

Pizza_overlord · Eastern
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27 Chs

The Wish

chapter 1: THE WISH

"Attack!" After giving the order the dark silhouette entered the void and disappeared from Lucius view once more.

Lucius frowned rage swelling in his heart"this bastard is so good at hiding let me not get my hands on you hump!"

At this very moment a beam of red light shot towards Lucius like a lighting strike.

Lucius quickly raised his heavy iron sword to meet the attack.


A loud booming sound was heard as Lucius sword collided with the arrow, and from that collision lucius could feel the horrifying strength behind the arrow.

Lucius abruptly halted mid-air before he was sent flying , he crashed landed on the ground, a huge pit was created and cracks radiated everywhere.

"When did the arrow elf's arrows become this fast and terrifying" Lucius thoughts was in disorder, his sword was shaking in his hands, he then felt heavy footsteps fast approaching as the earth shook, he quickly stood up only to find that A'da the dwarf was furiously charging towards him armed with his heavy hammers.

A'da used his hammers as a springboard to launch himself into the air, then he raised both hammers and swung them downwards towards Lucius.

Lucius vision darkened, he quickly side stepped to avoid the attack, suddenly a beam of golden light surged from Lucius sword as he waved the sword and launched a powerful strike towards empty air in front of him.


At that instant the blood red spear emitting thick killing qi in the monkey Kings hands contacted the sword slash, as he already arrived before Lucius..

The saber elf also silently appeared behind him and attacked with both his red sabers.

*Whoosh whoosh whoosh*

Golden light and red lights collided as a earth shattering clash ensured.

Lucius body was already covered in blood and his wings were ruffled as did his best to dodge and parry the attacks from these powerhouses as their attacks grew faster and faster and came right after one another, the most annoying was the elf arrow who gracefully stood at the back and kept unleashing arrows after arrows.

"Enough!!!" Lucius roared as the golden Halo around his body kept rising as he began to consume the life force of his remaining angel army and his aura grew stronger.

"Triple layer Crescent moon devastation"

Lucius used his ultimate move once more but this time it was several times more powerful than before and aimed for A'da who was closer to him.

SWOOSH!, SWOOSH, SWOOSH, three streaks of light towards A'da's direction moving lightening fast!

Three crescent shaped dazzling light stuck at the A'da who quickly used both hammers to block,"crack" with a earth shattering explosion the terrifying light ripped through his axe splitting it in half and continued towards A'da, SMASH!!! he was rendered powerless and he rebounded far away, a deep cut appeared on his chest then his body turned into a wisp of smoke and entered the void.

Lucius next target was the elf arrow, he ignored defence and took desperate hits with his body as he broke through the splinter attacks of the saber elf and monkey king and he started moving at lightening fast speed transforming into a streak of light, he quickly arrived before her and before she could react he waved his iron sword and 'swooosh' he slit her throat.


Black blood splattered everywhere ,her glowing eys dimmed then body fell and she turned into a wisp if smoke.

Lucius didn't even take another look at her, still brimming with power he flapped his wings madly as he propelled himself towards the saber elf and monkey king that were furiously charging towards him.

"Bloodlight spear!!!" The monkey king body raised his red spear and it grew two times larger then he spun his red spear and a gush of terrifying offensive wind followed suit as he plunged the spear to Lucius chest!.

Lucius tried to evade but he found out he couldn't as he was frozen in place

his heart was had a sense of foreboding as he thought "that bastard human disappeared all this while and is finally making his move, this should be his skill: [Space cage!!] paralyzing my movements, I need to get out of this at all cost or I'll be end up dying here"

Lucius chest tightened as he did all he could to escape,he channeled all his power to absorb more lifeforce only to discover there was nothing left, turns out his army have been totally decimated, he felt powerless as the huge spear arrive at his chest and pierced his golden armor.

the saber elf arrived by his side and he fused his sabers together as he swung them at Lucius neck.

But at the final moments Lucius body had an outburst and he managed to gain control of his body and he narrowly evaded, then he stabbed the saber elf chest.

Right at that moment the dark silhouette appeared from the void behind Lucius stealthily ,he raised his golden white sword and with massive force behind his slash he decapitated Lucius head ending the powerful angel's life!.

Lucius last thought as his head flew was "why is he so strong!".

*thud thud*

the sound of Lucius head rolling of the floor echoed in the battlefield along with series of system notifications

system announcement : you have defeated guardian archangel Lucius 100000000 Babel xp gained

system notification : you have been awarded title Babel SUPREME PRIME

system announcement : you are the first person to clear the final level and have received the highest reward The Book of Babel and the Babel Holy water!

after that all humans every where received a notification three times

system announcement : Babel final level cleared!!


the dark silhouette face grew confused immediately as he saw the system notifications "where is it? where is my God damn wish, what fucking book of Babel, who gives a shit about some stupid life water , I just want my wish!!"

He weakly fell on the ground as he began to cry, at this moment he didn't look like the powerful warrior that just cleared the Tower of Babel 100th floor easily but like a child that lost everything

"Return!" after a while he stood up and calmly said and what's left of his army including the monkey king returned to his sea of soul ,the battle had be short but it had taken all his strength to win all his Babel energy has been completely consumed his physical body was tired and his heart more so.

he dejectedly dragged his heavy burdened body as he left the angel palace.

"huh?" right at this moment his face changed as he felt powerful auras fast approaching his location he immediately tried entering the void only to find out the space around him was solidified completely, someone must have use a void prison net.

"whoosh whoosh"

eight silhouettes appeared, five men and three women with powerful auras surrounded him and he felt over ten thousand primes of different class fast approaching.

his face changed when he saw this people this were the guild leaders of the top eight guilds on Earth and every one of them was a super prime, without his night army he was only a bit stronger than them in one on one combat but not by much ,he was a necromancer class prime after all .

He knew what was going on immediately, this people were apprehensive of his strength and growth and were here take advantage of his weakness and kill him and claim all he had including the 100th level clear rewards ,if he was in top shape he wouldn't have cared about this puny guild leaders cause he himself had night warriors as strong as them in his night army but he had just fought a battle, his health was low and didn't have time to replenish it and his Babel energy.

the eight guild leaders didn't say a word to him before they immediately attacked him from all sides

the dark silhouette was rendered powerless as he confronted them with his sword.

"Lexi Scot! congratulations on clearing the Babel tower final level ,we are all excited for you!" a tank class red haired guild leader mockingly said as he waved his broadsword at the dark silhouette head.

Lexi Scot didn't say anything he just raised his sword to meet the attack .


another brawny looking guide leader appeared behind him and smashed a big hammer that emitting thunder on Lexi Scot back.

*boom!!* a deafening booming noise was the hammer sent Lexi Scot flying and he crashed on the ground and formed a huge hole on impact.

Lexi Scot got out of the crater with great difficulty as blood trickled down his lips, his whole body was completely tattered now, not a part of his body remained intact and his whole body was covered with blood.

Lexi Scot stood there, his eyes were blazing fire as he stared at the eight guild leaders and their guild members that just arrived.

The red haired hair guild leader lips curled up as he stared in disdain at the now battered Lexi Scot as he coldly said "weren't you the strongest super prime? didn't you clear the tower last level? but now you will die in my ,Wu xie hands hahahaha, everyone!! attack!!!!".

*boooooom boom boom*

streams of dazzling light shot toward Lexi Scot as the earth trembled the sky darken as the combined attack of ten thousand primes where unleashed , it felt like this attacks wanted to impale heaven and Earth and that if a God was here he would have no choice but to die!!!!.

Lexi Scot felt so much pain in his heart at this point as he began to remember his childhood memories how much fun and joy he had growing up before his parent and his little sister died in car accident when he was a twelve year old child he felt so much pain at that time and cried for days until he heard a legend about the final level of the Tower of Babel that clearing it will grant him a wish since then he had been training hard and entered the tower at the age of fifteen and went up levels at a super fast pace until he finally did it but reality was different what he got was the book of Babel and life water and not his wish!!.

he felt so devastated and didn't care anymore about his impending doom he closed his eyes as the series of attacks stuck his body and he said with is dying breath "I wish I could have my family back!".

as his soul faded he heard familiar cold voice

system notification : wish recognized

system notification : wish granted!!!!