
Family Talk


2 days passed...



That must be Ddraig!

It was the sound of a large creature in the air passing by, after all. I ran out of my room towards the front door, then I was stopped by my dad who carried me in his arms.

"Now, now, where may you be going young man?"

"To meet Mr. Ddraig!"

My father chuckled and placed me down. My mother came from her room with a smile on her face.

"We're going to have breakfast first."

"Aww, but I want to meet with Mr. Ddraig!"

"Mr. Ddraig will be eating breakfast with us as well."



The front door opened up and Ddraig stood there in his human form.

"Yes, I'm hungry."

We all settled down on a wooden table and started eating our breakfast. We had eggs, broccoli, and some fish. Ddraig really likes the fish since well he's a dragon. He gave his broccoli and eggs to me, which I gladly ate. If I'm going to train, I'm gonna need some nutrition so my body could be healthy.

By the way, I don't think I ever mentioned how Ddraig looked in his human form. In his human form, he has crimson red hair and emerald green eyes. He's basically a human with dragon colors.

Back on earth, Ddraig is the supposed 'Welsh Dragon' but in this world, he's called the cataclysmic dragon. He said he was given that title at birth for the destruction he accidentally caused, but it was nothing but a name which is a relief.

Anyway, it was pretty quiet at the table. Guess we're all eating peacefully?

I took quick glances at Ddraig, hoping he would give me a signal. But Ddraig just sat there peacefully eating his fish.

*A few minutes later*

Ddraig is eating another fish, he's acting as if this was nothing but a short visit. Did that goddess even contact him?

Then he opened his mouth and began talking. Was he ready to talk to me?

"Hey, Michael."

No, he was talking to my dad. Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you, my dad's name is Michael and my mother's name is Lucy. Our family surname came from my dad. Anyway, back to talking.

"Yes, Ddraig?"

"Your answer, are you going to allow Lucian to train?"

Mhm, you tell them Ddraig.


Wait, what?

Why did you tell them?!

Is this a joke? Why did he tell them? Did the goddess not tell him to not tell my parents?!

Now my early training is gone. My parents would never agree. I mean, I would never let my 4-year-old son go training with an almighty dragon, even if I was forced to.


See look I knew my dad would say no. Nooooooo—wait what?

"As long as you can protect him, we don't mind."

My mother said with a bright smile on her face.

This wasn't what I expected, won't parent be worried that their 4-year-old child is going out into the world?

My mother shifted her attention to me.

"How does it sound Lucian? You'll be able to learn magic."

I must be dreaming, right? This is a dream, right? No way are they allowing me to go train with Ddraig.



"What do you think?"

"Umm, uhh, don't you think I'm a bit too young?"

Then everyone around me giggled, even Ddraig.

There was visible confusion coming from my face.

Ddraig cleared his throat.

"Lucian, when kids hit the age of 4, they start their magic training when they want to."

Start training when they become of age? So... that means that I could've told my parents I wanted to train after all?

Why didn't that goddess tell me anything? Tch, I need to find out what her name is already.

Everybody was looking at me, waiting for my answer.

"I-I guess I can?"

My parents smiled. Ddraig got up from his seat and headed towards the door.

"I'll wait for you outside."

I looked at my parents who were happily smiling.

"I'll get your stuff ready."

My mother went into my room. I think I heard a tremble in her voice.

I looked at my dad, who was sipping on some tea.



"Why are you guys so relaxed?"

My dad put his cup of tea down.

"That's because..."


"I want my son to be the best hero there is. And I hope you pass the hero academy entrance exam."

So that's your reason.

Well, I am planning to enter the hero academy.

Wait, how does he know that I'm entering the hero academy?

"How do you know I was going to enter the academy?"

"Ddraig told us."

"When and where?"

"When we were preparing breakfast, you were in the bathroom so you didn't hear us. We pondered whether you should be a hero or not. We don't want our son taking the wrong step, do we?"

Oh... I see.

So that's why it was so quiet. My parents were hesitating if they wanted me to be a hero or not. They were worried about me.

"So how did you choose that I should become a hero?"

"We heard from Ddraig that the goddess Tiamat said that you had special potential."

She came up with such an obvious lie, or `is` it a lie?


Welp, who knows?

And her name is Tiamat, that good to know.

Wait a minute, isn't Tiamat a dragon though? Oh wait, she is a dragon.

"And that's why you decided to let me train?"

"Precisely. You need to realize your potential as early as possible."

That's great. This almost feels unreal, but it's happening.

"We're going to miss you though, please come and visit as much as you can."

"Yep... wait what? What do you mean by visit as much as you can? Ain't I going to train somewhere near here?"

"Huh? If your going to train, you might as well train in the dragon land. We can't have any ruckus going on here."

Hmm, that's true. I can't have this place get destroyed by me... or Ddraig.

"So that means I'll have to say goodbye?"

My dad nodded, and he wrapped me around his arms.

Then he whispered into my ear.

"Be careful with Ddraig, he tends to not go easy. Visiting us might be hard for you."

"I see, thanks for the advice."

My mother walked out of my room with luggage in her hand. Probably mine. I think I saw dried up tears on my mother's cheeks.

"Now then, shall we get going?"

*A few minutes later*

"Please visit as much as you can Lucian."

"I will mom."

My mom braced me in her arms. This feeling of warmth, I'll never forget it.

I'd place my hand on the luggage. My mother began tearing up. Guess she was holding it from breakfast.

"Well then, I'll see you guys soon."

As I began walking towards Ddraig-






I scratched my head.

"Heh heh, uhh give me a second."

I was tugging on the luggage. Then I started pulling on it violently.

What the hell is wrong with this thing?! It's heavy as hell!

"MOM! What did you put in this thing?!"

"Oh, I put your clothes, toothbrush, a sword-"

"Why did you put a sword in this thing?!"

"Don't you need a sword to train though?"

"W-well that's true but..."

Then Ddraig stepped in.

"Lucian won't need the sword, we can craft a sword just for him when we get to Vritra."

Yes Ddraig. You tell her.

"But that sword is your father's sword."

Dad's sword?


"Did you even ask dad for permission?"

My mom chuckled and looked away.

Then my dad stepped in for her.

"I don't really have a use for that sword anymore you can have it. Consider it an early birthday gift."

Well, if he says so.

I opened the luggage. Laying inside was a silver sword with markings all over its blade. It looked like a blade that suits a king, like king Author... or was it Arthur?

I tried picking it up, but this thing is darn heavy. I should raise that strength stat I have.

So I shut the luggage shut.

"Now... how am I going to carry this?"

Ddraig walked in front of me and picked up the luggage.

"Oh, thanks, Mr. Ddraig."

"No problems kid now let's get going."


I followed Ddraig down the road while waving bye to my parents.

*A few minutes later*

"Hey Mr. Ddraig."


"How far is Vritra from here?"

"About a hundred miles."

"What, and we're walking all the way there?"

"Pretty much."


"We can work on that agility and stamina of yours. You have such a simple system to use after all."

"Yeah I know bu—"

Wait a minute, did Tiamat tell him everything?!

"D-d-did Tiamat—"

"Yes, the goddess Tiamat told me everything and how you're using this so-called 'system' structure to measure your power."

"So if you know about that, that also means you..."

"Yes, I know you've been reincarnated."

I gulped. Well, I've been found. If he told my parents, what would they think?

"Calm down now, you gulped pretty loud there. I won't tell your parents or to anyone, it will be a secret between you and me... and Tiamat."

"Whew, that's a relief."

"Anyway, how about you get running?"

"Y-yes sir..."

This is going to be rough...


And so, a week passed by and the 2 have finally arrived in Vritra.

And Lucian gained about 2 levels, making him level 3.

Good for him.


