

Warning mature content ahead! She was used by the people she knew nothing about, her life wasn't hers to decide but others'. He was lost and on the verge of no return, his greed for revenge almost ruined him. Six years later........ She began to control her own life, filled with hatred and anger she was going to destroy every one of them. He found his light in a child, he knew nothing about. Because his star and his greed for revenge were consumed, all he wanted was a peaceful life. Happy reading!

Prettyfavy64 · Urban
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6 Chs

Naughty brat


Running down the stairs the sound of hurried heels sounded, click, click, click that was the sound that was made. Black heels with shiny diamond stones attached to them, shone brightly blinding the eyes of the servants running after her.

"Young miss, please stop running down the stairs. You are going to fall" A servant muttered in a loud voice running after the little princess on her heels, anxiety, and worry were evident in her facial features and voice.

"Hahahahaha, Mimi you can't catch up with me, can you? I won't fall theirs no need for you to worry, I won't fall" The little young miss teased in a happy voice, her lips were curled up and her eyes held visible signs of happiness.

Her plaited long back hair fluttered behind her as she ran, the tiny figurines hair bands shaking and making a rhythmic sound behind her. The blue dress she had on sparkled as she ran because of the glitter used to decorate it.

"But princess, if you run like this master will be angry. I don't want to get scolded by him, stop running already" Mimi the nanny and head maid assigned to the young miss mumbled, frowning her face.

The young miss snorted at Mimi before running deeper down the stairs, soon she arrived at the last step and with a proud smile she turned towards Mimi to brag about her achievement. "See I got down without a scratch on me, who's the liar now?" The young miss teased cocking her brows at the maid.

A smile cracked up on Mimi's face, she stopped chasing after the young miss and bowed her head when she noticed the man standing behind the princess.

A young-looking man stood behind Rina ( The young Miss ) with his hands crossed under his chest, a smile tugged on his lips. He stretched out his hands and picked up the little Rina in his hands, "Ah! Uncle put me down, why do you sneak up on me every time? Let go"

Rina complained swinging her legs to get out of the grip of her uncle, she knew her uncle was the only one who dares pick her up from the ground like that. He knew she didn't like it being picked up but he always did it over and over again.

"Little Rina, why do you always attack this poor uncle of yours? You are breaking my heart, do you want me to live with a hole in my heart forever?" The young man remarked putting up a pitiful expression as he turned the girl in his hands to face him.

He turned towards the living room moving with steady steps, "If I didn't know you have a heart made of rock, I would have felt sad uncle. Let go of me already, I want daddy not you" Rina started wriggling in his hands, as she stuck out her tongue to him.

"You don't behave like a child whenever I speak to you but whenever it involves your father? He isn't better than I am" Zaire mocked as soon as he stepped into the living room, he placed the troublesome girl on the ground before walking towards the couch to take a sit.

"That's because daddy is more gentlemanly than you are. He loves me more than you do treats me well and doesn't allow you to bully me" Oriana muttered before running toward the man sitting at the side of the room, Zaire rolled his eyes at her words.

"Daddy! Daddy!! Daddy!! What did you get for me?" Rina asked giggling as she skipped towards her father.

A pair of dark grey eyes lifted to stare at the little one, a smile curved on his pinkish lips. A bright expression was evident on his face, he stretched his arms forward to receive the little princess.

"Little pumpkin, you look beautiful. Daddy missed you" Zaxton whispered picking the little woman into his arms. "Daddy, where's my gift? I won't talk to you unless you give me a gift" Rina remarked her lips stretching from ear to ear.

"You see me after a long time and the first thing you ask for is a gift? Didn't you kiss your father?" Zaxton questioned faking a sad expression.

"Hmph! And why would I miss you? Are you not the one who gave me over to uncle bun? You had me stay with him for a long time.... and for that am angry with you. Hmph! Give me my gift else am leaving" Rina complained with a pout on her lips, her dark eyes watered.

"Little devil, such a liar. You made my life hell living with me Rina, don't accuse me" Zaire chirped from where he was sitting. Who didn't know the attitude of the princess of Zaxton? She was a deep pain in the ass.


"Your gift is in my room, hurry go and get it, my little princess. Don't pay heed to your uncle's words" Zaxton stated with a smile, he placed Rina down and patted her hair before she ran off happily.

"Thanks, Daddi" Rina muttered happily.

"Be careful on your way" Zaxton added before watching her disappear from his sight. His happy expression dipped and he turned his gaze to glare at Zaire

Sitting nonchalantly, Zaire crossed his legs over the other indicating his carefree attitude. "Don't glare at me like that else am afraid I will turn to dust soon"

"You dare maltreat my little princess? Do you wish to die?" Zaxton equally spoke nonchalantly, but the temperature in the room dipped going down to a -20 degree.

"You forgot am way older than you didn't you? Also, do you believe your little devil? She is capable of killing hundred of my men with just her mouth Zaxton, you should ask about the damages she caused instead" Zaire complained sitting upright

How could he forget how the princess almost used his men for a shooting range? She was a serial killer, not a princess pike every thought.

"She's my daughter, she can do what she likes. As long as she is satisfied and pleased with it" Zaxton mumbled with a proud face.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!

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