

Search the title to get the original novel with additional chapters. Damien was just your average perverted young man, who just doesn't even have time to tame his little dragon. He dreamt about becoming a small-time villain in the novel called 'Blood & Throne,' where the villain named Damien Von Zadkiel, was just a useless and perverted son of a powerful duke. He got away with pretty much everything; he slept with the most beautiful of beautiful ladies. Hell, he even slept with Queens and other important ladies from the noble households. He enjoyed life until he triggered the 'War of the four Kingdoms,' when he slept with the Winter Queen on her marriage bed. The Winter King who came back after defeating the ice demon found them snuggled under his bed. This triggered the tension between the kingdoms to break out ultimately resulting in the war. But before he could even watch his own doings, our villain got killed by the so-called protagonist for enslaving his girl. But even his death was worth it as he got to enjoy everything fine in his life. Fine ladies, fine food, money, and everything you could dream of. The office Damien wanted a life like that, where he could just leisurely enjoy everything. Fate had other plans for Damien, as he suddenly died of a heart attack while taming his roaring dragon and finds himself in the body of his very own idol. Cover art by Jeri_

Eternal_Ruler_ · Fantasy
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17 Chs

The storm and the young master!

"Just a little more, young master. Our humble lady will take care of your wound. " The same bulky man who kneeled before Maelys, the storm, urged the timid and weak-looking boy to walk faster.

By the overall look of the timid boy, anyone can discern he was a dirty and poor malnutritioned slum boy. But if anyone were to carefully look at his dress, the noble attire, they can discern the boy was either a noble who was a foot from death or a thief, who stole a noble attire.

More than four people were escorting the young man, but none of them dared to lay hands on him. Apart from the blood-stained wrist and the muddy dress, the boy was okay.

The weak and feeble body was not because of starvation or torture, it was that he was born like that.

Though he had a terror-struck face on the outside, he was laughing maniacally from the inside.

'Fools! Fell for the obvious ones.'

It was all his plan.

He understood he was not going to break out of the rope with his strength, so he used his brains. It was a gamble but it paid off.

Since he was sure his location is near Maelys's fort he could pull it off.

The trick is simple. He howled like a deer entrapped in a net, attracting the predators in the vicinity.

Then just be carried away by them.

This can only be pulled off if you're a person of extreme value and you've got a clear head about how everything was going to be played out.

When the bulky man and his shenanigans came, young master Damien wailed for help.

"Help me out of this! A damn fool kidnapped me and bounded me here before taking off!" He had wailed. "I'm Damien Von Zadkiel and just name your price, and it will be yours."

The four thieves had triumphant looks on their faces. They heartily helped him and offered to tend to his wounds which he graciously accepted.

"Who is your lady to hold this massive castle? I've never seen anything like this ever nor heard anything about it either." The foolish young master spoke like he was talking to his subordinates.

Though the bulky man hated it and had the urge to squish his little pretty head like a melon, he complied like how a servant does.

"My lady is very kind and gentle. She has helped the people more than the kings and the queens of kingdoms yet she doesn't want to be known. So, as per wishes, the fort and the people in it are hidden while the help remains the same." The bulky man had an expression of respect in him.

"Oh, such a benign lady? How can I not meet her at all? Let us speed up a little bit."

Seeing the enthusiastic and gentle smile on the young master's face, the bulky man and the other three thieves were dancing happily.

Though the smile of the young master was kind, there was something else also there. Some kind of thirst or something. The bulky man wasn't able to grasp on it but he decided to leave at it as this weak and fragile body cannot do any shit without breaking all the bones in it.


Calen, like a shadow in the night, took out the guards one by one. Without anyone noticing this phenomenon.

"Where is my sister!?" His eyes glowed an eerie blue with the coldness of murder in them.

"Wh-who? What si-sister?" The guard on the other hand had no idea who this person was.

"Don't play dumb. The prisoners you captured from the broken bridge. Where are they?" He increased the strength of his hands as it was gripping on the neck of the guard.

"Khhh!!~ I'll ne-never betray my master. You can eat dust." The guard smiled as blood leaked out his mouth and the lights on his eyes extinguished.

"Rainbow fuckers!!" He cursed out loud and captured another guard and he was also the same.

Everyone he questions wouldn't answer anything at all. It's like they don't care about their lives at all.

He perched on the ledge and scanned the fort.

More than a thousand rooms with multiple purposes. Everything in it feels like something from a storybook.

'Magic is truly amazing.' Calen smiled and stealthily jumped from the ledge. From the height he jumped, any normal person would've died but he didn't. His speed slowed as the lower he descended.

He was searching for his sister and friends. He don't want to waste any time fighting these many people though he knew he would win against them but that doesn't mean no harm would be done to his sister in the meantime.

He decided to play it safe and stealthily move from room to room without anyone noticing and using his stealth ability to the maximum.


Meanwhile, in a different room at the same fort, the young master was sipping coffee from his cup.

His movements were very delicate and gracious just like a high noble. Though the office Damien was only transmigrated a day ago, he has already mastered the art of gracious drinking thanks to his coffee addiction back from Earth.

Even though his appearance was a bit over the moon, he very much had an aura of an arrogant young master, something he always wanted.

It was just a façade, the confident and nonchalant mask he was wearing was just an illusion as he was completely using his willpower so as to not succumb to the intoxicating and surreal beauty sitting in front of him.

It was hard, even with all his might. Her blue eyes were scrutinizing him as he sips his coffee.

"So, young master Damien, welcome to my simple abode." Maelys, the storm flashed him a most seductive yet most ethereal smile while crossing her legs in the most sexiest way.

'Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!' All he can do is curse and act without breaking his concentration.

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