
告诉我为什么 告诉我


RecklessInsanity · Fantasy
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21 Chs


after a few days of his new teacher arriving...

they all gather up in the morning as his new teacher wanted them to be.

''today we will test who has the best speed on here''

they were all gather up as they heard their new teacher words

''you will use whatever you can to win this race, i have put a stick in the mountain's top, i don't care what you do in the way but the first to come here wins''

''alright get ready''

as they were getting ready, other were also coming up to look as it was morning.


they ran, all four of them ran with both of their hand and leg until they reach the tree.

they used the tree to go up in the mountain....

''what is this''

''oh elder, this is to see who got what it takes''

sun was the first one to reach but as he was going down, the other were trying to take the stick but despite of all, sun could escape with his flexibility until he was the first one to reach to the village...

It exhausted him but he looks at his teacher as his grandpa was on his still...

he smiles as grandpa smile.

''oh, you won sun''

''oh yes teacher''

the other reach as well to congratulate him...

''you are so fast'' said by issac

''yeah, you could escape ethan so easily as well '' said by cato

ethan was in pain as he loses his conciseness...

ethan wake up in his room as he slowly gets up and open his door, he sees the elder, new teacher and his parent talking.

''oh ethan'' said by his mother

''the day is finally here'' proudly by his father

''you gonna have your own transformation now'' by elder

''i will have to take you outside for you to transform'' said by new teacher

ethan was shocked but was happy as it was finally the time to become even stronger than before...

the teacher went outside as he saw sun training while his friends were there looking at sun


He looked at who called him as soon as he saw; he walks towards his teacher

''i didn't get the chance to congrats you well congratulation sun''

sun didn't look that much happen

''oh, don't worry about him, he is fine nothing is wrong with you ''

sun face was now relaxed than before

''sun come here with me''

sun was going with his teacher as sun looked behind at his friends while walking together as issac make a funny face with his thumb up as cato was just looking at them.

''sun you are the strongest out here ''


''yes, you are the strongest and the youngest''

''oh, thank you''

''you should feel proud and be happy about it, young and strong now that is a lot of potential for the future''

''i want to be even stronger teacher''

''that is what i am here for ''

sun said nothing but was happy...

as they were walking...

''i heard that you used to train alone before i arrived''

''oh yes i used to do that''

''what is your goal behind this sun''

''my goal....'' sun didn't answer the full answer

''if you don't have a'' ''i have a goal'' the teacher was interrupting

''oh, i am sorry''

''no need then what is your goal sun''

''i want to be the strongest, stronger than anyone''

''oh, is that so''

''yes ''

they were walking, they reach the bridge as the bridge make some noises as he suddenly stopped and looked at the water flowing..

''sun i heard that you know about the location around here as you used to spend time alone''

''yes, i know most than others of my age since they don't really go outside of this village I think''

''then sun i got one thing you have to do for me''


''can you go right now in the road that led to this village and check what's going on''

''oh, why do you want me to if you don't mind asking ''

''i want to see if you will notice anything there i mean coming here i saw something as well and i want to see how you will do it alone, you want to be the strongest right''


''packed some food as well since you will be only coming here before it's got dark and think of this as a challenge for you''

''hmm alright i will do it'' said by sun as he started going back

''sun'' called as sun looked at his teacher

''to strongest'' said by his new teacher as sun said nothing but smile at it...

as Ian looked at sun going to his friends and talking...

''someone is coming this way '' in Ian thought

he looked as sun packed some food and headed to the road that led to this village...