
The summoning

Ken looked at his surroundings, he was in a luxurious room big enough for a two football teams. He looked around and saw 12 people in purple robes standing around him in an organized manner. Three people were sitting in oversized chairs in the very back. He also spotted four more teenagers wearing familiar clothing... Kinda similar to earth-style clothing. He finally realized exactly what was going on when he looked down and saw the same rune patterned circle he saw before he appeared here.

'So I was reincarnated and now I'm summoned'. Ken looked around ferociously, although he already had an idea about what would happen in this cliche situation he still wanted to stay vigilant because he knew he could trust no one.

Then one of the people in the far back in one of the thrones spoke "Greetings mighty heroes, I would like to welcome you to the Kingdom of Altia my name is Donavan Von De Clare. I know you may be confused because you were suddenly transported here but I will explain everything.

About thirty minutes later, the king had explained everything to the four.

'And of course, it was the cliche 'We need your help to stop the demon lord from destroying the world' story'. Ken still hadn't said anything he honestly didn't care much about these people. If worst came to be, he'd just kill everyone here and be done with it. He wasn't mad about being summoned because he didn't have any attachment to the previous world he came from.

"We understand the people of this world need help with the demons and I for one am more than happy to lend a hand," said one of the teens in the summoned group. He had red spikey hair with a handsome face.

"W-wait Chris but we're just high schoolers. How would we even fight against demons?!" said another of the group, he was a bit shorter than Chris and had black hair that laid down, he had more of a cute boyish look.

"What do you mean? it's the right thing to do. I'd we don't help then this world will get destroyed-"

"No, Leo has a point we never even learned how to fight, besides what do we even get out of helping them? This world is not our problem." said one of the girls in the group, she had black straight hair with purple clear eyes.

"A-Auria don't say things like that out loud... They might hear you.." said the last member of the group. She had curly blond hair with blue eyes.

While their group was arguing Ken just stood there holding both of his sheathed katanas on his waist. His messy hair like always was over his face. He didn't say anything, instead, he was looking around for an exit. He found the only exit but it was guarded by 15 knights in silver armor. Ken glanced at them then looked towards the king's area only to make eye contact with a silver-haired girl. She stared at him with obvious curiosity.


{Princess Evelyn POV}

After the summoning was completed five people appeared. Four of them looked to be about my age but I couldn't really see the fifth's face due to his hair covering his face. But based on his height he should probably be around my age as well maybe? He even had odd-looking swords, two being on each side of his waist and another on his back. Compared to the others he also seemed to be poor in his last world, his clothes were basically rags and bandages.

Soon my father updated them on the current state of the situation and they were all nervous and worried, well except the boy in the all-black clothing and messy hair, he seemed rather calm. It almost made me think he experienced this before.

Then one of the summoned bent down on one knee towards my father but was oddly enough staring in my direction. "We understand the people of this world need help with the demons and I for one am more than happy to lend a hand!"

'Well I guess that's one down. But we need all of their help for the problems ahead...'

Then they started to all argue about what they wanted to do, the girl with black hair and purple eyes, Auria, she seems like she will be hard to persuade... but what caught my attention again was the tall boy again. He was looking towards the exit where the guards were and was holding his swords which made me a bit nervous but then looked directly towards me. Under his jet black hair, I got to see his eyes which were the most frightening thing about him, his black eyes were like the void... It had no light or glint in it at all. Those dull eyes stared at me like they would suck me along with all existence into them.

I urgently looked towards my father "Um father... I don't feel so well. Can I be excused?"

My father and mother looked at me with a worried expression "Oh Evelyn did something happen?"

"Um no I just forgot I have something important to do"

"O-okay, very well. You are free to go"

I quickly walked towards the exit. Before I walked out I looked back towards the boy who looked at me with an uninterested expression then turned around and left.


{Ken POV}

'The princess of this kingdom is weird. She left in the middle of something that was supposed to determine her kingdom's fate with the excuse of something important to do. What could be more important than this? Well... Not that I care'

Ken looked back towards the king and queen who were still shocked.

"A-ahem well heroes, will you help us?"

The group of high schoolers looked at each other then back at the king and nodded.

Although Auria was a bit annoyed she agreed to help only because they couldn't go back home unless the demon king was exterminated.

The King smiled proudly, he and the queen stood up from their thrones and declared openly "We'll then, Heroes I welcome you once more to the land of Altia-"

But the king was cut off by a low voice of a boy almost like a whisper...

"Who decided that I would protect all you?"

Everyone looked towards the boy in all black. The guards glared at him, and the king was taken aback.

The group of high schoolers was surprised the most because they didn't even sense his presence this whole time, it was like he had just appeared at this moment which made the group all flinch at the same time.

The King then asked with a forced smile "Parden me... ?"

The same whisper like low voice was heard "I never said that I would protect this kingdom"