

KimBarbie · Urban
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20 Chs


After a month that Ariene got disowned by her Father she was told that he had gotten married to another woman. The news broke her down and she was confined in bed for three weeks, in that three weeks of confinement,she wasn't allowed to rest as Nuel kept having fun with her even in her weak state.

At a time she almost started regretting the decision she took for her Father after she was told that he was actually working for them, if she had known, she wouldn't have made such a decision but remembering the love her Father showed her when she was a kid..she would only resolve to crying her heart out.

Many times she tried to escape as she was already sick and tired of suffering but each time she does,she'll end up been caught and brought back to her master who would tie her on the bed and whip her tirelessly until her white skin becomes red and full with cane whips,and as if he wasn't satisfied...he would sleep with her for hours until she faints on the bed. She would cry whenever she wakes up and wish she never had a Father like hers...."all these wouldn't have been happening if i didn't sacrifice myself for you Father,i hate you!" she would always say whenever she cries.


Ariene sat in the corner of the room as she watched Nuel getting dressed,he just finished having fun with her for two hours,he would have continued if not for the business call he received and reluctantly came down from her and was wearing his clothes,he stared at Ariene who kept glaring at him with sheer hatred and chuckled out loud.

"kukukuku* You know there is nothing you can do to me!...hope you are aware?" he asked as he chuckled,Ariene ignored him and kept glaring at him. "Stay here! I'll be back soon...do not think of escaping again!" He said and left the room.

Ariene got up and walked to the window,there she stood as she watched what was happening outside,she saw her master enter the car and drove off immediately..she left the window and walked to the wardrobe to change her clothes.


At the dark, a figure was seen sneaking out of a building through an open window. Ariene had already decided to make another escape attempt with the hope of not getting caught,even though she won't be lucky as usual..it was better than not trying at all. She wore black so she could be in sync with the darkness,she quickly climbed the window and jumped down quietly so as to not make a noise,she was glad that she was as light as paper so it was very easy to jump down from the big window. She looked around and not seeing any bodyguards around she started moving towards the back yard, she got there and looked around again,she was been extremely careful not wanting to make any mistakes like the previous failed attempts.

There was a table and two chairs by the side of the wall and she quietly carried one of the chairs closer to the wall, using the chair she climbed on the wall, without thinking twice she jumped down from the wall.

"Ahhhhhh!" she screamed so loudly as she hit her knee on a sharp object,it was dark and she couldn't see anything...using her hand she touched her left knee and felt a metal object that was already stuck inside her knee,she cried silently as it pained her,for her to try and pull the object out she heard fast multiple footsteps approaching and her heart skipped.

"The bodyguards!!" she screamed mentally, not minding the pain and blood that was coming out of her knee,she slowly got up and started limping away.

"Get her!!" She heard the boss of the guards shout behind her..with tears in her eyes she bit her lower lips hard so she wouldn't cry out loud as she kept limp-running towards a dark alley...she got to a very dark spot and fell down,her legs had finally betrayed her. She tried getting up but failed counteless times.

"She's over here boss!!" She heard one of the bodyguards shout not far from her,she knew she was gonna be caught soon but nevertheless she didn't give up! She started crawling on one knee,it wasn't easy but she didn't mind as long as she was able to escape from the men. As she was crawling,not far from her she felt someone's gaze on her and she looked up...it was dark so she wasn't able to see the person's face,with only one thought in her mind,she crawled to the person until she was close enough, she touched the legs and it belonged to a man....She quickly held him tight even as the man tried to remove his legs from her hold.

"Please Sir! help me! help me! anything you want i will do it, just save me from them,Please!!" She begged as she held the mysterious man's legs. The Man looked down at her without anything emotion shown on his face,

"And why should i save a sick human like you? what could you possibly do for me?" He asked in a cold tone.

"Anything at all.....Slave! Servant! Whatever as long as you save me Please!" Ariene kept pleading the man who didn't even budge at all,that was until he smelt something pleasant!

"Blood!!" The mysterious man said inwardly and bent to look closely at the girl, the smell of blood he perceived was strong and enticing that It made his eyes subconsciously shone red but was immediately back to its normal lifeless black as if the red wasn't there just now, he drew back and focused his attention on the girl but frowned slightly as she already stopped crying nor even moving,he touched her and found out the she had already fainted.

"Humans are stupidly weak!" he muttered to himself,picking the girl up like she was a piece of paper,he disappeared.

Dear readers..hope I'm trying?! cheer me up and keep adding my book to your library.

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