

The pure titan forcefully broke himself out of the building, the force sent both Eren and Ayato flying.

Crashing into a basket filled with fish, Ayato immediately got to his feet, grabbed Eren, and started running.

"Titan? That's a titan?" He panicked, "they definitely don't look as calm as they did in the anime," he thought to himself as he ran.

Eren pulled his hand away from Ayato's grip, "What are you doing? We have to move" Ayato yelled.

"Dude hold up, we have to warn everyone first," Eren said.

"And how do you expect we warn everyone" Ayato saw the titan walking towards them, everyone was busy drinking at the Town square, enjoying themselves before the main party.

"Do what I do" Taking a huge breath in, he started running as he shouted at the top of his lungs, "There's a titan, we're all gonna die, a titan in the city, there's a titan".

"Not bad," Ayato said before joining in, they ran around screaming it to everyone but they didn't seem to listen, most of them thought it was a heartless prank.

"Why aren't they listening?" Ayato gasped for air, he had gotten exhausted and couldn't tell where the titan was anymore.

"Because they are humans, so stupid, how did titans enter the town anyway," Eren thought to himself as he looked at the gate.

Suddenly there was a very loud roar coming from the direction of the gate, the sound got everybody spooked.

The town's bell started ringing, it indicates that there was trouble, and everyone should get ready to evacuate.

They were all about to leave when suddenly people started falling unconscious, "What is going on?" Eren was shocked, people kept dropping like flies.

Then another roar came in, and this time it sounded like whatever was making that sound was moving further away.

Then lightning strikes started hitting the people that fell unconscious. Every one of them that got struck turned into either a pure titan or an abnormal.

Everything happened right in front of Eren and Ayato. Ayato stood there completely Frozen in fear.

"No way is this the main event?, this didn't happen in the anime did it, spinal fluid? No no no, that's too" He panicked, "But it's a good thing right? This should be where he gets eaten and turns into a titan" His eyes were fixed on the Titans as he thought to himself.

"Ayato! Snap out of it" Eren slapped Ayato so hard he came back to his senses, "You back?" Eren asked.

"Yeah" Ayato replied, slapping his cheeks to lighten himself up.

"Let's go get Mom and Mikasa and get out of here, I'm pretty sure the Garrison regiment will be here soon" They started running, the Titans were surprisingly fast, they had already covered almost all the district in a matter of seconds.

"Where is Eren?" Carla asked before placing the food on the table.

Mikasa also walks in with a plate of her own," He was supposed to go get the drill, I'll go check up on him" She said as she removed the apron she was wearing and hung it on the kitchen nob.

She opened the door and was about to exit, but even she dared not try it after spotting so many titans walking around in her street.

"What the?" She slowly opened the door a bit and saw the way Titans were smashing up houses and grabbing the people in them.

"How did titans?" She locked the door and ran straight to the attic where they keep the equipment to get a gun.

Carla had no idea what was going on, she kept trying to ask Mikasa but the level of intensity Mikasa gave out was just too big.

After Mikasa grabbed the gun, she ran straight back to Carla.

"Mom we have to go, there are titans in the city" Mikasa grabbed Carla and wanted to take the back door, their house was close to the wall so they could use that as a leaning stone.

"What about Eren? He is still out there isn't he?" Carla was about to go open the door when suddenly a titan smashed open the roof of their building.

Mikasa immediately aimed the gun at it, she was shaking so much that she couldn't get a good aim, the titan completely ignored Mikasa and went straight for Carla.

Even with the fear in her eyes, that didn't stop Carla from opening the door to the attic and throwing Mikasa in there, "You keep Eren safe okay" She gave a warm smile before closing it.

"No! Open up mom" Mikasa banged and bang as tiny tears rolled down her cheeks, but all she could hear was the sound of Gunshots and the Scream of Carla as the titan grabbed and ate her.

. . . . . . . .

"This is bad, very bad," Ayato thought to himself as he rested his back on one of the buildings hiding from the titan. Eren and Ayato got separated from one of the titans, but they were not too far away.

"Ayato!" Eren yelled,

"Yeah I read you"

"I'm trapped here, titans all around, titans around you?" Eren asked.

"Hold on" Ayato took a peep from both sides to make sure that he was clear, "yep I'm free".

"Great, you should go check on mom and Mikasa," Eren said.

"What about Armin?"

"He's smart, I'm sure he's at the square by now" Just as he said that he saw a titan holding Armin and was about to eat him.

"Damn it you idiot" Eren yelled before getting to his feet to save him.

"What was that?"

"Nothing, you just go check up on them". Eren ran towards Armin.

"Hai hai captain," Following what Eren requested, Ayato ran to check up on their family.

When Eren got to the titan side, he threw the bucket of sand that he picked up from the floor right in the titan's face. That got them a little time, the titan's grasp on Armin wasn't that tight yet, so it was easy to slip by.

As soon as he was able to free Armin they both made a break for it, but unfortunately, Eren's cloth got hooked on the titan's fingernails.

Nor wasting the opportunity the Titan immediately grabbed Eren and threw him into its mouth.

Armins with shock written all over his face screamed as he saw Eren get eaten by a Titan.

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Kirito_K5creators' thoughts