
《Imperfect power》

"In a world where individuals possess extraordinary powers, Eric, a mysterious and powerful man, finds himself responsible for the rehabilitation of two notorious criminals, his main goal is to find other users of the power of absolute just like himself.

Oz_Orcus · Sci-fi
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22 Chs

《Imperfect power》chapter 12

"Whatever happens, rookie, do not let her deceive you."

"It's fiiine, it's just one girl."

The door to the corridor outside creaked open, and the hushed voices of two individuals approached. My room's door slid open, revealing the faces of two guards.

"That's Lauren Rousseau, she's very dangerous. Documents say she immobilized an adult and stung him with multiple knives. They say she made him a hedgehog corpse; I don't know the details, but she was like twelve at the time." one guard informed the other.

"But she was imprisoned in other places, why change her location?" the less experienced, young guard asked.

"She escaped. You better keep an eye on her and check on her from time to time." the older guard advised, walking away and leaving me with the newcomer.

"Listen runt, I rule here, so you better behave." he said, attempting to assert dominance.

Who do you think you are?

"I'm no runt; I'm 21 already." I smirked mischievously, revealing my rebellious spirit.

"How so? You've been rotting in prisons for nine years?" His surprise was evident.

"Yeah, since I needed entertainment, I did a few things to keep myself occupied." I nonchalantly lowered the back of my clothing, revealing my bare back, which faced the door. He was clearly tempted by the view.

I chuckled to myself. This wouldn't be as dull as the previous places I'd been. If he thought he could rule over me, he had another thing coming.

"Is it a gun in your pocket, or you're just happy to see me?" I smirked.

"You bet, I don't have a gun." he replied, approaching me.

"Then why won't you use your 'not-gun' to brighten the mood?" I suggested, completely lowering the top of my uniform. "And why won't you show some skin as well?"

To my words, he wasted no time and began undressing. Once he stood bare behind me, he grabbed my shoulders.

"You should've listened to your colleague." I informed him, taking full control of his mind. He couldn't move due to my influence.

"Pretty friend you got there, too bad you'll never use it again." I walked around him and reached around his neck.

"Horny guards get... PUNISHED!" 


He fell to the ground.

"Thank you for your service." I chuckled.

I clad myself in the stolen uniform, the fabric hanging excessively loose on my smaller frame. The black full-body suit came equipped with hardened protections in strategic places and a helmet. Despite its size, it would serve as a decent disguise if only I were more substantial.

Now, I needed to leave. They came from the closest door, I assumed, when I was led here. A considerable distance traveled. Thinking my way backward, it should be this door, then upstairs. I was likely underground. After that, a corridor to the left, heavily secured, followed by a cautious wait to avoid any other wandering guards. Finally, the path should lead me to the front entrance. At least, that's what I thought. The details remained unclear, but it was my best bet for escape. I took a deep breath, preparing for the challenges.


"Uuuuggghhh... So... many... stairs..."

Why did nobody think of an elevator?! A damn prison break.

At the top, I spot two guards, and I know I have to make careful choices, craft a complicated plan for how to approach this situation. But, no. A fucking ambush!

I run at them and touch them both before they can react.

"You didn't see that coming, did ya'?" I taunt, a smirk playing on my face.

"Lead me to the exit." I ordered.

"Yes! This way!" my manipulated pawns responded in unison.

Together, we navigated through the various areas, carefully avoiding any potentially inconvenient encounters. My control over them gave me the upper hand, and I moved with a confidence that belied the chaos of the situation. The objective remained clear: escape without raising unnecessary alarms.

I should write a book about this, Lauren Rousseau - a badass and very tall prison breaker.

But no time for fantasies, trouble was incoming. I slipped behind my two manipulated pawns as another two guards approached. I needed to be cautious and strategic to avoid any unnecessary complications.

And the best strategy is complete improvisation.

"Fight!" I shouted.

My manipulated guards jumped on the others, creating a chaotic distraction. Seizing the opportunity, I walked closer and touched each of the new guards. Now, I had four under my control. What could possibly go wrong?

"There she is!" What the hell?

They found out. Shit. There must've been a hidden camera somewhere.

"I knew something was going on when Pierre didn't respond to my meme!" one of the guards approaching shouted.

A meme? Are you kidding me? That's what gave me away? This was turning out to be one bizarre escape.

They had tasers and those weird poles with ropes on the end, like for dogs or something... That's how they brought me here without touching directly.

Now outnumbered and facing their arsenal, if each of them jumped on my guys, there would be some left to pacify me.

I had one option.


I turned around and sprinted in the opposite direction like a freakin' Sonic the Hedgehog on those tiny legs of mine. Speed was my ally now.

Though I was frickin' slow, there was still a chance I might make it. There was quite a distance between us.

Around the corner, as I turned, I spotted my potential savior the bathroom. I dashed inside and locked the door. My mind raced for options, and a ridiculous idea crossed my mind, flushing myself through the toilet.

Okay, that's dumb. But the window! Oh, it... got bars on it.

New plan: if I could rip off that pipe above the toilet, which seemed pretty fragile, I might use it to undermine the bars. And, luckily, I was just thin enough to slip through.

Here. Goes. Nothingggghhhhh!!!


I did it! The pipe broke! The door crashed open, and the guards stormed in. I climbed up the window and slipped through.

"Kiss my ass hahaha—oh, shit!"

I had nothing to grab, just a giant wall and a gutter around two meters away. Could I make it? Jump or walk? There was no time; I had to jump!

"Je suis un papillon!" I shouted, grabbing onto the gutter.

I tried to climb up and reach the roof. There it was — a helicopter. Thank God I didn't know how to fly it!

I got in, and holy crap, there were keys in it. If there's a god, he must love me.

I started it, and there was a red switch. It was tempting enough to press; there must've been something written, but the letters had faded over time. I assumed.

It is making sounds! There, like in a car, some kind of lever. Maybe it was a safety something and I wouldn't move. Well, I was already screwed up anyway.

AAAAaahhh!!! I'm flying! It's flying! Holy fuck! What now?!

What's this? Some old Atari joystick? Gotta play with it!

The helicopter started moving! W-wait! Too fast, too fast!

Another lever? Whatever.


The helicopter started slowing down and maintained its height.

Ooohohoho! That's so cool! 

"Don't stop me nooooow, I'm having such a good time! I'm having a ball!"

Guess I'll just fly away and figure out how to land later.

Police cars chased me from below through the city streets. Oh no, two helicopters. They're right behind, seems like they're the same type, so mine should also be this fast.

How do I lose them? A forest? Very well, try to get me.

I soared through the skies above the forest, about a mile away from the city. I considered jumping out; there was a parachute, but then what? Even if I landed safely, they'd still try to go after me.

Well, I'll worry about that later. It was an honor to fly you, my helicopter.

I put on the parachute and jumped down, leaving the helicopter to crash.

I took off the backpack after landing and ran as fast as I could in a direction where they shouldn't come from. It seemed like I was far enough from the landing spot, yet I could hear them searching for me. Tired, sweaty, my legs hurting from constant running—this didn't go like the other times. Usually, I made it through the entire prison without being exposed.

Wait... there is something. Far away, I spot a cabin or whatever. If I enter, I might find something useful. Though I don't have much time to be stopping for a search, I might get some good ideas for what to do next.

As I get closer to the cabin, my hopes rise. I enter and start searching for supplies. Unfortunately for me, there's just some trash. Whatever was here must've been pillaged already, and the graffiti on the walls serves as proof.

So, I wasted my time, and now they're here.

I fucked up, not gonna lie.

Everything's getting dark and blurry.

Breathes heavily

"Shit! Haaahhh... what a dream..."

I woke up, all sweaty.

"Something from the past, I assume?"

I heard the voice of a man talking to me, though no one should be here other than the guards around. Who is this guy? Dressed all fancy in dark attire.

"Well, it certainly is something that happened a while ago, but I got caught. But I'm not gonna explain my whole dream; it was surprisingly long." I said.

"It's fine, I saw it anyway." the man responded to me, causing confusion.


This is really weird, and who is h-

"My name is Eric, I don't have a surname, so simple Eric is fine." he interrupted with an answer for my thoughts. He's dangerous.

But dangerous means useful.

I stood up and walked his way; the idea of controlling someone who can read minds is very tempting.

"Sit down, please. You can't control my mind even if you tried your best." he responded to my thoughts again.

Some sort of force made me sit back on the bed.

"W-what did you do?" I asked with a trembling voice.

(A simple mind control, but I left your subconsciousness intact.) I heard his voice even though he didn't move his lips.

"Get out of my head!" I shouted.

"What's so wrong about it? You invade people's minds pretty often. Back to the important topic, I've got an offer for you." he said with a calm tone.

"I'm listening." My answer was filled with curiosity, but also a cautious approach.

"Though you won't be free, I can get you out."

This is too good to be real.

"How?" I asked louder.

"I just can, that's all there is to it. I believe your case is highly misunderstood, and you only added more fuel to the fire. You'll come with me, and you'll receive proper treatment. How's that sound?"

He's leaving me with a choice to go somewhere I don't know for better treatment than being locked in this empty room?

Hmmm, okay.

I shook his hand in agreement.

"I hope we'll get along." I said with a smile.

"Time will tell."

And that's how I ended up in this even more complicated lifestyle.

I don't regret.

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