

KimBarbie · Urban
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20 Chs

Vampire Rogue

Ariene jolted up from the bed,she looked around her room and stood up,walking towards the window she opened the curtains and it was still in the early hours of the morning. She sighed and went back to bed,she tried going back to sleep but remembering the dream she had,it was difficult to go back to sleep.

"What kind of dream was that?" she asked herself as she stared at the ceiling. " Master should not be in my dreams but why? and i saw blood around him,his own blood! what could that dream mean? or is he in some kind of trouble? I just don't know,and i am in no position to talk to him...hmmmm! hope my dreams won't become real." She stood up again and walked out of the room,everywhere was totally dark and it gave her a creepy sensation,she needed to go to the kitchen to get something to eat as she was hungry but she wasn't seeing much,so it made her walk slowly while placing her hands on the wall....as she walked she felt a figure move behind her and she abruptly stopped on her tracks,she used her hands and began to feel the space around until her hand landed on a bare chest,she furrowed her brows but didn't stop as she moved her hands all over the chest feeling every part of it! The curiosity was too much for her that made her not to be afraid but rather it made her want to know what she was touching,she began to move her hands up until it got to the face,and that was when she stopped! she felt a sharp sting on the tip of her finger,and it was in the direction of the mouth,she felt her hand and there was already blood in her hand,it was coming out from where she was bitten.

"Ahhhhhh!" Ariene screamed and began to back away,but she felt the figure was approaching her step by step! not knowing what to do,she began to run in an unknown direction,everywhere was dark and she didn't know where she was actually heading to but all that mattered to her was to escape from whatever thing that was following her. "Curiosity kills the rat!" She heard the figure say as she ran,she kept running until she bumped into something,she didn't dare look as her hands felt the same figure again.

"Ahhhh!" she screamed again and fell on the ground,the figure bent down to her level and she backed away in fright,she kept moving backwards with her heart beating at an insane pace! the figure was about to touch her when a light was flashed and it disappeared immediately without any trace,Ariene fell to the ground,fainted!

The person who showed the light was the old lady,she frowned deeply the moment the figure disappeared, and rushed to check on the fainted girl,she touched her pulse and it was not steady. The old lady sighed and carried her up to the room where she placed her on the bed and left,later she returned with a bowl of warm water and towel,she took the seat close to the bed and began to wipe her head,after a while her breathing became regular and her temperature normal.

"What a weak human you are child,will you be able to survive here?? i do not know why Master would bring someone like you here...but whatever it is, i have no say! but will do my best and protect you because right now you are like a child to me...." The old kept talking to herself until her eyes fell on Ariene's hand,she took the hand and scrutinised it.

"A vampire bite!" She said inwardly and frowned,she stood up immediately and disappeared,she reappeared at the corridor and bent down,she saw the tracks of blood and she smelt it,it belonged to Ariene! Without wasting a second,she disappeared.


"Master! I smelt a vampire rogue in the house!" The old lady said to Dashiell who was sitting on his office chair.


"How come?" Dashiell roared as he hit his fist on the table,"How dare he appear in my house?"

"Master i suspect Christopher to be behind it! He is the leader of the rogues so he should know something about it" She said.

"Oh! I see....Seems he has gotten enough guts since these past years,does he want to start a fight with me?! if it's that then i will be glad to help him,after all it's been long i killed." Dashiell said grinning malevolently.

"Master there is one more thing!" The old lady said while shuddering slightly.

"And what could that be?" Dashiell asked as he glared at her.

"The girl you brought was attacked by the rogue! he bit on her finger....right now she's asleep."

"So? what do you expect me to do?? I do not have any business with a mere servant! Treat her or simply let her die,that isn't my concern". Dashiell said coldly and continued what he was doing. The old lady sighed mentally! this is just who her master is!,a less concerned and heartless vampire who doesn't bother to give a shit about someone else,nothing matters to him as long as he isn't affected. She sighed and and disappeared.


"Ouch! My head hurts!" Ariene said as she woke up,she looked around and she was surprised to be in her room. " I was at the corridor and la .....ahhhhh! what was that thing?,it had sharp teeth like fangs! It bit on my finger! but how did i get here,i saw light flashed and it disappeared? are such things real? I thought it was only in book?" many thoughts kept flooding her mind that she didn't know when the old lady came into the room.

"Child...you are awake! How do you feel? any pains from your head?" The old lady asked as she approached Ariene.

"No mam! i just feel a little dizzy! Mam i saw something,it was dark so i could not see it face but it had sharp fangs,it wanted to get me but then i saw light flash and it completely disappeared,then i fainted... did you bring me here?" Ariene asked staring at the old lady.

"Yes my child! i heard you scream so i came out! sorry for what happened to you okay? As for your bitten finger,I'll get something you need,so it won't cause a problem to you" The old lady said and Ariene smiled and nodded. When the old lady left,she sighed and looked at her finger and sighed again,she could not figure out the thing she saw,but one thing was certain to her and it was the fact that it was not a good thing. "Hope this isn't related to my dreams?" she said to herself! "No i don't think so!" She sighed again and came down from the bed,she changed into her working clothes and left the room.

After cleaning some parts of the house,she tiredly slumped on the floor of the courtyard and laid there with her head facing up.

"How am i supposed to be cleaning the entire house everyday? i am not done yet but i am already this exhausted! And the house looks so dirty like it hasn't been cleaned for years! Ahhh! i might as well die from exhaustion! it would be good if we were at least two but....." Ariene grumbled to herself as she did not know what else to say. She laid on the ground until her thoughts wandered to her father, "Father....what are you doing right now? hmm! you not searching for me? i heard you have a new family...is that why you totally forgot me and even sold me to your enemy! Do you already hate me this much? Or was i stopping you from doing all you are doing right now,tell me please! I am in this predicament because of you!?" Ariene said as tears streamed down her face.

"Riene! You are crying??" The old lady said as she walked to her,she sat beside her and tapped her,but Riene was lost in thought and didn't hear what the lady was saying.

"Riene! Riene!!" the old lady said again until Ariene jolted up and wiped her tears immediately.

"Mam...di.....did you ca...call me?" Ariene asked trying to not make her cry obvious. The old lady smiled and held her hands.

"My child...you don't have to pretend before me! Yes you don't have to! Tell me what makes you cry,tell them to me" She urged as she held Ariene's hand in hers.

"Mam its my father....I gave myself to the man that kidnapped him in exchange for his freedom without his knowledge,but at the end he sold me to them because to him i was a shame! and a disgrace....he said someone like me can not still be his daughter!" Ariene said as she tries to fight the tears that were about to pour out from her eyes. The old lady after hearing what she said became angry.

"What Father would do such??? how could he give up his daughter who sacrificed for him?" She asked herself as she frowned deeply, she sighed and Patted the girl on her head "Its okay Riene! I'll be here for you okay? do not let your Father's thought bother you again,do you understand me?" she asked and Ariene smiled and nodded her head.

another chapter!! cheer me up! Thanks!

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