
Chapter 3

The next day, we decided to head over to meet the King. We wanted to discuss the situation and figure out how we would defeat Azazel.

"Would you mind giving us some information about Azazel, your majesty?" I asked politely.

"Certainly not, you snot-nosed brat, you shall not learn the secrets of the Devils, or you shall fall to its temptations." He said. What the hell?! How am I going to fall for its temptations after just knowing about it?! This man is hiding something.

"Your majesty, I believe it is necessary to inform them about Azazel since they will be helping us in the future." Gramps insisted.

"Fine, whatever, but just know that I'm doing this because Elder Arthur insists. It's not like I care if these brats get tempted by the Devil's power." He exclaimed. Seriously, what is wrong with this guy?!

"So, where should I start… Oh yes, let's begin with the Gods and the Devils. Gods are Transcendent beings who took the human path and crossed over to the Transcendent Realms and became a symbol of hope and strength. At the same time, Devils are Transcendent beings who took the demonic path and crossed over to the Transcendent Realms and became the symbol of Hatred and Evil. There are twelve main gods, while there are nine main Devils. Azazel is the lowest-ranking devil in the Transcendent Realms and is not respected by his peers. Even though he is not that strong in the Transcendent Realms, he is still a formidable opponent in the Human Realm." Gramps explained.

"May we know the names of the main gods and devils?" Mr. Andino asked. I didn't think he had recovered from the trauma of being transported yet, but he was as good as new in just a day.

"Why not? The main Gods are Zeus, Poseidon, Demeter, Hestia, Ares, Hephaestus, Artemis, Aphrodite, Athena, Apollo, Hermes, and Hera, but there are various other minor gods in the Transcendent Realm." Gramps explained once again.

"Isn't that the Olympian Council? I've heard of them from the Percy Jackson books. They're my favorite." Zoe announced.

"Silence, you impudent fool!! Arthur, who is this Percy Jackson, and where is he from?" The King thundered.

"He is from the other world, your majesty. The books about him are quite popular indeed." Gramps explained once again. Why is he so good at explaining things?

"Anyway, the main Devils are Hades, Berith, Barbatos, Azazel, Lucifer, Zartai, Anubis, Set, Osiris." He said.

"Why are all the gods from Greek Mythology while the devils are from different ones?" I asked.

"Well, I don't know what mythologies you guys have, but these gods and devils were just regular humans before they gained power and became immortal." He explained.

"I get it now, but what does that have to do with the devil tempting us?" I asked.

"Every devil and god receives their own unique ability after ascending to a Transcendent. Azazel can tempt anyone he encounters into submitting to him unless that person has strong willpower." He explained.

"Hmm, I understand now, but how can we assist in the defeat of Azazel?" I asked. "We're even weaker than normal humans around here."

"You're right about that, but I have noticed that you six have a lot of potential. You could even surpass this old man someday if you genuinely want to." He explained. "For now, let's go and test your magic attributes. Then we will decide if you are fit to be a mage or a knight."

Gramps led us to a room below the Royal palace, it was covered in dirt, and there were even some spider webs. Gramps used a water spell to clean the room, and then he summoned six crystals. I believe they were called attribute crystals, which help the others determine their magical attributes.

"First, let me explain what magic is… Magic is a way to harness your inner-mana and help you become strong with it. The magic attributes you get are the magic types you can use. Everyone in this whole world has around 1-4 magic types. If you get one magic type, you most likely become a knight. If you get 4, you become a mage. It is rare to get 2 or 3, but it is certainly possible. We would call that bad luck because people with 2-3 attributes usually don't become knights OR mages since they would not be proficient in any. There are four basic attributes: fire, water, earth, and wind. The 3 Compound Attributes are Ice, Nature, and Beast, which are rare. The Primordial attributes are light and dark. They can be achieved through intense training from a master in magic." Gramps explained once again. "Let's start with Mr. Andino over here. Put your hand on the crystal and concentrate, please."

"Yes." Mr. Andino quickly replied. As he placed his hand on the crystal, it began to change color, and before we knew it, it turned red.

"Hmm, you got one attribute, and that's fire. That's a pretty good attribute to have for a knight. Consider yourself lucky!" Gramps said. After that, Lucas, Jonas, Zoe, and Emilia tried their luck. Lucas got Beast. Jonas got water, nature, fire, and wind. Zoe got wind, water, fire, and earth. Lastly, Emilia got Ice. Finally, it was my turn.