
《Imperfect power》

"In a world where individuals possess extraordinary powers, Eric, a mysterious and powerful man, finds himself responsible for the rehabilitation of two notorious criminals, his main goal is to find other users of the power of absolute just like himself.

Oz_Orcus · Sci-fi
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22 Chs

《Imperfect power》chapter 14

Angie's POV:

"Isaac, please spill the beans on Eric's secrets! He's hiding so much, and I can't let this golden opportunity slip away." I shouted, seizing the moment.

"You might regret hearing it." he responded coldly.

"Why? Are you afraid he'll retaliate? Come on, his life is a breeze. I'm sure he won't mind a little slip." My curiosity about Eric's hidden side was eating at me. It felt like he hardly ever showed us his true self.

"Carefree? Easy life? You need a crash course on reality of the absolute power." Isaac's tone shifted to a more serious note.

"Come on, spill it. If anyone can enlighten us, it's you." Jade urged him.

"Firstly, you need to understand why it's only rational to be on edge around him. Even at his worst, Eric is a universal-level threat. Now, for a history lesson. When an absolute power wielder dies, the power is passed on to another worthy individual. However, this rarely happens with absolute time wielders. They're ageless, and the only way for them to die is to choose it, essentially a form of suicide." Isaac's words cast a chilling atmosphere around us.

"There's no way I'd commit suicide, I have better things to do, like for example, sharing a bed with someone." Eric reassured us, though it came off as oddly peculiar.

"There were those before you—quite a few, actually. But let's focus on your predecessor, Susannah, an absolute time wielder. She tried to erase herself from time, combating the mind control with the power of a space wielder. It was a nearly impossible task. After living for hundreds of years and witnessing her loved ones die, she succumbed to depression. During the fight, an accident occurred, and both she and Peter, the absolute space wielder, caused all three of them to vanish, or put it simply die." That's what Isaac shared, shedding light on a piece of the truth.

"But Eric has us, right?" Jade attempted to bring some clarity into the murky revelations.

"He might be the sanest of all the absolute time wielders, but that's not enough. As an absolute knowledge, I have insight into some timelines that are pretty messed up because of him veering into psychopathy."

"That's hilarious! Me, a psychopath?" Eric burst into laughter.

But no one laughed, except for Ren, who's a fucking retard.

"Well, that'll be it for the scary ones for today. Now, let's move on to embarrassing ones." Isaac added with a smirk.

"Yes!" Jade shouted happily, though Eric's mood had dampened.

"I have nothing to hide like that." Eric tried to assure us.

"Really? Then why won't you mention Élise?" Isaac hit us with a sudden plot twist.

"Eric, who's Élise?" I asked suspiciously.

"Oh... she's my—"

"She's a nun for fun." Isaac interrupted, dropping the bomb with a mischievous grin.

"Ho? I'd like to meet her." Jade walked towards Eric and playfully poked him with her finger. "How could you?"

"Well... She's very... She knows how to get me on her side."

"On her bed's side, perhaps?" Ren asked, her tone light but probing.

"That's not out of the question." Eric answered, avoiding direct eye contact.

"Be honest with them, Eric. Tell them that they feel like vanilla compared to her." Isaac teased Eric more.

"She has this high stamina ability that lets her recover faster, and... sometimes I just stop time for both of us, and then we have fun that you can consider lasting until we're out of ideas and play styles." Eric's words landed like a punch. It wasn't that I felt bad because he was involved with another woman; after all, we weren't in a relationship that obligated him to be exclusive. It was the supposed fact that we were somehow inferior to some nun, which was still hard to believe. It left me feeling super confused and mentally exhausted.

"Can we switch the topics, please? Christine seems to be feeling unwell." Ren informed us.

"And I know why... But I won't tell you." Isaac said, smirking again. Well I might have an idea why she's not in a good mood, some other girl seemed to have taken her spot at the top of the podium, or at least, that's what it looked like.

"Why won't we talk about Cassandra? You know where she is, and you can just tell us." Eric inquired, attempting to convince Isaac.

"I can't quite do that yet. I'm trying to reach a certain important goal, and she's necessary to be alive until then. I can't see the future, so I just have to count on it happening. Also, can you drop me back at my previous location? Unlike some of you, I have a very important job that is legal and well-paid." Isaac surprised us with those blunt facts, hurrying Eric.

"Let me guess, you're a... judge?" Eric laughed with a mocking face.

"Close enough, I'm a lawyer. A good one. And you live off winning lotteries, TV shows, and cryptocurrency." he hit us with more painful truths.

"Hey! We also do decent work and struggle a lot." Ren shouted.

"Lauren, being a housewife isn't a job, and you've never been employed in your life. Same goes for the female Stephen Hawking over there." Dayum, Isaac had some sharp insults up his sleeve. I was torn between wanting and not wanting to hear anything about myself.

"I feel like she should get an electric one." Jade whispered.

"Why do you think she would know how to use it or be able to do that?" Eric narrowed his eyes on Jade as she silenced herself.

We were still kind of hiding the fact that she's healthy from time to time, and it's not impossible for her to use an electric wheelchair.

"Isaac, please don't say it." Jade added, quickly realizing that he already knows.

"There's a lot of things none of you wants me to say. I will reveal all your secrets later when it's the best time and it'll feel the worst." What an asshole. But if that's what he wants, then he's got a point.

"Hey, actually... where are the other absolutes?" Eric chimed in.

"I'll write you down on paper the locations, got a pen?" At Isaac's request, I brought a piece of paper and a pink pencil with a Hello Kitty eraser at the end.

"Here, now get me out of h—"


Eric snapped his fingers and teleported Isaac back to where he was.

"So where are the others?" Jade asked curiously.

Eric unfolded the paper, and his expression changed as he read it aloud. "'Go-fuck-yourself.' He wrote." Furious, Eric tore the paper and sent it into space.

"Well, that's the story's summary, so no wonder we didn't get to know it until Chapter fourteen," Ren whispered to herself.

"What did you say?" Eric asked, confused.

"Ah, nothing... just loud thinking..."

She should stop breaking the fourth wall or we'll get kicked out.

Sorry for a short chapter. Since the story is not getting any recognition and is most likely doomed to fail, i'm trying to plan a new one that i'll work on as well.

Oz_Orcuscreators' thoughts