

How will the person, who was once known as the strongest under the heavens, fare with the Naruto world. Watch as he goes from the strongest to the weakest but back to the strongest.. But a bit differently this time.. - Story will loosely follow canon Slight AU

Spabsta · Anime & Comics
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How to proceed

It was finally time for Atlas to be born and as he had previously planned, he was indeed the first one to be born. As for the birth itself though..

'This was probably one of the most disgusting things I ever went through in my life. Seeing people give birth is something I had obviously experienced multiple times, if you are wondering how well.. I stalked pregnant ladies, cough moving on.. actually being the child during the birth is like a whole another level of disgusting. Although I can hardly see with these trash newborn eyes it seems like my little sister is also born successfully.

Hmm? What is happening? Someone is not handling me gently. Careful lowborn I am the heavenly baby. Mm, it seems people are also screaming? Sheesh with my ears I cam hardly hear anything. Oiiiii who's throwing me all over the place dammit. What did I do to you, I am just your average baby, there shouldn't be any grudges on me.. yet.

Ohh~ somebody finally caught me and it was nice and softly, not a rough landing at all. Oh? I can see some black hair and a person with red eyes with some weird ass patterns in them, I can only assume this is my father.. its rather blurry though. Nice one father! Oh and he just teleported me somewhere.. nice.

- -

Ok, what the hell is going on? Although things seemed to have calmed down for now. From what I can tell I am with my Mother and little sister, did my father kill the baddies? I got no clue. What a sin to be a baby ahh. oya? My father is back.. but he seems basically dead. How odd.. Hmmm why is he looking at me like that, heyyy I know I am handsome but don't keep staring!

Hmph seems I scared him away and he went towards my little sister to give her a gentle kiss on the forehead. Then went to my mother and they were talking to each other.

My mother seems startled but then got dressed into what I assume to be battle gear and did the same thing father did and said some stuff along the lines of "I hope you grow to be strong my little Atlas" and then left.

Ok, now I am just left alone with my little sister. Did I just get abandoned? gotta be joking.. good parents I have I will admit huh. Just kidding..

It seems I will have to take care of my little sister then huh? Well easier said then dine since I in all my thousands of years of life never taken in anybody, not even a disciple. Before you ask I obviously was asked a ton, but why would I want a disciple? I like freedom and taking in some random squirt is a waste of time.

But if its for my new precious little sister I will do anything and everything I csn do so she grows up and becomes strong. I will kill whoever dares to have any thoughts towards her.

With that massive amounts of killing intent suddenly enveloped the village scaring the daylight out of the already scared ninjas.

Its already been a few hours since e and my little sister was left alone, I'm starting to get hungry Im not gonna lie. I can only assume she feels the same by the way she keep whining.

Sigh~ lets hope somebody stops by and takes us os we can get food or else were gonna starve too death.

Well ill just try and sleep.

Mm? It seems I'm being carried somewhere and I can also tell my sister is being carried as well.

The people carrying us have masks and armor on, they seem to be taking us to an orphanage.

From what I can tell since there is a bunch of kids and nobody watching over them.

It seems the strongest under the heavens will become an orphan in this life.. how interesting.