". He nodded his head. I left the room for about 2 minutes. I heard immense talking from Yori. I heard him say, "And that's how you arrived". I opened the door to hear her say, "Ok". The entire time I knew her, she was always a sloth. If she could avoid work she would always do so. Yori continued reading. He was reading a manga I personally disliked. I knew Hikari despised it too. Still no one said anything. "I must leave now". I kinda felt awkward saying that, as I had just gotten back into the room.

I exited to the front gate. I realized it had been 2 hours already. Julius was also at the front gate. I assume he was waiting for me. "So then your plan worked". Whenever we used to talk before, he would always be the one to start the conversation. "I guess it did" I said while scratching my hand on the back of my head. "Now then, we need to figure out what to do next....". I don't know why, but he always looked so evil. And whenever he said something, hearing it come out of his mouth, made whatever he said sound evil. "After you release the king, we should go back to the throne room. You should host a party, everyone would be happy". Julius seemed to want me to figure what I wanted to do with this kingdom next. "You should rename the Kingdom, it's going to be entirely different". I replied to him "Should I make the execution public to other kingdoms?". I already knew he was gonna answer yes so I prepared myself to say, alright. "Up to you" he said. I already had my words ready so I said, "Alright". I knew, he knew, that I was preparing to answer him when he said yes. I decided to change the subject by saying, "Would you like to know how the Mirror house works?". He immediately replied with, "Sure, although you should already know Mayumi will be there more often then me". I explained the search feature of the Mirror house.

I knew he understood so I told him later, and left. I went around town and tried looking for Mayumi. I looked for about 10 minutes. I went to search in the alleyway. I didn't see her, but I did see a girl with blue hair. She had dirt all over but seemed fine overall. I decided to talk to her, "Hello". She said, "Hello, oh...your the new emperor right?". Her voice was calm and nostalgic even. I don't know why. We got to talking, apparently she just got into a fight with some random people. We made small talk for about 40 minutes. Apparently she didn't live far from this alley, she just come here to mope every now and again. I asked her, "What are you moping about?". She said, "Just something from my past". It was strange, I don't ever talk this long with a person I've never met before. I quickly gathered that she didn't talk much. I thanked her for her time, then said I must leave now.

I immediately rushed back to the capital. I was just gonna hope Mayumi was there. When I got back to the entrance, Julius was still standing outside. I knew that he knew, what I was going to ask him. "She's inside". I thanked him then walked back. I ran all the way here so I was pretty tired. I went into the throne room, as I had to pass through it to get to the room that was assigned to her.

She was by the left wall, where the Mirror house was sealed off. She had both her hands on the wall, as if she was trying to force it open. I said, "Hi teach". I assume she had been trying to force open that wall for a while now. When she talked back to me her voice had a frustrated, almost exhausted tone to it. "Don't ever call me that again!" she said and immediately went back to trying to open the wall. "Its a pull not push". As she heard me say this she quickly turned around and tossed the edge of her cape into the air. "I knew that!". Then she tried prying the wall open. I decided to stop messing around, and put the key into the hole. I turned it left and told her to get back. She got back only 4 and a half feet, and got slightly hit by the door. It didn't seem to bother her though. The door finished opening, and revealed its library of infinite knowledge. I quickly looked at Mayumi, her face was already drooling. The time I knew Mayumi, she was a book nerd. She quickly ran in. I assume Julius only told her about the entrance, and nothing else. I had to explain how the Mirror house worked, again. After this she demanded my key. I tossed it to her saying, "Now do your absolute best to make sure you don't lose it". For some reason I'm put in a joking mode around my siblings. I don't think its abnormal however. Mayumi yelled at me, "What's that supposed to mean! Don't answer that. Leave now!". I left with haste.

I heard Yori talking abnormally loud. I went inside Hikari's room. Apparently he was mad at the book he was reading. "The main character is boring and stupidly op, everyone is an idiot, and things happen for no reason". I decided to join in on him. He clearly wanted to destroy the book completely and never look at it again. I really really hated it. He brought out his sword. Me and Hikari we're cheering him on to destroy it. He raised his sword and it filled up with the blue light. He swiped down and it was gone. Not a trace left. A few hours past. And I realized, it was time.

The reason why I choose 8 hours from now is because my zōkyō needed to be powered up. We were outside the gate. Many slave owners had a secret unground slave facility. They would do everything the slaveowner requested. I knew about this place for a while but now I decided to deal with it. "Hello". The slaveowner quickly got defensive. "No need to alarm, I just wanted to give you some new slaves". The slaveowner lowered his guard. I could tell he wasn't completely compliant, but he was interested in what I had to say.

The crowd came into the front gate. The king along with the people in the throne room when I found them, were chained to the neck like a leash. I guess Mayumi was still in the library, and Hikari was still in her room. Only Yori and Julius showed up. I announced to everyone, that slaves would be free.

"The only slaves here, are those who lost". I immediately demanded that the king come to me and kneel. They came slowly. I took off my eyepatch before he got down. When they came to me I looked down to them. And said, "Be my slave, now!". They felt their minds being altered severely, and their souls being drawn on. They immediately went onto work. The slaveowner now could free his old slaves.

I got back to the throne room. Julius told everyone to come to the throne room for a party I was hosting. Damn him. Oh well. I managed to get there before everyone else. Apparently Mayumi and Hikari were setting things up while I made the old king a slave. Everything actually looked really nice. I guess I was surprised because Hikari is a literal sloth. About 10 minutes later everyone arrived. I was just sitting on my throne. I wasn't really a party person and I'm pretty sure Julius knew this. Luckily he was so he managed to keep them entertained. I decided to make an announcement. I stood up for a little to make this announcement. "Attention everyone, as of the dethroning, I have decided that this is an entirely different kingdom,therefor, I have decided to rename our kingdom, its new name shall be Lyra". The crowd seemed to not really care about the name, but still clapped. I felt really awkward after that and kinda just wanted to get away.

About 1 hour and 30 minutes had passed. I decided to get up, it was almost time for everyone to leave. The throne was on about 3 steps up. As soon as I got up I was a little dizzy. When I got up and took the first step, I tripped. I fell right on my face with my body in the 3 steps. I immediately got up slowly. I dusted myself off. I could already hear the inner laughter. Despite that fail, I still enjoyed this stupid party.

Later I told Julius to follow me into my room. I asked him how he entered the human world. He explained that during my time in the Mirror house, I had one day accidentally opened a book on how to enter the human world. To do that he needed a special card. The only one he knew who had it was, another of my half siblings, Reiji Akagi. They lived in a castle, on the edge of the realm. Julius knocked on his door one day, and asked for a earth pass. Of course Reiji denied thay request. Julius then flew up above his castle. And prepared an attack. The attack was emitting from his hands. After a good minute, the attack was ready. It was in the shape of an atomic nuclear symbol, and took the form of a sphere. It then was sent straight down. Once it touched the castle, it kept going further down. Eventually it hit the ground after destroying some of the castle. Emerged was a massive explosion. Reiji's body was fine, but it seemed like his insides were molded, and all water inside him evaporated. Julius left him there. He found the card in a box that was completely unharmed. The card said, "Earth pass". The card only allows you to leave out of whatever realm your in. Once you leave, you can't come back. Someone behind him shouted, "That's enough". It was a girl's voice. He turned around. A girl with long red hair and a cheery blossom shirt was the source. "Put that down". She had already charged her attack. Julius immediately recognized her as Mikayo Akagi. Since her zōkyō was the same as Julius, only much stronger, he knew he would have to escape. There was one way he knew could work, but he would have to stall for time. "Question, do you think it's right to help someone who's done nothing wrong?". She was confused and asked what that had to do with anything. "You see, your full brother is preventing me from helping someone who's innocent". Mikayo said, "Even if that's true, he's still my brother". Julius replied, "Why not help your brother then?". There was some grunting sounds coming from nearby. Reiji then said, "Don't listen to him, Akito saved a human, as Shinigami that shouldn't be allowed". Reiji had always been a law abiding annoyance. The "rules are rules" guy. Mikayo looked at Reiji and shouted brother. This was the time for Julius to escape. He quickly grabbed out an amulet from his right pocket. He held it up and the green gem in it's center lit up. Causing a green light to surround him. Reiji knew that Julius would now be getting away. Once the green light reached it's brightest, Julius disappeared. Reiji understood that was Julius's pocket dimension. He could then escape out the other side from a far away distance. And that's how Julius ends it. He doesn't give me a anything else. But I already fell asleep on my hand by the end.