

NewKiraKun · Fantasy
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24 Chs

The kiss

Light fell across Athan's face through the slats and curtain of the louvred window.

The light woke Athan from his dreamy sleep.

He opened his eyes, but the sudden shift of brightness made him squint them again.

He tried using his hands to block the light but to his surprise the hands felt like they were pressed by something.

No, his whole body was pressed by something.

Opening his eyes little by little and adjusting with the shift in brightness, the first thing that came in his sight was the beautiful sleeping face of Rosalyn, that made him lost in it for a moment.

It took some time for Athan's still half asleep brain to comprehend the situation he was in.

Rosalyn was half laying on top of him, one of her leg was on top of Athan's legs, her hands were tightly hugging both his hands, her face was literally a few inches away from his and he could feel her breaths on his face.

Athan couldn't believe the situation he was in and thought he might still be dreaming, He closed his eyes again and open them a few seconds later only to find the same beautiful face of her in front of his eyes.

Accepting that all of this was reality and not some lucid dream, he tried to remember how did he end up in this situation.

' The last thing i remember is carrying Rosalyn into her room and then.... I can't remember anything after that '

He thought and sighed in frustration for not remembering anything.

' looks like i fainted due to all the exhaustion after dropping Rosalyn '

He shook his head a little to remove the unnecessary thoughts from his mind.

What happened, had already happened and it can't be changed anymore no matter how hard he try.

The main thing for him now was to find a way to get out of here without waking up Rosalyn.

The first thing that came in his mind after thinking for a few second was to just teleport to his Pocket Dimension, but Rosalyn was half lying upon him and she would also be teleported with him if he was to teleport in this situation.

He was busy thinking when Rosalyn shifted her body a bit in her sleep, Athan tensed up and quickly closed his eyes. He didn't want Rosalyn to wake up and saw him already awake.

' That would be awkward '

-- sigh!

Athan sighed in relief when Rosalyn only shifted her hand on top of him, he opened his eyes and saw Rosalyn's face that was now a few centimetres closer to him.

He felt her breath on his face, her sleeping face was so mesmerizing for him that just looking at her face he suddenly got lost and couldn't remove his eyes from her face.

Watching her sleep was so peacefully satisfying and intoxicating for him.

Athan's body was getting hotter by the second and his hormones started to get out of his control

Her body that was on top of him was too tempting for him, his face got hot and his breathing became a little faster,

He didn't know what took over him

When suddenly!!

He kissed Rosalyn.

It was only a light kiss and Athan quickly pulled himself back, but his mind got hazy from what he just did..., her soft lips, her alluring scent, and the sensation he felt was making him loose his judgement & rationality.

He shifted a little and got his body out from Rosalyn's grasp, he didn't even noticed that his movements might wake her up and he shifted his body on top of her, his both hands and legs were on the respective side of Rosalyn, he was in a W - sitting position on top of her but his weight was on both of his legs and not on Rosalyn.

He bend his back a little and moved his face closer to her, he interlocked the fingers of both of his hands with hers and slowly kissed her.

A few seconds later into the kiss, Rosalyn in her sleep moved her hands around Athan's neck, hugging him tightly she pulled him towards her, which made Athan's chest to fall on Rosalyn's breast, pressing them down.

Feeling something wrong in her sleep, Rosalyn suddenly opened her eyes.

Her eyes met with his and the first thing she felt was the sensation of his lips on hers, Registering the situation and remembering what she did last night, her eyes turned soft and hazy, her breathing became faster and she started Reciprocating back his kiss.

They both were so engrossed in kissing each other that they soon lost themselves into each other. The kiss that started with their lips soon involved their tongues that were licking and swirling around each other.

Their Finger were interlocked and their grips on each others hand was getting tighter and tighter.

But before they could get totally lost in their lust.

-- Rat-tat-tat!

" Sister Rosalyn, are you awake ? " Ella shouted from outside and knocked on the door bringing both Athan and Rosalyn out of their engrossed and hazy state of mind.

As they came back to their senses they quickly separated from each other and hearing Ella's voice Rosalyn quickly ran away into the bathroom hiding her face that was red as a tomato with both hands.

Athan also came back to his senses and couldn't believe what he just did. It wasn't like him to loose his control like this.

He accepted the fact that he did started liking Rosalyn and was slowly falling for her but his emotions were in his total control, to loose his control and to give in to lust like this was just absurd.

Something was not right, and this wasn't just him trying to make things up but he genuinely felt something different since last night after he injected his mana in her.

" Sister Rosalyn "

Ella's shout bought Athan out his train of thought.

" Ella wait, i am comming. ".

He finally decided to put the topic at the back of his mind for now and think about it later in free time.

He got up from the bed, fixed his clothes and went to open the doors.

Opening the door Ella jumped on him and started sniffing his clothes.

" Brother, why do you smell like sister Rosalyn and why are you in her room early in the morning ? " Ella asked in a sour mood.

Her little mind was running on high speed imagining the various scenarios that might have taken place last night and were the reason for the present situation.

The more scenarios she thought, the more sour her face turned, she shifted her gaze from him to the bed where all the bedsheet were messed up, forcing her to believe in her conjectures.

" I was tired last night and fell asleep in Rosalyn's room, don't overthink and stress your little brain " Athan put her down and pinch her cheecks.

" Don't lie to me big brother, Y-you did it without even marrying. I will tell to mother "

Ella ignored his pinching her and pointed her fingers at him, threatening him with a face that was almost on the verge of crying.

Seeing her cute face he gently hugged her and started to console her.

" I swear Its nothing like what you're thinking Ella, I was just too tired and didn't knew when i fell asleep here, and i just woke up only a few minutes ago "

" Promise,.. you aren't lying to me right ? "

" I promise my sweet Ella, " He replied rubbing her face cutely.

" Good morning Ella!! what brings you to my room so early ?" Rosalyn also came out of the bathroom and asked Ella.

She was still a little embarrassed from what happen earlier and was avoiding direct eye contact with Athan.

" I didn't find Big bro in his room, so i came to ask if you have seen him " Ella replied, she was feeling a little suspicious of how Rosalyn was avoiding her eyes from Athan but before she could create another conjecture in her mind, Athan noticed it and quickly interjected.

" Ella! did you know that your sister Rosalyn just leveled up to a Rank 2 wizard yesterday. "

" Really ? Ohh wow ! Congratulations Sister Rosalyn " Hearing the news Ella's mood instantly brighten up and she cheerfully congratulated Rosalyn.

" Thank you Ella " Rosalyn also Thanked her and smiled happily.

" You know what, lets have a party tonight for Rosalyn's promotion and have fun " Athan suddenly suggested to them.

" Can we have cakes and sweets in the party " Ella asked with here eyes twinkling and begging for him to say yes.

" Of course Ella, tonight you can have as much cake as you want " Athan also didn't disappoint her, which made the little girl to quickly agree with his plans.

Rosalyn was still a little shy in front of him but after Ella asked her cutely, she also agreed with the plan.
