
『Re:Zero』That Time I Had To Restart Life In The Jujutsu World

Rimuru Tempest, former human reincarnated as a slime in another world had been sucked unto a portal while being confronted by someone leading with to restart life in another different world. The world of Jujutsu, where sorcerers and curses exists.

Raging_Tempest · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs

「Chapter 2 : Oddball」

//*AN: OC incoming*//






*AN: If you're wondering who she is, she's an OC*

Back to the usual morning as always, being a babysitter to some kids. I've always been told by my friends that this is a troublesome work especially when you have to babysit a spoiled brat, well that's true.

But my case here is different, the kids I'm babysitting right now is quite matured at their


There is Megumi which I call Little Gumi. Yeah I know... I suck at giving nicknames. Megumi isn't just adorable, he's also well mannered.

He knows how to be quiet.

He's also very understanding.

The other child is my problem though. The red-eyed one who's always leaving me with confusion.

I mean she isn't spoiled and she isn't a dumbo kid either but the way she talk and the expressions she give is rather creeping me out.

There was one time when I first came here to do my job. I asked their name for introductions of course. Then she gave me an odd confusing answer.

After asking her, she looked away for a moment so I waited for her like for a minute or something. That's when she proceeds to answer me with a neutral tone in her voice,

"I am still not named by my master. Therefore, you can call me anything as my master has been calling me Great Sage"

"E-eh!? Didn't your mother gave you a name?"

I asked with total confusion.

"I have no mother", was all she said.

" T-then what about your father?"



"Uhm, yes? Mr. Fushiguro?"

"Oh...so you're talking about the one who took me in. He never called me by any name for he just call me 'brat', 'kid' or sometimes 'hey you'. I have no problem with that"

"O-oh ahaha..."

I don't have a choice but to ask Megumi about it, "The babysitter before you called her Akira"

That's when I started calling her with that name too. That's not the only thing strange about her. When I talk with her, it's like I'm talking to a humanoid robot.

She reminds me of that AI device virtual assistant thingy... What do they call it again?... Ah yes! Siri! She reminds me of Siri!

Whenever she tells something, she would start it off with 'Notice' or 'Solution' or 'Warning'.

What a weird kid.

When I ask her some things and she doesn't know the answer, she would say, "Impossible to Calculate. Impossible to Understand. Reply Impossible".

I can tell that she's just a kid that Mr. Fushiguro took in. She doesn't have any features of him. And her hair and eye color stands out! Where did he even get this oddball?

I kind of distanced away from her for a bit. Don't judge me! I'm trying to keep my cool here and try not to lose my sanity.

A year later, Mr. Fushiguro remarried someone, the mother of Tsumiki, Megumi and Akira's new sibling. She is older than them. Megumi and Akira have the same age. Tsumiki is an angel, very opposite from Akira. Megumi got fond of her and I sometimes find them like a perfect sibling. Meanwhile about Akira....she is always unfazed looking at a distance on the window sill.

Tsumiki tried many times to catch her attention but she just looks at us then proceeds to gaze at the sky again.

I hope she doesn't grow up to be like that.


The rain had poured heavily across the town. Kushieda was preparing dinner while Megumi and Tsumiki were playing Chess. "Aw! I lose again!", Tsumiki cried out after having the fourth loss. Megumi always win when it comes to board games.

Suddenly, Akira came towards them and stared at the chess board. The three looked at her waiting for what she will be doing.

" Akira? Is something wrong?", Kushieda asked her. She didn't respond but she didn't took off her gaze at the chess board.

"Do you want to try? I'll play with you", Megumi spoke. Tsumiki smiled at Akira, " Yeah! Why don't you try it! Who knows, you might be the one to defeat Megumi!"


"Okay. I'll play with you. But just once"

Kushieda got intrigued by this as she never saw Akira interact with them before let alone play with them so she quickly went to them and sat down beside Tsumiki who is also watching them play.

The game went on for a minute and it showed that Megumi is winning. The two players held stoic expressions as always, never showing any emotions as the game keep going.

Then, Akira looked at Megumi after he took his turn.

"You made a wrong move. You're now in a critical situation", she retorted as she took down Megumi's pieces and she finished the game.

The three were flabbergasted by the results of the game. "Woah! Akira's so cool! She defeated the undefeated Megumi", Tsumiki exclaimed as she look at Akira with admiration. Kushieda couldn't say a word. As for Megumi, he stared at the board and asked, " How did you do it? How did you won?", wondering how she won after playing chess for the first time.

"I did nothing. No magic tricks no cheating. I just played the game using calculations and the knowledge I gathered after watching you and Tsumiki play"

She took the King piece and looks at it.

"After some time, I have analyzed that this game is merely a game of wits.  The rules are very complex, but I was able to find my own way of winning. The only difference between me and you, is that I had more time to observe the way you play. By using the information that I had acquired from observation, I can easily predict your moves leading me to defeat you", Akira explained.

" O-oh I see. Then I'll try doing that too", Megumi said looking at Akira. "Me too! I want to defeat Akira now!", Tsumiki said while playing with Akira's hair.

Megumi and Tsumiki began to talk about how good Akira is giving her some sweet complements which she would just reply with a 'hn'. Then after a while, the rained stopped pouring. Megumi and Tsumiki were pulling Akira's hands trying to let her join them in their made up fortress.

Akira looked at the front door and glanced at Kushieda, " Notice. Toji Fushiguro is here". Suddenly, a knock from the door was heard.