

Kamilia's life was forever changed when she was adopted and forced to become an organ donor for her sick stepbrother, Iyad El-Mukrani, from the most wealthy and power family in the entire country. Though she only lived with them for a few short months, she quickly discovered the truth behind their intentions and made a daring escape but unfortunately after the success of that transplant surgery. Years later, Kamilia has built a new life for herself, free from the shackles of her twisted past. But when Iyad suddenly re-emerges, determined to reclaim her as his own, Kamilia is thrown into a thrilling race against time to protect the poor pathetic life she's built hardly . --------------- please support this work, I am writing it with so mcuh love , plus I feel connected to the plot and every caracther in this work. show me more love , I appreciate it . moaaaaah ~kiss kiss~ --------------- Updates: 2k/day Genre: female lead, romance, step-brother,

Ilomina · Urban
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5 Chs


Kamilia was frozen in place as she felt his presence close to her. She couldn't help but feel self-conscious as she looked down at her worn-out shoes, completely unsuitable for the chilly weather.

She couldn't help but compare them to his expensive, stylish footwear.

It was as if the years that had passed between them had no effect on his sophisticated style.

Kamilia closed her eyes, feeling a wave of embarrassment wash over her.

She felt out of place, so inferior in comparison to him. The memories of their past flooded back to her, making her realize just how much everything had changed.

"You …cut it …you cut your hair !" He said with a mad expression on his face .

Kamilia opened her eyes right away, she couldn't believe that this was the first thing that he was going to say after all this time .

However she kept looking down , she couldn't find the force to look at him again .

Over the years, she had grown to resemble a homeless person, her once beautiful features now neglected. However, she chose not to take care of herself, in fear of attracting unwanted attention.

Kamilia was a twenty years old girl, not that tall, her body was so small that gives a feelings that she could break, she had a short black hair, brown eyes, and fair skin were still beautiful, even with the redness of the cold December air on her cheeks and her lips cracked from the bitter chill.

Kamilia was taken aback as she felt Iyad's presence close to her. Her heart raced with fear, as memories of past experiences flooded her mind.

She braced herself for the worst, as she thought Iyad was about to strike her.

But, what he did next left her in disbelief.

With a soft touch, he brushed a few strands of her hair, examining its length. His words, though harsh, were not what she had expected.

"You look terrible," he said, with an air of annoyance in his voice.

Kamilia was momentarily stunned, her mind still trying to process the unexpected turn of events. Despite his biting words, she felt a glimmer of hope, as she realized that perhaps this meeting would be different.

She knew that she looked terrible, Kamilia didn't need anyone to tell her that , she was already feeling so hard on herself.

" I know, '' she said very hesitantly, the tone of her voice was very low, it felt like she was suppressing her voice from getting higher .

Kamilia felt a rush of fear as she stood before Iyad, who was towering over her with an angry expression on his face. She tried to steady her voice as she spoke, but it came out barely above a whisper.

Despite the terror she was feeling, a small flame of courage had been sparked within her, giving her the strength to answer him.

But her bravery was short-lived, as Iyad's temper exploded and he pushed her against the wall beside her door. His shouting was loud and aggressive, and Kamilia was shocked by the sudden change in atmosphere.

She knew that Iyad had a volatile personality, but the intensity of his outburst was still startling.

"You chose this!" he shouted. "You chose to leave me that day! You chose to go back to a family that never cared for you or searched for you. You left me there bleeding on the stairs. I bet you liked seeing that."

Kamilia was stunned by Iyad's accusations. She knew that their relationship had been troubled for a long time , but she had never imagined that it would escalate to this point. She had left him in the past because she was afraid for her safety, but she had never intended to cause him harm.

Despite the fear she was feeling, Kamilia knew that she needed to stand up for herself.

She took a deep breath and spoke, her voice shaking but firm. "I did not choose to leave you that day out of malice or pleasure. I left because I was afraid for my safety and well-being. I never intended to cause you any harm, and I never liked seeing you hurt."

Kamilia's heart was racing as she stood before Iyad, unsure of what he was going to do.

When he raised his hands to touch her face, she braced herself for the worst, thinking that he was about to hit her or cause her harm in some way. Her body reacted instinctively, flinching in defense.

But instead of hitting her, Iyad gently pressed his hands against her cheeks, his expression one of anger and frustration.

He was biting his lip so hard that Kamilia could see the muscle in his jaw working, and she knew that he was struggling to control his emotions.

"You... you... still have the audacity," he finally managed to say, his voice tight with anger.

Kamilia was confused by his words and actions. She didn't understand what he was trying to tell her, and she was afraid of what might happen next.

She tried to speak, but no words came out, and she stood there, frozen, her heart pounding in her chest.

Iyad took a deep breath, and then he let his hands fall from her face. He took a step back, and for a moment, there was silence between them.

Kamilia felt a wave of relief wash over her, but she was still unsure of what was going to happen next. She knew that she needed to find the courage to speak up and tell Iyad how she was feeling, but she was afraid of making the situation worse.

Despite her fear, she took a deep breath and spoke, her voice trembling slightly. "Iyad, I don't understand what's happening. Can you please explain what you mean?"

Kamilia's heart sank as she felt Iyad's strong grip on her hand. She could sense the anger in his voice as he turned around and spoke to her.

"Now, you have to blame yourself for what you did... now you are going to come with me."

Kamilia tried to pull her hand away, but Iyad's grip was too strong. She felt a surge of fear and panic as she realized that she was in a dangerous situation. She didn't know what Iyad was going to do or where he was taking her, and she was terrified.

" Iyad …Iyad …brother …what are you doing ? "