

Ayato Shikigami is an average 16-year-old otaku, who spends his days watching anime and playing RPG. Reality had often failed him as he finds it so boring and dry, he found a way, a way he could escape reality by watching animes but even that was temporary. One faithful day, when he was watching a scene from his favorite anime Aot, the scenes captivated him so much that he couldn't help but wish he was a part of the drama. After he wishes to be in the titan world, he found himself in the mist of a battle, where the human went to war with the titan. During the chaos, he finds out he got the ability to transform into a titan and learn a mysterious power for those he got in contact with. Using this and his knowledge, he vowed to change the history of the story, save the eldains empire, and make sure Eren never goes rogue. Note: This is my first fanfic! so don't expect something too extravagant, there will be mistakes here and there.

Kirito_K5 · Anime & Comics
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59 Chs

I am a soilder

While the cadets were at the headquarters at Sina, resting after barely escaping death at Troast, they suddenly heard a loud blast, of a cannon being fired.

"Was that a blast?" Jean stood up, the rest were also curious.

"Don't tell me they are still fighting the titans?" Reiner asked.

"Of course not… didn't you guy see it, Eren… can out of a titan" Connie uttered, "They are probably going to kill…"

"That's bullshit, so what if he's somewhat a titan, he still saved us didn't he, he could have smashed your head if he wanted to, but he didn't" Jean yelled.

"You're right… I don't know why I said that, I'm sorry" Connie apologized.

"Let's go check what the blast was about" Jean moved over the building and Connie followed.

"I'm coming too" Reiner followed.

One of the soldiers gave an awkward smile, "That's it, we're gonna die, we didn't even stand a chance against them" he grunted before pulling out his blade.

He was about to stab himself but Marco stopped him, "What do you think you're doing?" Marco struggled to pull the blade away from him.

"Just leave me alone, let me die, we don't stand a chance against those things, now we have two in our midst" The man yelled and he struggled to stab himself.

"Don't be stupid, are you not a soldier, just take a look at Sasha, she was nearly eaten by a titan, and look at her, right Sasha?" Marco turned to her.

She was sitting on a bag of Odm gear lost in thought, she turned to Marco with her eyes widened, "My meat … someone stole me meat" She said.

"Meat?" Both the man and Marco paused before going back to their routine once he realized she was a lost course.

. . . . . . . . .

Armin, still in his salute, was trying to convince Officer Whilm, "Ayato and Eren are not feo to humanity.

We're willing to cooperate with the military commands and share everything we know about their powers."

Whilm scoffed, "Your plea is full of deaf ears, they revealed their true forms and because of that, I'm afraid they can't leave here alive.

If you insist that they are not an enemy, show me proof, otherwise, we're blasting them back to whatever hell hole they came from." Officer Whilm yelled.

"You don't need any proof!" Armin responded, "The fact of the matter is, it doesn't matter what we perceive him to be".


"The report stated that hundreds of soldiers saw Eren, and those who were there said they saw Eren fighting other titans, which means they saw him also get swarmed by the titans.

And also felt the immense rush of power, which was caused by their titan powers.

To put it plainly, the titans saw him the same way they view humans, as their prey" Armin was sure he was able to convince him with that.

"Prepare to fire!" The officer yelled, he chose to ignore it, too afraid to take any risk.

"You are really going to fire," Ava asked.

"What choice do I have, it's too big a risk," Whilm replied.

"No way, it's hopeless, he let logic give way to hysteria too frightened to think it through" Armin, still in his salute, looked back to see his friends' faces.

Eren nodded telling him to just let it go, and just behind Eren was Ayato who had his hands close to his mouth, ready to transform again if things went south.

Ayato while listening to Armin spotted Annie listening in at the corner of the building beside him, their eyes met and the only thing Ayato could feel at that moment was rage.

"There you are" Ayato smiled, he was about to transform when he suddenly heard Armin's outburst.

Armin grunted, and held his up high staring at the sky as he spoke,




" He yelled, even though he was still shaking he held his chin up.

"If we use their titan ability and combine it with the manpower we have left, I believe we can retake our cities and finally put an end to years of running, and fear of the titans.

And what little time we have left, I'll advocate this strategic value," Armin said.

Ayato checks again only to see that she's gone, What Armin said left Officer Whilm speechless.

"Now now, don't go firing those cannons yet," Commander Pixies should be up behind officer Whilm.

He was the leading commander of the Garrison regiment of the south. He looked at Armin and smiled, "That is not the face of a liar." He uttered.

. . . . . . . .

"This is crazy, what the hell is he thinking, stay up there alone with two titans nonetheless" Officer Whilm complained.

Commander Pixes was on top of the wall, looking at the Troast district as it was swarming with titans, "So you say it's possible to close that giant hole in the wall, or did you just say that to save your own skin?" He asked with a chuckle.

"Yes sir, I did say that because I was desperate to live, that being said, I believe with their powers we can" Armin replied.

"And how do you suppose we do that?"

. . .

While Armin was speaking with the commander, the remaining three were waiting on the other side on top of the wall.

"Are you alright?" Mikasa asked.

"Yeah men, we thought you died, where have you been? You look like you haven't had a decent meal in months". Eren said with a look of concern on his face.

"That's because I haven't, I don't really remember, but someone took me hostage", Ayato said, "They probably figured out I can turn into a titan too".

With a cold stare, Mikasa asked, "Do you know the person?"

"Not really, but the one time I did open my eyes, I saw Annie standing right in front of me," Ayato said, as she folded his fist.

Then commander Pixes appeared, and they were forced to stop their discussions and listen.

"Okay boys, I'll ask you this once, Can you seal the wall by lifting that big boulder there," Commander Pixes pointed at the boulder in Troast.

"I'm not sure …"

"He can, sir, he's titan has more durability, sir" Ayato uttered.

"You jerk," Eren whispered.

"Thank me later"

Commander Pixes gave Eren a stern look expecting to get an answer from him directly.

Eren took a deep breath before answering, "Yes sir, I can help close the wall at Troast"

. . . . .

Authors note

It would really appreciate your comment and support of this novel with your power stones.

Your active comments would motivate me to write more chapters.

Guys I'm joining the new Reverse isikai contest, I'll let you know when the book is out, still then please keep helping with the powerstones.

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