
Development Plans

Branding the movement, Ernest knew that it was important, with the symbol and brand that they have to go with, it'll have a powerful impact on the people, making other people join their party.

"Now this is the banner I drew to pass the time earlier, this will be the United National Socialist Party's symbol. An eagle perched on a circle with an imperial cross inside it. Do you know any people working in a clothing store or tailors in this city?"

"I do have one." Wayne answered, "It's the biggest clothing retail store in the city of Eighbury. His name is Zanac."

"Okay Wayne, I think he can weave this flag in any dimension right?"

"He's the best sir, he can weave any flag as long as he has the necessary materials."

"Very good, I'll meet with him later and give him the necessary materials." Ernest shifted to another topic. "Okay these clothes that I'm currently wearing is the new uniform for the Protection Squadron, as for your lads, a formal suit will do."

"I see, it's eye-catching sir." Blackbelly praised, "Imagine everyone here wearing that kind of uniform, it will be amazing."

"Don't worry, you'll have one soon. I'll give the specifications and design to the man named Zanac."


Now that the flag and uniforms topic is concluded, Ernest moves to another topic.

"Next agenda will be the City of Eighbury miracle development in economy, industry, infrastructure, and agriculture." Ernest picked a stack of paper under his table and placed it on the table.

"Okay first and foremost, the economy is shit. Not just in the city of Eighbury but to the whole kingdom. Mass unemployment, hyperinflation, to name a few. Well, I have some answers that can solve this issue. And I will call it the industrialization act."

Ernest declared, everyone around him gave him an "I don't get it." look.

"But first thing's first, I want to know how many people are literate in this city, so Sophia, please." Ernest extended his hand, giving her the platform.

Sophia rose to her feet and faced the representative with a confident look.

"The literacy rate of the city of Eighbury is 25%. Meaning 750 out of 3,000 can read and write."

As expected, in this era, education is only for those who are privileged and have a noble status. So meaning 750 of them can work in administrative work and the others can only hope for menial jobs.

"Okay, thanks for that numerical data, Sophia."

"Thank you, sir." Sophia bowed her head and returned to her seat.

"Okay as I've said before, the industrialization act can increase the economy by giving people jobs. However, if they can't read or write, that would be a problem in our city's development. Another however again, this industrialization act has seminars that will teach our laborers how to read and write." Ernest looked at Wayne. "Wayne, I need you to scout scholars or teachers for me in the city. The more the better."

"Consider it done, Sir Ernest." Wayne bowed his head.

Ernest glanced at Guilhem. "Guilhem, we'll do it again," Ernest said a coded message.

Guilhem only nodded with a smile creeping across his face, which left others puzzled at what they meant by that.

"This stack of papers has answers to everything about the Industrialization act, be sure to read it carefully."

"Yes sir!"

They better be, Ernest thought. He spent so much time writing that. Most information was provided by the system since he doesn't know how industrialization works.

"Moving on." Ernest continued, "In infrastructure. The City of Eighbury is a mess, a literal fucking mess. There's shit everywhere and they smell shit and I want them removed. The solutions are, create a sewer system, drainage system, and indoor plumbing for every household in the city. The roads are a complete mess, some are laid with cobblestone, others are mud. Making it uncomfortable to those who were riding a carriage because it rattled a lot. The solution, let's pave the road with something new, something modern, and something smooth. Concrete."

"Concrete?" Guilhem frowned again at an unknown word, "What is that sir?"

"What is it?" Ernest frowned at the question, he doesn't know what concrete is made up but he's sure that he wrote it somewhere.

Ernest rummaged through the stack of paper as a bead of sweat trickled down his forehead, embarrassed at his lack of knowledge.

Found it.

Ernest found the paper about concrete and read the answer.

"Concrete is a mixture of cement, air, water, and sand with the proportions of 10% cement, 20% air and water, 30% sand, and 40% gravel. And mix it up until it aggregates and becomes viscous and voila, you can now pour it on the road."


Everyone gasped in awe.

"Well, it's easier said than done. We'll face a lot of problems. Such as lack of manpower, lack of technology, and lack of knowledge. I can make up for the lack of manpower by introducing new technology and knowledge." Ernest propped his chin and pondered. "I've written the procedure on how to make one."

"Hmm, what a promising project it will be, Sir Ernest. But I have a question." Guilhem said, "What are the sewage, sewer, and indoor plumbing you're talking about?"

"Good question." Ernest picked up another paper. "Okay, before we get to the sewer system we must learn about indoor plumbing first. Okay take one man, for example, he takes a shit and where do you think that shit will go?"

"Cesspit." Guilhem and Blackbelly answered.

"Yes in a cesspit but will it go away on its own?"

"No. You'll have to drain it and throw it away."

"And by throwing it away you mean in the streets like."

"...Yeah something like that," Guilhem answered, embarrassed at his answer.

"There's nothing to be embarrassed about, Guilhem. Because that's where our indoor plumbing and water system are. Hmm, how should I put this? Well, you take a shit in your own house and the shit that you expelled is going conveyed through a series of connecting tunnels that leads to a treatment plan. Causing the streets of Eighbury to go clean, which results in less contraction to disease, increases predictability of the people, and improves their mental health."

"Sounds promising, but it's easier said than done sir." Guilhem said, "How can we build something like that? Pardon my lack of knowledge sir as I have no knowledge on how to build what you are proposing."

"Guilhem you said that you can build anything you can imagine right? I mean not just you but the rest of the dwarven races. What if I present you something…" Ernest pulled out a paper but this time its color is blue. "Like this?" Ernest handed the blueprint to Guilhem.

Guilhem opened the blueprint and as soon as he gazed upon its content, his eyes widened in awe.

"I've already drafted and planned it out." Ernest said as he thanked the system inwardly, "You will just have to follow it. It's like constructing a house but more intensive." Ernest said.

Guilhem's hand trembled slightly as he slowly got entranced by the blueprint. And then…

His muscles from his small limbs bulged.

"I'm pumped up! Sir Ernest, I think I can do this! The dwarven races will not disappoint you."

"Easy there, Guilhem. We still have a lot of things to discuss." Ernest continued, "What is the main source of water of the city of Eighbury."

"That would be the aquifer in the mountain," Blackbelly answered.

"An aquifer huh? So there's a possibility that there is a fossil aquifer nearby. We'll dig the freshwater there and build a water pipeline there that will deliver water to the city. Since this is my first time knowing the location, I'll have to draft it later." Ernest sighed, "This is going to be a lot of work."

Everyone sighed as well, Sophia and others weren't able to follow his plan due to a lot of unknown words and phrases. But still, they acted as if they were able to follow by simply nodding their heads.

"Okay let's move to agriculture Alwin you're up."

"Understood." Alwin stood up and presented. "As of now, we've yielded one ton of wheat, fruits, and vegetables. But since the city is on lockdown we can't sell it."

"One ton? Is that enough to feed the populace this coming winter?"

"More than enough sir."

"Okay since the agricultural sector looks fine we will keep the supply of food enough for us to survive in the coming winter. But since it was more than enough we'll have to sell those. But we will not sell it to the Duke of Elm because they are exploiting us with their unfair trades and threatening us not to send any troops to help us at the incoming age of the winter demons. If that's how they want to play it, then let's embargo them, effective immediately. We can sell those excess crops to other cities that will pay us a fair price. Does anyone agree with my decision?"

Everyone raised their hands.

"Now to settle this current agenda I want Sophia and Wayne to draft out a job employment paper that we will post on the city bulletin board. You two will handle it." Ernest ordered.

"Understood." Said the two in unison.

"Now for the last agenda, about the age of the winter demons. On a scale of 1 to 10, how threatening are they for the national interest of the city?"

"I'd say, 8 sirs," Sophia answered as she rose to her feet. "I've seen the age of the winter demons. That is the season wherein a lot of monsters from the forest of death will lurk around the city. Monsters such as boars, wolves, to name a few. In the past, the Duke of Elm will send his forces here to fend it but since we've embargoed the Elm there will be no one to protect us."

"No one?" Ernest let out a short laugh, "We have the Protection Squadron, they will be the main forces of the city of Eighbury. Sophia, are the soldiers from the City of Elm armed with swords and shields?"

"Yes sir."

"And they can be killed by sword right?"

"Yes sir."

"Then we have no problem. If the sword can kill it, so does our weapon." Ernest confidently said. "Now, to end this meeting I want to give you the estimated price of our city development. It cost a lot of money. 15,000 gold coins to be exact."

Their mouths gaped after hearing the price of the project.

"But don't worry, we already have the money needed, what we just need is to work on the project. I assure you that once this project ends, the lifestyle of the people of Eighbury will improve, not only that, the economy will significantly increase."

And thus the United National Socialist Party conducted their very first project.

I find it hard to write this chapter as I've researched a lot in google before writing this to make it as realistic as possible. If there's some mistake please go easy on me. I'll correct it as soon as possible.

Mein123142creators' thoughts