

The land of grass.

 The moon is bright in the dark night.

The moonlight fell and reflected on the ground, revealing a dark cave entrance, and bursts of dull explosions came from the cave.


 The mountain wall suddenly cracked!

Countless gravels are flying, and the whole mountain is crumbling!

  A long-haired man flew out of the rubble, his eyes fixed on the mountain wall that was about to break, and his hands quickly formed ninjutsu mudras.

 "Psychic art!"

 The smoke of spiritism fills the air.

 A giant brown python was summoned by a psychic.

Before the giant python could react, a vigorous young man suddenly jumped out from the mountain wall and punched the giant python on the head!

 This punch is powerful!

Within a few seconds of being summoned, this giant python was hit in the head by a sudden fist. The severe injury caused it to disappear into smoke.

 However, in this little time...

 Enough for the summoner to land in a safe location.

The long-haired man stood on the ground, not caring about the life or death of the psychic beast at all. He just looked up at the glowing figure, stretched out his tongue and licked his lips.

 "The greatest work…is born…"

The long-haired man's eyes were full of salivation, as if looking at the world's most precious treasure through the diffuse smoke: "This amazing chakra..."

 This is the first time ever…

An experimental product that is perfectly compatible with inter-column cells!

 The smoke slowly dissipated.

 A shirtless black-haired boy fell to the ground.

This young man is very good-looking. Perhaps most people can't help but feel good about him the moment they see him. But the aura blooming on the young man's body makes people dare not ignore him.

 That is…

What a huge amount of chakra!

 There are not many ninjas in the entire ninja world who can do this!

The young man looked at the long-haired man in front of him and tilted his head curiously. His clear eyes were as innocent as a newborn baby.

 "Who are you?"

 The young man asked in a somewhat innocent voice.

The long-haired man is evilly handsome, his eyes are like the vertical pupils of a snake, and he has an annoying cold snake aura about him.

 There is only one person in the entire ninja world, Orochimaru, one of the three ninjas of Konoha!


Orochimaru frowned when he heard the young man's question, and said in a hoarse voice: "It seems that the experiment is still a bit dangerous. Is there something wrong with the brain cells?"


The young man tilted his head, and the intimidating aura on his body slowly disappeared.

 "Akihara Kagura."

 Orochimaru called the boy's name.

However, this name seemed to suddenly arouse the boy's vigilance!

The ground under the boy's feet suddenly cracked, and with the help of the instant acceleration when he stepped on the ground, he stretched out his palm towards Orochimaru's head!

 A wooden thorn came out of the young man's palm!

 The young man's sneak attack was too sudden!

  In a matter of cents!

The wooden thorn is about to pierce Orochimaru's head!

Orochimaru hurriedly raised his fingers, and black curse marks quickly appeared on the boy's body, immobilizing the boy's body without moving!

 The Seal of the Curse!

 Through the curse seal buried in the target's body in advance, it is activated at the critical moment, causing the target's body to emerge with a curse seal spell that binds the action!

  In order to avoid possible accidents, Orochimaru placed a cursed seal in the boy's body in advance, but he still felt that the scene that just happened was a bit sinister...   

Now, Orochimaru has controlled the boy's actions, and his mood finally calms down, and the evil smile hangs on his face again.

 "It looks like it's still ok…"


 next moment!

 The chakra in the boy's body is surging again!

The chakra riot alone caused a frightening sense of oppression!

 The spells were slowly melting under the powerful chakra impact, and the cursed seal on the young man was slowly disintegrating and disappearing...

 Orochimaru's body retreated violently!

The young man relied on the burst of chakra to lift the curse mark on his body. He glanced at the distance between Orochimaru and himself, and the confusion in his eyes began to slowly dissipate.

 "Lord Orochimaru?"

The young man seemed to have regained consciousness, with an uneasy and apologetic look on his face: "I'm sorry, Orochimaru-sama, my body just went out of control and I couldn't control my actions. Fortunately, you used the cursed seal to help me control my body..."

 "it `s just normal."

Orochimaru felt that the boy had returned to normal. He nodded slowly, and the smile returned to his face. He explained: "Many Hashirama cell transplant experiments will have this kind of sequelae. At least you survived...how do you feel? ?"

 "Better than ever."

The young man spread out his arms and felt the power in his fists: "The physical strength is very strong, the chakra is very abundant, and the perception ability has also been greatly improved..."


 "The blood inheritance limit is a bit strange..."

The young man stretched out his palm, and a wooden thorn came out of his palm: "This power is very powerful, and you don't even need to do anything to exert it..."

 "This is just a power that is insignificant within the limits of blood inheritance."

Orochimaru looked at the wooden thorn in the young man's palm, and the smile on his face became stronger: "I will let you learn a more powerful wood escape ninjutsu."

 "Do you still want to study?"

The young man felt a little aggrieved and whispered: "Lord Orochimaru... I thought that after the experiment was successful, you would use the Fuzo Reincarnation and use my body as a new container."

 "not the right time yet."

  Orochimaru's expression was somewhat meaningful.

The immortal reincarnation is a technique of immortality created by Orochimaru himself.

Through spiritual transfer, one can seize the body of others and occupy the body of others, thereby achieving immortality and even gaining additional power and knowledge from other people's bodies.

Orochimaru has been reincarnated twice. The first time was purely for experimentation, and he chose a body that fit him well.

 The second reincarnation was because the woman's body he was currently using fit perfectly with his soul and was able to fully exert his power.

According to Orochimaru's calculations, this woman's body can still be used for a few years. It would be too wasteful to throw it away.

It's hard to find a body that fits you well.

 The most important thing is that the reincarnation of a dead body requires at least three years, and it has not been long since Orochimaru replaced this woman's body.

Orochimaru also hopes that the boy in front of him will learn more ninjutsu, so that when he invades the boy's body in the future, Orochimaru can gain additional knowledge.

Orochimaru prefers finished products to semi-finished products.

As for whether the boy in front of him will betray him when he becomes stronger, Orochimaru is not worried about this problem, because he has watched the boy grow up.

 This little guy is called Akihara Kagura and he is an orphan.

  Orochimaru knows these children abandoned by the world very well.

As long as you give them a little warmth, they will fly towards you like moths. Even if you throw them into the fire, they will not choose to leave.

 Senior Akihara Kagura, in theory, this should be the case.

 The reality is quite outrageous, with Akihara Kagura being an exception. The system's beep sounded in the boy's mind, reminding him of the fact that he was a time traveler.

  [System Prompt]:[Assist your boss Orochimaru in conducting a human experiment]The task has been completed and you will receive the reward genetic modification technology.