
Chapter 007: Unwanted PART 5

We're Done!!


“Agh... Why are you silent? Did I do something wrong?”

You don't even know?

I bite my lips.

“Fuu~ That's right. When did you become so popular?”

“I'm not popular.”

“Apparently, you are. Remember those vendors were fawning over you? And the crowd that formed just because of you?”

“That is because I am the vice president of the SSG.”

“That's part of it. But that's not all there is to it Eli-chan.”

“They wanted to use my position.”

“Huh? Fufufufufu. Are you thinking that the only reason they're praising and fawning over you is just because they wanted to use you?”


“Well I don't think so. Perhaps there are those that really think like that. But as I said, that's not all there is to it. You're popular because they like you Eli-chan.”


“Although I don't understand what made you so popular, but it's really the fact Eli-chan. The universe isn't black-and-white. There is a gray as well. And in fact, there's a lot of colors— Both bright and dull.”

“I don't... I don't know what you're talking about.”

“Oh hell. In other words, you're not just popular because of ulterior motives. But also because you're just really likeable Eli-chan.”

I don't care. You're the one I wanted to like me. But that's impossible. That bitch came back. You want her more than me!

“Did you know that our classmates made a fuss when I said that you'll be singing? You weren't there to hear it yet they did genuinely desired to hear you sing.”

“Because you were there. So of course they'll praise me to make a good impression in front of you.”

“They don't don't know me Eli-chan. And they don't even believe in our relationship.”

“I see. They found out then.”

“No. I'm saying that they're being sincere.”


“Come on. I actually find it normal you know. You're pretty, adorable, kind by default, reliable and responsible. Who wouldn't like you?”


“D-Did you just praise me???”

“Oh I did.”


“What do you mean by that?”

“You're lying...”

“I'm not.”

“T-That's impossible...”

“It's not.”

But... I... What's going on?

“Can you praise me again..?”

N-No... He's just deceiving me... Why would he...?

“Fufufufu... Of course. Fumufumu. Eli-chan, my lil girlfriend is a beautiful, a good fighter, kind, and reliable person.”

I-Is he really speaking the truth...?



“You aren't lying to me?”

“I am not.”

“Eeeeerrr... Um... D-Do you need something?”

“What? You make it sound like I only give compliments when I need something...”

“But..... Are you really not lying?”


“Is that what you really think of me?”

“Yes Eli-chan. Why are you so sceptical?”

“B-Because....... um... Do you still want me..?”

“............. ”


Why are you just staring at me?

I knew it. He's just lying. He is just.. it hurts... You don't really—

“Fuhahahahahaha. What's wrong Eli-chan? You're being weird... I want you of course.”


“How many times— Agh. Yes! I said ‘YES’. I want you.”



Was I wrong all this time..???

I was wrong all along?

I was just really overthinking?

I................... Hehehehehehehe... That's... I'm glad I'm wrong... He still wants me...

“I'm sorry.”

“Eh? For what?”

“For doubting you.. um...”

“Fufufufufufufu. It's okay. Doubt is normal. Just clear it up with me.”

“Sorry... Am I being annoying..?”


He's just staring at me again.

Am I annoying?


He wipes the corner of my lips using his thumb. Then he sucks it..

“You're not annoying. Hmmm. You're tasty.”

“.............. eh....?”

“Fufufufufu. Let's eat.”


“Um. Err... Eli-chan... I'm starting to feel awkward if you keep watching me while I eat— eh? Why are you crying?”

He walks around to sit beside me.

I am crying?

“Sniff.... No I'm not... I'm not crying... I'm not...”

He hugs me and use that back of his hand to wipe my eyes dry. But I keep soaking it.

“I'm so sorry..”

“What are you saying sorry for? It's okay. Did I do something wrong?”

“I'm sorry for doubting you...”

“I said doubt is fine. It's normal. Just clear it up with me.”

“I can ask...?”

“Yes you can of course fufufufufu.”


“Yes. What is it?”

“Umm... Were.... Were you... D-Did you watch me sing..?”


Eh? Why does he look troubled?

“Oh hell.”


“I'm sorry...”

What are you saying sorry for?


“Are you being rhetorical? You already know the answer yet you still asked. It's that some sort of test isn't it? The ‘I-rather-know-it-from-you-than-from-somebody-else’ thing right? Fufufufufu. I'm really sorry Eli-chan.”

“B-But why are you being sorry?”

I am having a bad feeling about this. I don't want to hear it.

I open the mineral bottle Mark bought earlier to soak my throat.

“I wasn't there... I didn't hear you sing. I'm really sorry.”

I trembled so some water spills onto my blouse.

N-No... Calm down. I already know that... Don't overthink. It's bad.

You should find out why. He must have reasons.




“Don't be angry okay?”


Just what is it?

“It is because ma'am Iris asked me to pick something up from the gate with other boys. Have you seen the new locker in our room? That's what we picked up. So I am really apologizing to you. I watched it on our school page though. You really have a good voice.”

“Is that all.... y-you'll say..? Nothing else..”


H-H-How about Mae...?

What's the reason for you t-to be with her...?

“Are you not going to say something else?”

“Hmmm. There's nothing else.”

“Did you carry the locker yourself...all by yourself..?”

“No way. I may be strong but I'm not superhuman. I bet you're stronger than I do.”

“Then a girl helped you?”

“Of course not fufufufufu. I was with the boys. There is no girl with us.”


Then why?

Why are you with her?

Why didn't you came back immediately?

To flirt with her?

Did you really even help?

Or did you just took advantage of the chance to... to FLIRT with that BITCH?

You're going to use the locker as an excuse... As your alibi?


I bite my lips until it bleeds.


You lied to me Mark.

You lied to me.

You lied to me.

You lied to me Mark!

“Why are you trembling? Are you okay. Fufufu. I'm really sorry. Ma'am Iris was scary okay? I really wanna watch you but—”

You lied...


“What... That hurts Eli-chan. What was that for? Are you angry? Why?”


“I can't hear you.”


“Hmm. I didn't. You don't believe me?”

You lied. You lied. You lied. You lied. You lied. You lied. You lied. You lied. You lied. You lied. You lied. You lied. You lied. You lied. You lied. You lied. You lied. You lied. You lied. You lied. You lied. You lied. You lied. You lied. You lied. You lied. You lied. You lied. You lied. You lied. You lied. You lied. You lied. You lied. You lied. You lied. You lied. You lied. You lied. You lied. You lied. You lied. You lied. You lied. You lied. You lied. You lied. You lied.

“You... You're a liar...!”

“I didn't lied. You can ask ma'am Iris.”

He grabs my arm.


But I dodge and take a step back.

Why do you need to play me like this? Why do you need to play with my feelings? Why would you lie to me? WHY?!!

“Eli-chan. Believe me please.”


You're a liar! I hate you! I hate you! I hate you! I hate you! I hate you! I HATE YOU!

He tries to grab me again.

“Shut up and don't touch me!”

I dodge again.

“Alright but please stop biting your lips... You're bleeding a lot already.”

“I said shut up!”

“Alright. I'm sorry. Let's talk this out okay?”

“No... NO! I don't want to talk to you anymore! I hate you! I already hate you! I don't want to hear your lies anymore.”

“Oh hell alright. But stop hurting yourself. And we might be the only one here but who knows if somebody will come. Do you want to damage your popularity?”

“I don't care! Just shut up! And I said I don't want to talk to you anymore. I hate you and we're done!”



I'll be stopping with the revising here for now「09-17-2023」. I stopped at the right moment so there should be no to few confusion... I hope there's no confusion. I didn't change the plot btw... I think.

This used to be called: Chapter 003.9: To Replace Me Part 4