

Lila Jones thought she had landed her dream job as the personal assistant of Ethan Carter, the CEO of Carter Enterprises. But she soon discovers that he is not the charming and charismatic leader she had imagined, but a cold and ruthless tyrant who makes her life a living hell. He is demanding, arrogant, and impossible to please, and he seems to take pleasure in tormenting her every chance he gets. But as they work together on a high-stakes project that could change the future of the company, Lila begins to see a different side of Ethan. He is brilliant, passionate, and protective, and he shows her glimpses of his vulnerable and wounded heart. He also makes her feel things she has never felt before, things that scare and thrill her at the same time. Lila soon realizes that there is more to Ethan than meets the eye, and that he has a dark and dangerous past that threatens to catch up with him. She also realizes that she is falling for him, hard and fast, despite her better judgment. Will Lila be able to break through Ethan's walls and win his trust? Or will his secrets and enemies destroy them both? [Edit Credit: Bing]

She_Myra · Fantasy
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2 Chs

The New Boss


Lila checked her reflection in the elevator mirror and smoothed down her navy blue pencil skirt. She hoped she looked professional enough for her first day as the personal assistant of the CEO of Carter Enterprises, one of the leading tech companies in the country. She had worked hard to get this job, and she was determined to make a good impression.

She had heard rumors about the CEO, Ethan Carter, but she didn't pay much attention to them. He was supposed to be young, handsome, brilliant, and ruthless. He had taken over the company from his father two years ago and had made it even more successful and innovative. He was also notorious for being demanding, arrogant, and cold-hearted. He had a reputation for firing his assistants on a whim, and Lila was his seventh one in six months.

Lila didn't care about any of that. She was confident in her skills and abilities, and she was sure she could handle whatever he threw at her. She had dealt with difficult bosses before, and she knew how to be efficient, organized, and discreet. She was not intimidated by Ethan Carter, or anyone else for that matter.

The elevator dinged and opened on the top floor, where the executive offices were located. Lila stepped out and walked towards the reception desk, where a friendly blonde woman greeted her with a smile.

"Hi, you must be Lila. I'm Jessica, the receptionist. Welcome to Carter Enterprises."

"Hi Jessica, nice to meet you. Thank you for the warm welcome."

Jessica handed her a badge with her name and photo on it.

"Here's your badge. You'll need it to access the building and the office. And this is your key card for the CEO's office. It's the last one on the left."

Lila took the badge and the key card and clipped them to her blouse.

"Thank you. Do you know where I can find Mr. Carter?"

Jessica's smile faltered slightly.

"He's in his office right now. He's expecting you."

Lila nodded and headed towards the door with the nameplate that read "Ethan Carter, CEO". She felt a surge of nervousness as she approached it, but she quickly pushed it aside. She knocked on the door and waited for a response.

"Come in."

The voice was deep and authoritative, sending a shiver down Lila's spine. She opened the door and stepped inside.

The office was spacious and elegant, with floor-to-ceiling windows that offered a stunning view of the city skyline. The walls were decorated with paintings and awards, and the furniture was sleek and modern. A large desk dominated the center of the room, behind which sat Ethan Carter himself.

He looked up from his laptop as Lila entered, and their eyes met for the first time.

Lila felt her breath catch in her throat as she took in his appearance. He was indeed young, handsome, brilliant, and ruthless. He had dark brown hair that was styled in a casual yet sophisticated way, piercing blue eyes that seemed to see right through her, a sharp jawline that was covered with a light stubble, and a sculpted body that was evident even under his tailored suit. He exuded power and charisma, and Lila felt herself drawn to him despite herself.

He also looked annoyed and impatient, and Lila quickly snapped out of her trance.

She cleared her throat and walked towards his desk.

"Good morning, Mr. Carter. I'm Lila Jones, your new personal assistant."

She extended her hand for a handshake, but he ignored it.

He glanced at her briefly before returning his attention to his laptop.

"I know who you are. You're late."

Lila blinked in confusion.

"Late? But it's only 8:55 am."

He raised an eyebrow at her.

"And your contract clearly states that you're supposed to be here by 8:30 am sharp."

Lila felt a surge of anger at his accusation.

"But I wasn't informed of that. The HR department told me to be here by 9:00 am."

He shrugged.

"That's not my problem. You should have checked with me first."

He closed his laptop and stood up from his desk.

"I don't have time for this. I have a meeting in five minutes. Follow me."

He walked past her without waiting for her response.

Lila clenched her fists and bit her tongue to stop herself from saying something she would regret.

She followed him out of his office, feeling his cold gaze on her back.

She wondered what she had gotten herself into.

She hated him already.