
Choose one

"Joseph?" Alexis looks at me and I look back.

"No-no-no" gets up and starts to walk away about to go in full tears.Chris follows behind me trying to catch up.

"Hey, hey you okay? Whose he?" he grabs my hand and he pulls me close to him.

"That's Alexis" he turns to find that Alexis is walking towards us.Chris pushes me back a gently as Alexis reaches us.

"Who are you?" Alexis voice changes to irritated and he looks at me.

"Ba- Joseph I want to talk to...." Chris interrupts him before he could finish.

"Talk about what? To break his heart again? To cheat on him again? You did enough man just leave" Alexis didn't give up, which I'm not surprised he always liked to argue with people.

"Why should I? Yes I hurt him but I wanted to apologize to him and you shouldn't say anything your just here temporarily he is mine and...." I look at them both and my anxiety to build up.

"Hold on he isn't yours anymore you broke his heart with another girl. After what he did for you, how he stood by you through the bad times and you just let him go" they started to argue more but I couldn't understand because my heart started to race and it was getting hard to breath.

I start collapse on the door gasping for air as they both argue. "Hey Joseph you okay?!" aleixs pushes chris out of the way and picks me up.

"What's wrong with him??" Chris looks at me then gets me out of Alexis arms.

"Has he used his inhaler?" Alexis look at Chris mad.

"No I didn't know he had or needed one" Alexis grabs me and takes me to his car laying me down in the back.

"Hurry up we don't got that much time" Chris gets in and buckles up.Alexis starts to reverse and go to the nearest hospital.

They rushed in Alexis carrying me. "He...."he interrupts the nurse and asks for a doctor to help get oxygen in my lungs.Chris calls Mya to tell her what had happen and they might be late, she yelled at him and hanged up.

Hours pass by, both Alexis and Chris sat at the waiting room worried.*Doctor* "Would you like to see him?" They both stand up and nodded at him, the doctor lead them both to the room I was in.

Two chairs were in the corner and I was in a large bed laying there breathing normally again, but I was unconscious. "Hey you might not be able to hear me but I wanted to say sorry for not helping you and not knowing you had asthma." Chris holds my hand and kisses it.

Alexis rolls his eyes and goes to the other side of the bed. "Hey I know I shouldn't be here because I hurt you so much but I still care for you".

My eyes slowly open and they look at Chris then Alexis. "What happened?"

"You fainted baby you didn't have your inhaler" Chris looks at me and smiles.

Alexis sighs. "You still have some inhalers at my house if you need them or want them back you can go get them" he looks down then gives me those puppy eyes.

"We can go for them when we can" Chris looks Alexis in hate and Alexis gave the same dirty look.

"I'm fine" I try getting up but in pain on my left hand. "Ah" I grab my wrist and try moving it

*Doctor* "Exuse me? I hope I'm not bothering you guy's but turns out he has a sprained wrist from falling on it, but besides that he is good to go and here." He gives me and inhaler then leaves.

"Okay I guess we can go so thanks Aelxis but you can leave now" Chris gets up and grabs our stuff.

"Let me drive you guy's home at least" I look at Chris and he looks back with his green eyes I knew that he hated him but had no choice.

"Fine, here" he gives him the bags and helps me off the bed and puts my arm on his shoulder helping me walk.

When we walked to his car Alexis puts our stuff in the trunk. "You guys have somewhere to go or you wanna try and live with...."Chris interrupts him before he finished.

"We are going back to his friend"s house, that's where we stay so I will give you the directions there." He takes out his phone and Alexis opens the back door, he tries to help me but Chris pulls me away from him.

I look down and Alexis took my hand and pulled me gently back to him . "No need to be clingy all the time just because I'm his ex doesn't mean I can't be around him." Alexis sits me down and Chirs gives him a dirty look.

"Fine just take us home," he slams the door as he got in next to me and Alexis gets irritated and goes to the front seat to prevent him damaging chris (basically fighting).

It took hours to go home and the whole ride home was quiet, Chris holds my hand and smiles at me. As soon as we arrived Mya opens the door and hugs me worried. "Thank God your okay!" she gives both of them dirty looks and takes me inside.

"Okay thanks you can leave now" Chris forced a smile and goes inside slamming the door.

"I'm fine can you just get me some water" I use my inhaler and sigh.

Chris comes holds my hands, "You okay baby?" I look up at him and kiss him. "Thanks for putting up with him I know you hate him and..."

He smiles and kisses me. "Shhh it's okay baby no need to apologize, as long as your okay I'm happy." he smiles and hugs me.

"I'm tired" I yawn and slowly fall asleep in his arms. He takes me up to Mya's room and goes back to blankets still on the floor and he lays me down.

"I'm just going to change hold on" he starts to take off his shirt then grabs his baggy shorts. I smile at him then slowly close my eyes, I start to go under the blankets and fall asleep. Chris gets under the covers with me with his baggy shorts and without a shirt, he pulls me close then gently kisses my lips. He whispers to me "I love you baby" he starts to cuddle me and we both fall asleep together.

As the days pass by me and chirs made it to our 1 month anniversary and Alexis kept texting me asking if I was okay, but I didn't reply because I was busy having fun with Chris being with him just clears my troubles and we have fun. Then as we walk back to the car after you know just doing it in Mya's room (she will be mad if she found out). We go inside and we kiss, then Nocks come from the car window and I noticed it was Alexis.

"Joseph I need to talk to you" he looks at me and Chris sighs.

"Go" he looks at me then smiles, as I reached for the handle to open it Chris turns my head to him then he kisses me. " I love you" I laugh and blush a bit.

"I love you too" I get out then Alexis grabs my hand pulling me where Chris couldn't see.


"I still love you" Alexis looks at me then grabs my hands.
