
《World Breaker》

Author here: 《I accidentally labelled this story under the novel Type instead of the Fanfic type.And now it can't be changed.So I wrote a story under the fanfic type with the same name and posted all my chapters there.You should check that out and support me there. That's where I will continue this story. That's all! Thank you!》

Farrakhan · Action
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7 Chs

Reborn Part 1

Darkness;it was the only thing Takeshi could perceive.All encompassing and eternal darkness.His fragile mind was in total chaos.'..what ...what the hell is this!..where...why...what happened!?...ugh my head it hurts..whe...where are my hands'

"WHAT THE HELL!! what's happening!? my hands ? my feet? my body? wh..wh..where are...?"

Right now Takeshi's mind was in utter chaos. Confusion and fear were the primary emotions that dominated his psyche.His breathing turned erratic.His thoughts were all over the place. '...I.. remember flower pot... earthquakes...people....blood..' suddenly his mind experienced a bout of clarity. "I was hit on the head!...I remember now.But then where the hell am I!? Am I in a coma? Is this a dream?a nightmare?...No,no,no..this is too real, to intense to be a dream. I can think completely fine....calm down ...calm down....deep breaths "

His erratic breathing finally calmed down as he reined in his emotions.

"Analyse..I have to analyse my situation..then come up with a plausible explanation."

Takeshi once again opened his closed eyes and took in his surroundings.But i guess you couldn't even call them eyes as there were no such appendages on his being anymore '..hmm....all I can see is darkness? or more accurately saying all i can feel is darkness..I appear to have lost my body...Am i a spirit?.. am I dead!?...calm down....deep breath..hmm...this could be a coma.Maybe I was saved in time and now I am in a coma induced sleep.The pot did hit my head.It could explain for all these things..maybe this is just a hallucination...my mind playing its tricks on me..hmm'

The more he thought about this the more plausible it seemed.That's the only rational argument he could come up with that could explain his current predicament.The idea that he was really dead and this was some kind of afterlife or some cliche reincarnation situation had also crossed his mind but;

"..hah...like that's ever gonna happen...that's all nonsense...was what I have experienced till this day all a lie or just the mere consequence of someone typing a few words! ...hah...I refuse to believe it! That is absurd!"

But as if fate was making a mockery of him a sudden blue light filled his metaphorical eyes and rendered him almost blind.' ..ughh..what the hell!..what is this' Slowly opening his eyes,what came into his view made his metaphorical heart stop and made his blood run cold.His breath was caught in his throat as he struggled to make sense of what he was seeing.It was a rectangular blue screen much like the one's he was familiar with having seen them in video games.'..This!!..what is this!?...'

Slowly the gravity of the situation dawned on him as remembered his earlier words.'N..no way!! This can't be real!This is a joke right!?... It's definitely my mind playing tricks on me!..yeah! that's it! Maybe because I was thinking of such a ridiculous situation my mind conjured this up...yeah that's got to be it.. all i have to do it is to will it away.' Thus once the disbelief was gone anger replaced it as the dominant emotion.He frantically tried to erase the existence of the screen from his view but it was all to no avail.No matter what he did the blue screen remained there without so much as a ripple as if to mock the futility of his efforts.Finally after 10 minutes of trying different ways to get rid of it and failing miserably he finally accepted his loss as he slumped there in exhaustion.

'Damn ...ha..ha I can't believe I got exhausted in my own mind..ha ha how the fuck does that happen...ha .ha..but now what do I do about this..It won't go away no matter what...maybe I really am dead..and as ridiculous and magical as it sounds maybe this is one of those reincarnation situations I have read about in those fanfictions...Either way there is nothing else i can do..I can't get out of here nor can I get rid of this screen.I guess the only option left is to check it out....I'll worry about other things later' Finally overcoming his existential crisis he then proceeded to study the screen more carefully.

" Welcome to Limbo:

"Due to the whims of powers beyond your comprehension you have been selected to be given a second shot at life.Please follow the following instructions accordingly to proceed with your reincarnation. That's all.Thank you.""

"THANK YOU MY ASS!! What kind of sick joke is this! Powers beyond my comprehension!!? what the fuck!?who the hell do you think you are!? SHOW YOURSELF!!Were you also the reason I died!? Was it you who caused the earthquake!?..HEY ANSWER ME DAMMIT!!.."


After a few minutes of mental breakdown he finally composed himself and continued reading but not without condemning whoever had done this to him to the very depths of hell!!

'Fuck fuck fuck...who the fuck is this higher power..do you think this is funny!?' All this anger stemmed from his helplessness. The fact that he couldn't get out of this cage of darkness scared him.The fact the some dumb blue screen was telling him about higher powers and second chances scared him.He couldn't make head or tails of the situation.Was all this real? was it all just a dream.? was he going to wake up from this?Or was what this screen telling him actually the truth!? was he really dead?Had he lost his chance to deliver on the promise he made.' No...wait..I haven't..if what this screen is telling the actual truth then i can get a second chance.I can deliver on my promise.And maybe just maybe I can also live my fantasies.But I don't know where I will reincarnate..will it be in this world? maybe in the past?or future? ..or maybe it will be like in those fanfictions and I can go to those magical worlds like One piece and Fairy tail.This might not be so bad after all....hmm....only one way to find out'

Now considerably calmer than before and even a bit hopeful he continued reading...

Points:20,786 ₩

●Character Customization




'..hmmm ..so I can customize my character huh and there is even a tab for powers and world...is this what I think it is.'

Now giddy with excitement he couldn't wait to begin exploring in depth but before all that 'what's up with those 20,786 ₩.. what does it mean' so he mentally clicked on it and to his surprise a few lines appear below it.

Points:20,786 ₩

[₩ are the currency of

the s##%$ through which

the user can prepare for

his/her second life,they

are determined by looking

at specific parameters]

●Character customization




'hmm that doesn't explain all that much but oh well...Now what should I start with..'

He made up his mind and clicked on the power section.

Points:20,786 ₩

●Character customization







○ ...

○ ...



And the list went on and on...

He couldn't believe his eyes..

"What the fuck!! is this real!! Can I really get powers from these anime and mangas..That . is . so . awesome!!" He excitedly clicked on the first option.

Points:20,786 ₩

●Character customization




□ Observation Haki Points:1000 ₩

□ Armament Haki Points:1000 ₩

□ Conquerors Haki Points:1500 ₩



□ Soru Points:500 ₩

□ Shigan Points:500 ₩

□ Tekkai Points:500 ₩

□ Geppo Points:500 ₩

□ Rankyaku Points:500 ₩

□ Kami-e Points:500 ₩

◇ Rokuogan Points:1000 ₩

◇ Semei kikan Points:1000 ₩

[Hasshoken] Points: 500 ₩


□ Logia

□ Paramecia

□ Zoan

◇ Mythical Zoan

■ LEGACY:[only deceased characters]

□ Edward 'Whitebeard' Newgate

" Inherit the character's

Devil fruit power,Haki mastery,

Talent and Charisma "


□ Gol.D.Roger

" Inherit the character's

Devil fruit power,Haki mastery,

Talent and Charisma "


□ Fisher Tiger

" Inherit the character's

Devil fruit power,Haki mastery,

Talent and Charisma "

Points:2,500 ₩

□ .....

□ .....

□ .....





○ ...

○ ...



"Whoah!!... amazing!! there are so many choices! so many options! Dragon slayer magic, Chakra,Devil fruits but the best thing is that I can even Inherit the legacies of characters that have passed away....that is overpowered!!! I can Inherit their mastery over their powers and all the abilities that they weilded in their life....unbelievable!! But they are pretty expensive!..damn is this Madara Uchiha's legacy!? What the hell is with this ridiculous price!?? ....well I guess he was technically a god before he got possessed and then died but still..."

As he continued checking out the different options available and went through different animes he started to get all the more excited.There were unlimited amount of options and the only thing stopping him from becoming overpowered was the lack of points.Gradually he calmed down and started to seriously think about his options.But in the end he just couldn't stop the fanboy whithin his heart and selected whitebeard's legacy.

"Yes! Yes! this is a dream come true..Whitebeard 'the strongest man in the world'...He was given this title even when the Pirate King Gold Roger was alive.There is no doubt.This is the best option for me.And come to think of it I died due to an earthquake ...hmm ...could this be some kind of sign...meh whatever I can't wait to try it out...The tremor tremor fruit....No matter which world I go to This power would still be considered one of the most devestating."

He readily selected whitebeard's legacy

for 10,000 ₩

"Congratulations! You have gained

whitebeard's legacy. This pack includes

the following "


Whitebeard had one of the most durable physiques during his prime being able to not only withstand but also master the devestating power of his Tremor-Tremor Fruit.His Endurance and stamina knew no bounds as he kept fighting through sickness and multitude of fatal injuries even one of which would have spelled doom for the sturdiest of men.His Speed,Power and Size made him a force to be reckoned with.Whitebeard's physical resistance and pain tolerance were nothing short of miraculous: he was able to keep fighting despite the number of life threatening injuries which included part of his head being literally burned off. This also proves that Newgate possessed incredible amounts of stamina and endurance; no matter how much damage he took throughout the battle, Whitebeard continued to press forward and fight, only stopping (and finally dying) once the near entirety of the Blackbeard Pirates collectively shot and stabbed him to death at point-blank range. It was shown that even in his old age, in a heavily wounded state, and without his Devil Fruit powers, he could take down a Shichibukai-level opponent without a problem as demonstrated in his fight against Blackbeard.

{Note:User can choose his outwards

appearance according to his

preference in the character

customization.It will not affect

the power and abilities of the

physique whatsoever.}

●Devil Fruit:

Whitebeard ate the Gura Gura no Mi, a Paramecia type Devil Fruit that made him a "Quake Man", and was considered the strongest Devil Fruit within the Paramecia class. According to Sengoku, Whitebeard had the power to destroy the world.

With the power of this Devil Fruit, Whitebeard was able to create powerful shock waves by shattering the air like glass. These shock waves then would be redirected into the ground, resulting in earthquakes and, if under the seafloor, tsunamis. He has been shown to create such quakes even in the air, rendering airborne attacks ineffective. He could also use these shock waves to attack enemies, with either widespread or specific targets. Whitebeard's powers also allowed him to create a 'quake bubble' around his hand or bisento to increase the power of an attack and manipulate the air with his hands to tilt the environment around him. He has also been seen to use his bisento to slash the air, which caused a massive explosion and the collapse of a tower in Marineford.

Whitebeard was also able to create these shock waves to block physical attacks as well as non-physical attacks making his Devil Fruit powers excellent for both offensive and defensive capabilities.


Murakumogiri is a naginata and one of the 12 Supreme Grade swords.It was used by Edward Newgate for over 30 years until his death. Whitebeard was immensely skilled with it. The weapon's size is massive, fitting that of its owner, with a striped pole ending in a spherical edge, and a curved, large blade attached to the pole via a golden part, decorated by what looks like a sea snake, with a thin part of it protruding on the blade itself. {Note:The size will be

adjusted according to the


With Whitebeard's immense skills and powers, the bisento was strong enough to clash with Shanks' saber, which caused the clouds (and even the heavens) to split. Whitebeard usually employed the bisento using both hands, but was also seen capable of using it proficiently with just one hand. Most of the time he kept it in his right hand, and sometimes he was seen planting its blade in the ground, in order to use both of his hands freely for his Devil Fruit. The bisento could be used in conjunction with his Devil Fruit and Busoshoku Haki, to increase the already great damage he can inflict, as well as to neutralize any potential Devil Fruit defense his opponents may offer.

Also, the bisento is extremely durable, as it stopped Akainu's magma attack without melting or any visible damage, though it may be Whitebeard coating it with Busoshoku Haki. It sustained a two-handed downward swing from giant Vice Admiral John Giant as well.


Whitebeard was one of the few people to have mastered all three kinds of Haki.

With his Kenbunshoku Haki, Whitebeard was able to foresee all of Portgas D. Ace's attempts to kill him, even while asleep, retaliating to each assault and launching the young pirate away great distances, often causing damage to the ship while doing so. In the bay of Marineford, he managed to predict Crocodile's sudden attack but did not move, knowing that Monkey D. Luffy would block it(possibly future sight). However, due to his age and worsening health, he failed to predict Squard's betrayal and thus got injured (referred to as a "pesky stab"), something which, according to Marco, was totally unexpected from the Yonko. 

His control over Busoshoku Haki was such that he could, in most cases, negate the intangibility of Logia-based Devil Fruits. In the past, he was able to defeat Crocodile - even though it's unknown if the former Shichibukai had already eaten his Devil Fruit - and to beat Ace more than one hundred times. The split in the heavens provoked by his clash with Shanks during the meeting of the Whitebeard Pirates and the Red Hair Pirates was the result of the amazing Busoshoku Haki imbued in their weapons. At the former Marine Headquarters, Whitebeard successfully landed blows on Akainu where Marco and Vista failed to do so with their own Busoshoku Haki.

He possessed Haoshoku Haki even though he was never seen using it. During the Battle of Marineford, he was on the verge of using it against some World Government's executioners (and Mr. 3 who was disguised) to protect Portgas D. Ace, but failed because of a sudden illness attack."


• Inability to swim: Whitebeard is unable to swim and leaving him drowning.

Seastone: Whitebeard is vulnerable to seastone that drains his devil fruit ability.

{Note: User will Inherit all of these

traits slowly as he gets older and

approaches his prime.During

user's prime user will be as strong

and resilient as Prime Whitebeard

if not stronger depending upon

other purchases and the power

system of the host world.}

{Note: All these powers will be adjusted

according to the world the user


{Note:The weaknesses of Whitebeard

that are his inability to swim and

vulnerability to seastone will also

be inherited as long as the power

of the user falls under devil fruit

category.It will be however

immediately negated once the

power is no longer classified as

devil fruit ability despite having

the same abilities and power.The

user can take advantage of this

rule by choosing a world with a

suitable power system and

changing his devil fruit power into

said system's power.In case the

chosen world does not possess a

suitable power system then the

power will be regarded as a devil

fruit ability and thus suffer its

inherent weaknesses. }