
《Imperfect power》

"In a world where individuals possess extraordinary powers, Eric, a mysterious and powerful man, finds himself responsible for the rehabilitation of two notorious criminals, his main goal is to find other users of the power of absolute just like himself.

Oz_Orcus · Sci-fi
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22 Chs

《Imperfect power》chapter 4

Eric's POV:

Well, I certainly told them to have fun and not make a mess, but I didn't expect them to break into my house and kidnap Ren and Christie. Those girls got themselves into some serious trouble now. And I won't hold back... once I find out where the hell they went.

Well, they shouldn't be too far. Also, I can just call Jade or Angie and ask them gently if they have a death wish.

I dialed Jade's number, trying to sound as sweet as possible.

Ring... Ring...

They're not picking up. Okay, now it's confirmed trouble.

It's official – they've ventured into the Bermuda Triangle of phone signal. Time to figure out where they are and get Ren and Christie back.


*Angeline's apartament*

Now then, if they're not here, I might as well snoop around in their browser history. They had one simple mission: find out about the killer's whereabouts and report back. But noooo, they had to dive headfirst into the world of kidnapping. I'm guessing they needed Lauren for some "friendly" interrogation. So, perhaps the location is on their computer.

Bingo! "High-security prison" and "Victor Thorn." Dear God, what kind of mess have they gotten themselves into? But now I get it. They needed Ren to work her charm on the guards. But, if that's the case, why didn't they call me instead?

I smell something fishy here, and it's not just their apartment. Though it's kinda filthy.



There I am, ready to have a friendly chat with the guards. I grab one of them by the collar and slam him against the wall.

"Four girls, two hoes, a midget, and a vegetable. Seen 'em?!"

I might be a tad rough around the edges, but who cares at this point?

"Y-yes... Not too long ago... and they left..."

So I was right, they've been here. But for what?

"Victor Thorn, who is he and where?"

And just like that, he passes out. Well, I guess I've got a new record – knocked out a cop in under a minute. Go me!

After I coerced another guard into leading me to Victor's cell, I stepped inside and stood in front of him. I didn't realize he was such a hulking fella, but that won't deter me.

"What did they ask you today?"

He remained silent, still facing me. Clearly, he needed a nudge in the right direction.


He crumpled to his knees, the floor taking the brunt of his fall. His expression shifted from stoic to a delightful blend of fear and trepidation. I mean, he looks scared, but it's highly entertaining for me.

"Don't make me ask again." I warned, my patience waning.

"They... they asked about Wellston."

Wellston, huh? Now, that's intriguing. This story reaches back pretty far.

"Anything else? Something you've spilled? Something important?!"

I prodded him, determined to get the full scoop.

"They got curious when I mentioned the girl."

The girl? That's fascinating.

"She was there when my comrades met their untimely end. A little girl with red hair."

Is that her? The killer I've been relentlessly chasing? The pieces of this puzzle were falling into place.

As I walked out of the prison, I inquired about the direction the girls had headed. To my dismay, it was in the opposite direction of where I had come from. Now, I was beyond pissed.

Seriously, I've just knocked out a cop, braved the depths of a maximum-security prison, and dealt with a mountain of attitude, only to find out those troublemakers had taken off in the opposite direction?

Well, that's just typical, isn't it? Time to roll up my sleeves, get back on track, and show those girls what happens when they mess with me.

Though I had no clue where those girls had gone, I decided to take a stroll and enjoy the view to calm myself down. Where could they be hiding, and what kind of mess had they gotten themselves into this time?

So far, all I knew about our elusive killer was her appearance, more or less. Her name was a mystery, and the only trail led to the now-deserted Wellston. What a dead end.

And what about those two guys from the other day? What did they have to do with our killer's background? Maybe the girls had stumbled upon something significant. Could that be why they hadn't returned home and had headed in the opposite direction... Wait, what the hell?

I strolled into a fancy ice cream shop, its pretty decorations catching my eye. Inside, I found my four delinquents enjoying their day, blissfully unaware of my impending arrival.

With a calm face, I approached the counter and addressed the server, "Serve me four flavors: Vanilla, Mint, Coconut, and Strawberry sorbet."

The girls turned around, their eyes widening in surprise as they recognized me.


They couldn't believe their eyes.

"E-eric... what are you doing here?" Angie played dumb.

I flashed a sarcastic smile and replied, "I'm just enjoying my day after a lovely interrogation with some criminal. How about you?"

Their faces paled as they realized they'd been caught red-handed.

"We wanted to solve it ourselves, we don't need your help." Ren said, her words fueling my anger. Still, I kept my cool.

"Well, if I'm not needed, then I'll happily go back to solving this mystery. Have fun tracking down that murderer who's undoubtedly stronger than you. Enjoy your ice cream."

With that, I turned and walked away, leaving them to ponder their choices.

They rushed out of the ice cream shop to chase after me, desperation clear in their voices.

"Wait, Eric!" Jade screamed in panic.

I stopped, turning to face them, a wry smile playing on my lips. "What is it? Did you come to apologize?" I had them right where I wanted them.

"Maybe we need your help a bit." Ren admitted reluctantly.

"Next time you try going somewhere, just ask me first. If you were to encounter our murderer, you wouldn't stand a chance." I retorted, injecting a dose of reality into their fantasy.

"Then are we supposed to always carry you by our sides?" Jade fired back, her frustration evident.

I chuckled, shaking my head. "I'm not the only one who fits that role, you know. You could've called Philip, and I wouldn't be worried about you."

Curiosity flickered in Ren's eyes. "Is he that strong?"

I grinned mischievously. "If he wanted to, he could end everyone's lifes with a mere thought."

Their faces went pale, each realizing the gravity of the situation, except perhaps for Christine. Her naturally pale complexion didn't change, and I wondered if she truly grasped the severity of it all. I wished she could.

I grabbed Christine's wheelchair and teleported all of us back home.


"See, told ya." Ren whispered something to Angie and Jade, but I didn't really care about their side conversation.

"So, who wants to share their part of the information so far?" I asked, eager to fill in the gaps in my knowledge.

After a brief exchange of words, the only new piece of information was the name Cassandra Haspis.

"So what did she have to do with those guys from before? If it was about revenge or something, she'd have gone after Victor Thorn sooner." Jade pointed out. She had a valid point. There were others like the guys she'd killed previously, so why them?

"Unless... they were there too?!" I suddenly shouted, a realization hitting me like a ton of bricks. It was a strong lead.

"If that's the case, then the next target might be the rest of the heroes who went to Wellston." Angie suggested, her voice filled with concern.

We needed to gather more information about the group that had been assembled back then, but it wouldn't be easy.

"But how do we find out who was there? It's probably highly classified information, accessible only to high-ranking authorities." Angie mused aloud. The entire group turned to look at me, waiting for a solution.

I sighed. "Okay, okay, I'll check it out." Their reliance on me was clear.

If only Christine could understand the gravity of the situation, but for now, it was up to us to uncover the truth.

I headed to the secret documentary room, searching for files related to the Wellston action. The shelves were filled with documents detailing the terrorists, the damage, and the casualties. Fortunately, my foresight came in handy, allowing me to find the exact folder containing the names of the heroes who had been present back then.

I scanned the list, discovering three heroes who had been part of that mission, in addition to the ones we had lost recently. Among them, there was one high-end strong hero. It was surprising that SHE had been there all along.


"I'm back!" I announced as I returned home, finding the girls engaged in an unexpected activity. They were playing dress-up, and I couldn't help but chuckle. I supposed it was worth it to have so many clothes on hand, especially since I had quickly teleported Angie and Jade to their homes to retrieve something. So, it's cosplay, huh?

Angie wore a cute maid outfit, and Jade looked quite dashing in her butler suit. It seemed like they were having a blast. Then came Lauren, wearing a rather revealing slingshot bikini. I couldn't help but wonder if it was a costume shop specialty or something she had dug up in a sex shop.

"You like it?" Ren asked with a mischievous smile.

"Pervert." I retorted, though that was the only thing I should say about her.

And then there was Christine. I swallowed hard as my thoughts momentarily wandered. Her outfit, while not fancy or extravagant, was a lewd wedding dress. Even if it wasn't inherently lewd, it certainly had that effect. The clean white fabric contrasted with her snowy, delicate skin, and her white hair complemented the dress perfectly. But what truly stood out were her piercing blue eyes.

Christine's gaze seemed to lock onto mine, almost as if she were acutely aware of the situation. 

"She's his favorite." Ren whispered something again, her words too faint for me to make out. For a brief moment, silence hung in the air. The other girls glanced at me, but my focus remained on Christine, and I couldn't quite pinpoint why. I felt strangely vulnerable.

Jade eventually broke the silence, perhaps for the better. "So, did you learn anything new?"

I snapped back to reality. "Ah, yes. You wouldn't believe it, but New York's number one was among the heroes who were there."

Everyone knew who I was referring to.

"Chloe Bennett, also known as the Collector." I continued, providing some background information. "She mainly operates in New York and resides there, which is why she's famous in that region. As for her power, I believe it's something related to ability enhancement or boost, but I'm not entirely sure. Her nickname, the Collector, comes from her habit of gathering enchanted artifacts created by people with the power of a blacksmith. These artisans can craft a variety of items, from weapons and jewelry to armor and other trinkets. It's a well-paid and relatively safe profession."

I paused, considering what I knew. "Chloe has invested heavily in equipment to compensate for her weaker points. I've never met her personally, so I don't know where she lives or, for that matter, her cup size. But I might be able to find out her whereabouts since we need to ensure her safety."

"Okay, so all we need to do is... wait, what did you say about her cup size?" Angie interrupted with a puzzled expression.

I cleared my throat, trying to redirect the conversation. "Yes! Let's go now!"

"Wait, you're not gonna try to-"

Jade was about to say something, but I swiftly opened the door, creating a loud creak. To our surprise, there was a small letter lying right under my door.

"Who's that for?" Angie asked.

I rolled my eyes at the question. "I don't know, Angie! Maybe the owner of this house!? Well, who might he be?!" My sarcasm was on full display as I picked up the letter, my curiosity piqued. What could be inside?

"Jade, you've got a nice voice, you read it!" I handed her the letter.

"Oooh, thank you, Eric!" She blushed briefly before beginning to read aloud.

"You don't have to follow the trail leading to Chloe Bennett. It is recommended for you to rather focus on the area around the first kills. She's close and knows about your four girls who recently visited the prison, as well as you. Signed, Absolute Knowledge."

Silence hung in the room for a moment, with only the sound of the wind outside breaking it. That damn bastard got me.

"So what now?" Jade asked, her concern evident. She continued, "If it's about the first two guys, then we don't have much more to learn. Plus, we've become her next targets."

I nodded grimly. "Then we should stay safe, I guess."

Jade pondered for a solution to our predicament. "Should we stay here?"

"I'll take you two to your apartment and ask Philip to watch over you," I suggested. "Then, I'll stay with Christine and Lauren. With a bigger group, we might be too tempting a target."

The plan was to reduce the group's size to make us less appealing targets. If we could find Cassandra, confront her, and maybe pacify her, it would be a step in the right direction. Though Philip might be a bit too overkill.


As we arrived at the apartment, I called Philip.

[Yes? Mister Eric?] Philip answered the phone call.

[Just Eric. Philip, I've got a favor to ask.] I began to explain the situation to him.

[I'll gladly help with anything,] he replied, displaying a commendable attitude.

[About our killer, she's now targeting us. Can you come and watch over my friends you've met before?]

[Of course, though I don't know if I'll be of any use, I'll do my best,] He assured me. Jokes on you, you can kill with a thought.

[Then I'll pick you up, and don't get scared like last time,] I teased, remembering how his scream had even startled me.

[I'll try,] he said with a chuckle.

After the call, I went to get him and explained the details of the plan to ensure my friends' safety.

Lauren POV

So, here I am, stuck in this dude's house again. Alone, naturally... although it seems they forgot to slap some chains on me this time. Not that I'm complaining, mind you. I'm not feeling particularly escapey right now. Sure, I'd love to make a break for it, but this place is strangely cozy, and well, I've got my reasons. But hey, let's not dwell on that.

I glance over at Christine, the resident witch of this peculiar little scenario. She's doing what she does best — absolutely nothing.

"Hey, witch." I drawl, tossing my hair over my shoulder and giving her my best bored look. "You gonna say something, or are you just here for the ambiance? You've been rather active lately, and Eric's out so..."

Christine, of course, does the usual, maintains her usual aura of complete and utter silence.

Well, it's definitely strange that Eric forgot to chain me up this time, but I can't exactly blame the guy. There's been a whole lot of craziness happening lately. I take a leisurely stroll around the house, glancing out of the window to check out the weather. It looks kinda chilly out there, but that's not what catches my eye.

Hold on a second, something's not right. A car's pulling up the driveway, and I know for a fact that Eric doesn't own one. Actually, make that two small trucks, and they're getting closer by the second. What the hell is going on here? I need to keep my cool.

Quickly, I scramble over to the table and put myself down, trying to look as innocent as a possible. I mean, I might be stupid, but I'm not an idiot. These guys mean business, and the last thing I need is to tip them off. Time to play the damsel in distress... for now.

As those ominous footsteps draw nearer to the front door, I can't help but feel a shiver run down my spine. One of them, it seems, went off to the side, probably to keep watch. I've got to keep my wits about me.

Then, to my surprise, Christine rises from her wheelchair. "Christine! Stop it! This is not the time for any miracles or whatever you're up to! Get down!" I hiss at her in a frantic whisper, my eyes wide. This is no time to be drawing attention to ourselves, especially not with armed guys closing in.

I watch in shock and awe as Christine completely disregards my frantic whispers and heads toward the door. My heart pounds in my chest, and I'm about to scream at her again when the unthinkable happens.

The guy at the door barely has a chance to react before Christine fixes her gaze on him. In the blink of an eye, he's frozen solid, and then, before I can even process it, he crumbles into snowy dust. My jaw drops, and I can't believe my eyes. What the actual hell just happened?

But that's not the end of it. Christine turns her attention to the guy who was about to take aim, and he... he's incinerated. His gun melts, and his life burns away like paper in a bonfire. 

"HOLY SHIT CHRISTINE!" What the actual fuck is happening right now?!

She doesn't even seem fazed. Instead, she turns her gaze back to the remaining intruders. A powerful wind surges from her, and suddenly, the entire area around the house is covered in ice and icy spikes. It's like something out of a horror movie, and they're all dead. Just like that.

Christine calmly closes the door and nonchalantly returns to her wheelchair as if she'd just taken a leisurely stroll. I'm left utterly dumbfounded, my mouth hanging open in disbelief. What in the world did I just witness and what the hell was this woman hiding?

When Eric hears about this, his jaw is gonna hit the floor harder than those guys hit the ice. His favorite vegetable, Christine, just went from (Rise, your faith has healed you) to (Do not resist the devil). It's like a scene straight out of the Bible, but with a seriously badass twist. I can already picture the look on his face when I spill the beans on this supernatural spectacle. He won't know whether to be proud or terrified... or both!