
ばかの夢 - A Fool's Dream

NEW CHAPTERS EVERY WEEKDAY AT 3:30 PST (NORMAL SCHEDULE RESUMING 2/1!) In a small town in the middle of nowhere, a young boy named Lavi is fed up with being treated like dirt. Despite what even he thinks is possible, he's dedicated himself to the pursuit of freedom. So, along with a few childhood friends, Lavi has begun on his journey to find true freedom. Along the way he will build friendships, fight monsters, and discover the truth of what happened oh so many generations ago.

AzariahSasaki · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
23 Chs


At the moment, I was half asleep, so I didn't hear much, but I was still semi-conscious.

"Doctor, doctor, we need a doctor!" Said an unfamiliar voice.

"He's lost a lot of blood already, we have to act fast!" Naomi exclaimed.

"Come on Lavi, hang in there!" Keshet shouted.

I understand now how dire of a situation it was, and yet I fell back into deep sleep.

I don't know how long I was asleep for, but eventually I woke up in a new environment. The large amount of candles immediately struck me as uncomfortable, and the brightness forced me to open my eyes.

"Morning." Keshet greeted, beside the bed I was lying in.

"Where am I?" I asked.

"Plain Hospital. We rushed you here this morning, although you had already lost a lot of blood."

"Lost blood? From what?"

"Last night, did you remove the wrap on your wounded arm?"

"Oh, I did."

"For some reason, that wrap was keeping your blood relatively inside of you. After you took it off, the blood just started flowing right out of your arm. It dripped onto the bed, and Naomi was shocked to find you this morning in a blood bath."

"I see…" I tried not to question why Naomi was watching me sleep in the morning, but it was difficult to ignore.

"The doctor seems to have patched you up pretty well though… He used some herbs and minerals I had never seen before. And now, well, look at yourself. You're practically brand new!"

I took a good look at my shoulder. Mystically, there was no sign of the wound. Not a spot, scab, or scar.

"Incredible…" I said to myself.

"Truly…" Keshet responded, ending that portion of the conversation. "The doctor is out right now, and Naomi went to go get us something to eat."

"Oh, alright." I nodded.

"So, I just wanted to ask you something… I've been thinking about this for a while, and it's been killing me not having asked you yet."

"What is it?" I tensed up. Even though I had nothing to hide, I still worried that he would ask something I couldn't answer.

"Back in the forest, when we escaped from the guards because they fell off their horses… Was that– Was it the watch?"

It shocked me. Keshet's deduction skills were incredible to say the least.

"To tell you the truth…" I responded, "Yes. I think it was. But I'm still not fully sure what it does. I mean, I get the jist, but I'm not sure on the specifics of its capabilities."

"Huh." Keshet struck a pondering pose. "Then, when you've fully figured out how it works, can you tell me about it?"

"Sure." I answered quickly. "I just have to run a couple of tests on it, then I'll be sure."

"Great." Keshet said, seemingly satisfied.

With perfect timing, Naomi burst into the room.

"I have curry!" She joyfully exclaimed.

"I thought we used our last bit of money on the inn?" I asked.

"Well, it was only a few washed windows away!" Naomi responded enthusiastically, giving a thumbs up.

"I guess we can't let that work go to waste. Let's eat!" Keshet cheerfully shouted.

After a good meal, we were stuffed. I glanced over to the clock, and read, "11:00." I thought to myself,

"We're really cutting it close with Adir… I have to figure out how to pay the doctor, and who knows how long that will take!" And just as I finished that thought, the doctor wandered into the room.

"Oh, thank goodness you're awake." He said as he walked in. He wore a long white coat that blended in with the walls, and carried a clipboard clinched against his chest.

"Yeah, it's thanks you you, doc!" I said happily.

"Oh, it's really nothing. However, I will say, it's been a while since I've had a patient as peculiar as you… Your severe injuries, lack of guardians, and deep red eyes that surely can't be natural."

I buried my face in my hands, I had forgotten about my eyes. Now people had seen them, so I need to be even more on guard. I looked up from my palms to see a disappointed look on Keshet and Naomi's faces. It was as if they were saying,

"We had no other choice…"

Now I was worried that the doctor, the one who once who saved me, was now most likely going to turn me in to the Keepers of the Peace, and I would never again taste freedom. But, just as I was at my lowest point, the doctor spoke again.

"Well, no matter. Despite my fascination, a patient's business is none of my own.

I was relieved. The doctor didn't seem too concerned with my strange position. However, now, I had a new issue to deal with.

"So, how can I pay you back… Like, I mean, how much did it cost?" I asked nervously.

"Don't worry about that." The doctor swiftly replied, "You're just a kid, I won't charge you. I mean, hehe, I'm not a maniac, right?" To my dismay, he said that last bit like he was a maniac.

What else did you do to me doc?

"Thank you so much." I bowed a little, sitting up in bed.

"Really, don't thank me, it's my duty. As for when you'll be discharged, for the most part you're good to go."

"Really?" I said, excitedly.

"That's right. So, I'll be leaving now. Take your time grabbing your things, that is, if they're important to you." The doctor chuckled unnaturally to himself.

After the door was shut, the 3 of us read each other's minds just by looking at each other. We were all thinking in unison,

"He was strange…"

However, we had no time to waste, so we gathered up what we had there, and went off to meet with Adir for my, "lesson,"