

At the fourth day , the guy was out to work in the forest , cutting the trees but his mind was somewhere else , obviously he was thinking of the incident of that night and was curious to know the details.

He was lost in his thoughts , then suddenly he heard a sound of running steps that were coming closer and closer. He respond it , by looking in that direction and saw that a little girl was making her feet move in the air cutting the winds by making the sound of splash * splash and in a while she speedly came infront of him , making her hands moves and point in a direction , the guy did not understand her efforts and said her to leave , but the girl was smart , she hold his cloth peice and drag him to move , seeing her the guy pulled her up and asked her the reason but the girl didnot say word , yet moving her hands to say something , then the guy understood that the girl was mute and she had something urgent to say , so he pulled her up on his shoulders and start walking on until he reached his house.