
《Imperfect power》

"In a world where individuals possess extraordinary powers, Eric, a mysterious and powerful man, finds himself responsible for the rehabilitation of two notorious criminals, his main goal is to find other users of the power of absolute just like himself.

Oz_Orcus · Sci-fi
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22 Chs

《Imperfect power》chapter 21

Jade's POV:

After purchasing a set of communicators, which did take a significant amount of time since we couldn't find any good equipment in our area, we had to rely on internet orders and bought something with personal collection, then sent Ethan to pick it up. That took about three hours of our life. Isaac advised us to take the first items we found in the market, but I didn't like it, so that's why we had to resort to online ordering.

Returning to the topic, we've arrived at the place; it's kind of small for a laboratory and a bit too run-down for one. It's also somewhat empty, making me wonder if we got to the right address.

As Ethan and I entered, leaving Angie outside, the place seemed a little off.

[Ethan, there's a chest on your left; make sure you give it a good punch] I heard Isaac say to him as he was stationed in our apartment keeping an eye on things. Ethan wasted no time landing a solid punch on the mentioned chest, which served as a cover for two robots hiding from us, waiting for an ambush. They landed on the floor in pieces; if they were living beings, they'd be sooo dead.

[This is as far as I can reach with my knowledge; there should be a hidden entrance via an elevator. You gotta find it. Whatever is inside is blocking my power of knowledge, which should be unlimited. I don't know about you, Ethan, but please be careful. I don't want to watch your kid grow up without a father.]

"Thanks, man, but I'll be fine" Ethan replied.

"You've got a kid?" I asked curiously.

"Three months left. Betty, my wife, didn't tell me the gender; she said it'll be a surprise."

"How cute! So, she's at her sixth month, huh? I wish I could get pregnant" I added a sentence that was quite unnecessary.

[Jade, everyone can hear you] Angie butted in through the communicator.

"It's fine, though. Eric's not here, so I'm not embarrassed to say that" I commented.

[Can you focus on the mission, please? Also, sorry to break it down to you, but though it's possible for you to get pregnant, the issue would rather be on giving birth] Isaac tried to change the subject but ended up making it worse.

Minutes passed, and we couldn't locate anything that would show us where the elevator is.

"You know what, let's make our own elevator. We're gonna wreck this place anyway, right?" Ethan smirked at me and took a swing to punch a hole through the floor, making half of the floor fall down.

"What the heck?!" I shouted, clearly angry at him.

"What? We can't die from that, and I'd dig you out if you got lost in the rubbles."

That's not the point you... Oh my god.

I looked around to find a place surrounded by robots coming at us.

The thing is, it's not that we're scared, we can't get hurt. However... their hostages can.


They came at us with the children by their sides.

[Those trashy kids matter nothing to me. They failed to meet any progress; therefore, I have no need for them] a voice rang through the speakers on the walls. It was her.

"Seems like someone can't handle the situation by herself and has to use cowardly tricks!"

[That only makes me the smart one here. Why would I try to fight a losing battle when I can just put a gun to a child's head and everyone's weak suddenly?] Skylar stated. She had a point, and she had us.

[Ethan, do it] Isaac instructed through the communicator.

"But she'll shoot them if we won't surrender." Ethan, troubled by the situation, whispered, confused.

[She's planning on shooting them once you surrender. If you act now, you'll manage to save at least two to three kids.]

"Ughh... I hate this." Ethan's emotions ignited as he was left with no choice, but it was too late, and their conversation prolonged for too long.

[Whatever, shoot half of them!] Skylar ordered.

*clang clang clang*

The sound of falling bullets on the ground behind us shocked everyone as the guns didn't shoot.

"Such a crazy party without me? The fuck's wrong with you guys?" A familiar voice rang out as we glanced behind to see Eric.

Eric's POV:

I'm sick of this bullshit; I don't think it'll all disappear if I take a little break. I gotta check up on the girls since they might have done something crazy by now.



Now I'm in my house where supposedly there should be my two hoes and two locos.

As expected, it's empty as fuck. Can they not just stay at home and play cards or board games like boring people would?


Real shit, looks like in Angie and Jade's apartment is literally everyone but them, huh? We've got my two minions, Philip and Isaack... I-ballsack.

Checking out Ren's mind, it appears that Jade and Angie are with the meathead.


Okay, there is Angie in front of some shady building in a dark alley, looking lonely as if she's not earning enough money. I better not say it out loud.

Now heading into the building, we've got a cute giant hole in the floor, gotta be the meathead's doing. I can see Jade and Ethan staring at those not completely functional machines, aiming at little kids. Putting a gun to a child's head, ready to kill it must be Christmas already!

Firstly, let's get rid of those bullets.



*Clang clang clang*

"Such a crazy party without me? The fuck's wrong with you guys?" It wouldn't hurt to invite some VIPs like me.

"I don't want unnecessary blood on my Jade, so please, go fuck yourself."


I sent the machines into space where they won't bother me and the kids outside to Angie where they also won't bother me.

"Eric!" Jade ran at me with a hug.

[And he had to show up] I hear Isaac's voice through the communicator in Jade's ear.

"I see you planned for those kids to get killed? What kind of psycho are you?" I mocked him.

"Eric, will you help us?" Jade asked while jumping around and holding me in her arms.

"Well, I really hate to get my time wasted, and a certain bitch from around here kinda got on my nerves a little too much for today."

"Where have you been anyway?" Jade wondered.

"Aaah, you know, it all started in some restaurant in Chinatown. Then I went to San Francisco, next was more and more random places like a forest in the middle of nowhere, some kind of island I got my eye on from now, and dozens of other locations that were supposed to waste my time. In short, that girl is fucked now."

"[You think you can get to me?!]" Shylar shouted through the speakers.

"I think you'd be begging for mercy, and I'll pretty much enjoy it," I replied. Everyone stared at me, but I didn't give a damn.

"Bitch, I don't know who you think you are. I really don't know who you are, but know one thing, you better sit there nicely and try to relax your butt... cause I'm coming for it."