

Author: 北极星去哪了
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What is 穿越之开宗立教


第一卷 群穿异界做掌门 得到修真传承的第三年 都市青年王越在一次空难中带着十二名乘客一起穿越了 乘客中有身家亿万的富豪,有万众瞩目的明星,也有习武多年的太极少女和精明干练的职场丽人…… 随身仙缘空间,可获得修行宝物以及穿越异界的机会 第二卷 时间停止的都市 穿越到现代都市,得到时间停止的超能力 王越将成为新世界的神

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The Regressor's Pov: I Am The Novel's Extra, I Will Kill The Author.

On a planet called "Alstonia", there dwelt Humans, Dwarves, Elves, Werewolves, Merfolk, Catfolk, Faires and Dragonkins. They lived in Harmony with one another, not interfering with eachother's affairs. However everything changed when three different races came to this world from beyond the stars. Vampires that wished to Devour the world, turn it's inhabitants into food and increase their own numbers. Demons that brought with them, Darkness that wished to envelope everything indiscriminately. And Angels, who by order of their god, wished to protect Alstonia from both Demons and Vampires while also bringing order to the land. In response, the Will Of The World itself changes and created miracle after miracle. Towers and Dungeons were created, A system, gifts and skills were given to all those races that belonged to the world. Magic artifacts, monsters and more came into existence. ...And so a new era of Alstonia began. The story takes place a 1000 years into the future, where war still ravages the land and all races are working together to survive against the on-coming threat. ______________________________________ This was what was written in the description of the game that Apollo once played and the game that now he finds himself in. Apollo Ravager. An extra character in the game series, "Divine Odyssey". A man finds himself transmigrated as a soon-to-be-dead extra by the gods of this world. This man, who had reached the pinnacle of success in his old world, was angered at being stripped off the peace and prosperity he had recieved and swore to kill the gods that sent him to this world. Having the knowledge of the future aswell as experience of countless wars, he will turn this weak extra into a force that even the main characters won't be able to ignore. But the question is, was this character really a mere extra? Sharing the tragic backstory with a major antagonist and being her childhood friend, a half-human half-angel with a lot of potential and the savior of a main heroine. Just what were the gods thinking when they sent him inside this extra's body? Note:- Image used in the cover for the book is not mine.

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Table of Contents
Latest Update
Volume 1 :群穿异界做掌门
Volume 2 :时间停止的都市
Volume 3 :时间停止的都市


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