
Chapter 16

After Azazel finished explaining things to Anubis,he got up and left by the time he left it was already 5am,Anubis got back into the house and went to the bathroom to take her bath,after which she put on her uniform went downstairs for breakfast,Telma was already up and had prepared breakfast for her master,she served it on the table and hurried off to prepare for school,minutes later she was done and rushed her own breakfast as well,she joined Anubis after she was done with her breakfast.

It was 6:30am by the time they left the house,they boarded a taxi to Prunonia Mage school and they got there in no time, they both came down from the taxi and walked towards the school building.

"Wow...its huge!!" Telma exclaimed as they entered the school,Anubis looked at her and sighed

"Bet you weren't lucky enough to get into this school by your parents huh?! you should be grateful towards i your master" she said proudly causing Telma to lower her head and bit her lips,

"Tsk....can we move on?" Anubis asked and started walking,Telma followed her immediately.

They asked around for directions until thy got to the dean's office,they both went in and stood before the forty or so old man with long bears, Anubis cleared her throat to gain the man's attention .

"You are Anubis right?" The man asked adjusting his glasses,Anubis nodded and he took out two forms from his drawer and handed it to the two girls

"Fill the form and give it back to me" he said and they took it from him,the girls filled the forms in no time and handed it back to the man,he collected it and looked into it

"Anubis Zeus?" is that your name?? the man asked Anubis,he knew Zeus of course but why would she be using his name, perhaps she's the one he talked about.

"Yeah....any problem?" she asked the man

"You are the one Zeus told me about am i right?"

"Yes sir....is there a problem?"

the man smiled awkwardly and shook his head,

"no no....not at all,please do make yourself comfortable and let me know when you need something" the man said politely,

"hmm okay then! you said so yourself" Anubis said and grinned,she looked at Telma and together they left the office,

"phew....I have to be careful around this kid,she gives me the killer kind of vibe and i wouldn't want to be on her black list" the man said to himself as he saw the girls leave.

The girls walked to their classes and they stopped at the fire elemental class,since Anubis was already the goddess of fire,there was no need to waste her time with those kids,she asked Telma to enter the class since she was a fire ability user..!

"i have fire....so which one should i awaken?! uhmmm.....water??? nah not yet,i think air is good" she thought and proceeded to the air ability class,she got to the class and went in,there was no teacher and only a few students,she saw an empty seat at the end of the class and went straight to it without bothering to look at the students there, the few students stared at the new girl,each bearing their own thoughts to themselves,the perverted boys licked their lips as they stared at her,she was pretty and sexy, some girls glared at her with jealousy brewing in their hearts while some admired her,Anubis saw the glares but didn't mind at all in fact she was enjoying them.