

Author: 作家早安夏天
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What is 回到明朝当丧尸



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Her Traitorous Disguise

It’s actual genre is Action (female leading), but since this site is sexiest, they haven’t given an option for women leading a book based on action. It’s a mafia revenge story. Give it a shot, you won’t regret it _______________________________________ BLURB: His chocolate orbs dilated as his gaze locked with mine, he leaned forward, enough to make me reconsider my intentions; I stared back with equal intensity enforcing my mind to stay intact as my eyes silently threatened him to look away first. An angelic chuckle erupted from his throat as he tucked a fleeing strand of hair behind my ear, his fingers brushing my earlobe, almost daringly; certainly aware of the effect he had on me. My hands that once rested at my sides now pushed upon his chest, desperately trying to create some distance as his warm minty breath continued to hit my face, clouding my conscious. His hands shot up, tangling with my own as he gripped both my wrists with either one of his hands, trapping me against the wall, his glare never flattening. My breath hitched as his lips crashed upon mine, bruising them. Pushing me further into the wall, his lips now at my jaw, kissing and biting as he grinds onto me, ensuring I feel every inch of his arousal. Letting out an animalistic groan as he rubs himself onto me, matching my heavy breaths. His lips continue their torture as he drags them down my throat, nibbling onto the soft flesh above my pulse as a breathless moan escapes my lips, making him stop, as if he's scared to touch me, too frightened I'd break; glaring at me as if I was some mesmerising antique. I lean forward to place a quick peck on the tip of his nose; this seems to break his daze, chucking as he nuzzles back into my neck. "you're going to be the death of me", his voice a mere whisper; burning my skin. Oh if only he knew. My body tensed on instinct, afraid he had figured it all out, but I discard the unwelcoming thought in an instant. He couldn't. I gaze up at the ceiling, a smile glued onto my lips in victory, as he takes my earlobe into his mouth, grazing the soft flesh with his bare teeth, almost painfully. They say that Satan doesn't appear in a cape and a pair of horns, he comes as everything you've ever wished for.

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Mistress of the Steppes

“Ah-Li.” Only she. Only she dared call him in such an intimate manner. To his other women, to the Empress Consort herself, he was His Majesty, the Xinlong Emperor. The Empress Dowager, in an upsurge of tenderness, might have called him Your Highness, in remembrance of the days when he had been but a fourth Prince. But she, she would always trample his dignity underfoot. She, she would always flaunt her dominance in the Inner Palace. “Ah-Li, always remember the source from which you drink.” A cold shiver ran down his spine. She knew. He had come to ring the death knell for her. As he had rung it for so many before her. For his own flesh and blood. She knew. He hovered over her outstretched silhouette, looking down on her. Desire whipped his mind, fear grabbed him around the throat, making it ever so difficult for him to swallow the saliva that was accumulating in his mouth. Before he could even extend a hand, he felt a palm squarely setting against his abdomen. Pushing at it without ceremony. “It is Imperial Concubine Qin’s great honor to be attending His Majesty, the Emperor, in his chambers tonight. He better take his leave not to make her wait. This humble court lady is tired and wishes to rest.” ¤¤¤ Those Hūna brutes had been stricken dumb. They pillaged, they raped, they tortured, they killed. However, never had they seen a woman, a Hua woman at that, calmly coming out of a tent after having been stripped naked. Her spine straight, her chin kicked up high, her eyes glistening with contempt, she treaded forward. They took a step back as if they had seen an evil spirit. Deep laughter broke through the reigning silence. Right in front of her was he. Seated on a stool at the head of this little congregation, wiping the blade of his sword clean. The man whose eyes were like mother-of-pearl. Heyan Yu. She advanced towards him with all the confidence in the world. As if she were not about to be violated by a group of sordid barbarians. As if she were still the grand Noble Imperial Consort Huihuang. He observed her with those eyes she admired jealously. His smile was as full of contempt as was her posture. When she finally came to him, the expanse of her white skin blocking anything else from his view, he lifted his head. His voice was deep and reverberated through her whole body. “What does the beauty want from this humble one?” That is when her palm made contact with his face. Igniting a fire that would not be extinguished in their lifetimes. Stupidity deserved punishment. Heyan Yu truly was young. So young he had fallen into Ah-Li’s more than obvious trap. But she would set everything to right. His face contorted in shocked anger as his men let a horrified gasp escape them. Everyone who was the least familiar with his character would have known at that moment that blood would flow. But that Hua wretch simply turned around, her jet black hair twisting about her calves, and asked in a sing-song voice: “Well, who wishes to go first?” ------------------------------------------------------------------- [The magnificent cover was made by none other than the very talented, the all-conquering, the supreme Jenjibread. Check out her story "Crocodile Tears", I guarantee you will like it.]

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Volume 1 :明朝篇
Volume 2 :修炼篇


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