

Search the title to get the original novel with additional chapters. Damien was just your average perverted young man, who just doesn't even have time to tame his little dragon. He dreamt about becoming a small-time villain in the novel called 'Blood & Throne,' where the villain named Damien Von Zadkiel, was just a useless and perverted son of a powerful duke. He got away with pretty much everything; he slept with the most beautiful of beautiful ladies. Hell, he even slept with Queens and other important ladies from the noble households. He enjoyed life until he triggered the 'War of the four Kingdoms,' when he slept with the Winter Queen on her marriage bed. The Winter King who came back after defeating the ice demon found them snuggled under his bed. This triggered the tension between the kingdoms to break out ultimately resulting in the war. But before he could even watch his own doings, our villain got killed by the so-called protagonist for enslaving his girl. But even his death was worth it as he got to enjoy everything fine in his life. Fine ladies, fine food, money, and everything you could dream of. The office Damien wanted a life like that, where he could just leisurely enjoy everything. Fate had other plans for Damien, as he suddenly died of a heart attack while taming his roaring dragon and finds himself in the body of his very own idol. Cover art by Jeri_

Eternal_Ruler_ · Fantasy
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17 Chs

Lily, the maid(2)

"Ah...no. I wouldn't be participating in the celebration!"


"Well, that's new. Why wouldn't you want to participate?" Though the duke was surprised at the sudden statement he decided to hear him out. After all, Damien never misses an opportunity to court a lady and the celebration will gather many noble ladies across the kingdom. It is rumored that even the Spring King and Queen will also be visiting there.

"As you know father, I'm sickly and it has hindered me useless when it comes to battles. I'm sure you've brought every healer across the four kingdoms to heal me but they were all to no avail." He solemnly looked at his father with teary eyes and the true demeanor of a sickly boy.

"You know what that means, father? It means I'll be dead before anyone can predict!"

"Damien! I've told you several times not to harbor those feelings. As I said, I'll bring more healers to this estate, even if it is a demon, to cure you. So stop spouting nonsense and enjoy your life to your full." Duke Zadkiel crossed his arms and looked straight at his son.

The duke was not old, even though he was in his forties, he looks way younger than that.

His white hair was neatly combed. His red eyes, which in his 5 children, only Damien inherited. The others inherited their mother's purple eyes.

Duke Zadkiel held every child of his, regardless of their character and power, close to his heart.

'Yep! I know you would do that, which will ultimately lead to your death.'

"I know, father. I know. But I've already danced. I've already flirted. I've done what every noble son has done. There is no etiquette that I don't know and there are no hidden meanings I can't decipher. I've done all that and I'm sick of it.


I need a break, father. A much-needed one." He looked at his father straight into his eyes.

"…What are you suggesting?" Seeing his sickly appearance, the duke fell flat. After all, which dad wants to watch his son dying because of some fucking illness.

"You know about the temple at the 'Merry Mountains,' right? That temple holds a yearly ceremony worshipping their god. Though I'm not a god person, I've heard things. I think that place can give me some semblance, some peace of mind." He shrugged. "I just really want to visit that place, father."

The duke had a thoughtful look on his face. Just like his son, he is also not a god person but he does donate and do some charity work since this temple was on the exact border of all the duchies in the Spring Kingdom.

After all, he can't just fall behind the other duchies due to some coins.


"The Merrywood is a long way from home. The mountains are really hard to climb with your body. Are you sure you want to do this?"

"Yes, father! Very much!"

"I see. But you won't be going alone. I'll have your companions ready."

'Figured. I just need to watch out for the companions he is sending. Since this was not an event that happened in the novel, changes to the stories will surely occur. Not to mention, the medicine he was going to find was never founded by the original Damien and was founded by the protagonist in order to heal the Autumn King after he fell to an incurable disease.'

"Very well. As you wish, father! If there is nothing else then I'll be taking my leave." He bowed to his father and left the room.

No Lily was to be found. Though he was a bit disappointed, he decided to hold off his desire until he was cured. That is if he can hold it together.

He decided to take the long-due shower.


His room opened as he twisted the key.

It was, fortunately, not a mess.

The room was large and decorated moderately. Not too much nor too less. He liked it.

He doesn't like rooms that are too decorated.

There was a king-size bed in the center of the room, adorned with curtains and a canopy.

It was a big enough bed to accompany four or five people at the same time.

He~ He~ He~ He flashed a perverse smile when he thought about the future dances he was going to do on this bed when all of his family was away.

Other than the bed, there was a table and chair, with pens and other necessary items inside it. There was a dark wardrobe with a large mirror and a large bookshelf, brimming with books.

Old Damien did read books when he had time off from all the whoring and the petty things he was doing around.

He locked his door and stripped off his clothes before entering the bathroom.

It was also very large compared to the normal or even luxury bathrooms he saw on TV.

He took his sweet time in the bathtub.

He put on a bathrobe and left the bathroom.

He took a good look at his own reflection in the mirror.

20 years. That seemed like the age of the guy reflected in the mirror.

His face was long and with a chiseled jaw. His cheeks were a little hollow. His red blood eyes have lost their vigor, it now looks like dead and rotten meat.

He had dark circles under his eyes, from lack of sleep.

He was very thin and long.

He had a perfect set of teeth, like crystals shining on the night.

His shoulder-length white hair was smooth and silky. Something the illness hasn't devoured.

Overall, the guy looks very handsome, except for his health and extremely pale complexation, which made him look like a vampire.

If he were to cure the illness then he was sure, he could freely court any girl he want.

Shag them and go out to buy milk.


His empty stomach signaled him again.

He decided to call for the meal. He opened the door to call a maid or butler and surprisingly find Lily in front with a cart of food.

"I-I thought you'd be hungry, young ma-master." She shyly said. Her cheeks had a tinge of rose in them.

'Holy mother of snuggling God!'

"Of course, you know me, Lily. I really am very hungry!"

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