
❤️Drunk on your Gothic love❤️

The sequel of OBSESSION TURNS INTO SWEET LOVE.... Xander Luca Romano,25 year old arrogant ,Mysterious,handsome.he was one of the eligible bachelor of Los Angeles.In his age 20 he took the title of CEO..due to some past incidents the sweet boy turned into rude which caused pure hatred towards love in his heart. Shizu Crystal,a 15 year old school girl.She was an orphan and a bubbly girl.From childhood she dreamt of her prince charming who saved her in her age 10.Unfortunately she forgot her past except his Dracula uniform for Halloween party. What will happen when she finds out the identity of her saviour after seeing him saving a puppy from road and becomes obsessed with him.Then starts chasing him everywhere.Will he feel the same for this little girl?? Will he ever give space in his heart for this little girl??? Xavier Luca Romano,25 year old..cool,calm, smoking handsome Neurologist.In his childhood he was sweet like his mom.But because of a girl he became a heartless doctor.He hated girls except his mommy and little sister. Faith Alistano,23 year old..single.half Indian half English..A Gynocologist.Sweet Calm Cute girl.Her dream was becoming a doctor like her mother.Her little heart was craving for one guy who didn't even take a glance to her. What will happen when this guy will become her life partner by family..A arrange marriage make her the obsession of a cold and rude doctor. Angel romano..The little princess of Romano..Sweet but dangerous like his dad..Pure and bubbly stubborn girl. Spano David M'culum, the professor of the most popular international university.Girls wanted to admit there to see his devilish handsome face.Calm yet Arrogant person. What will happen when this both student and teacher came closer by hate and ignorance.. #THE LOVE BETWEEN THREE COUPLES#SIX DISTINCT CHARACTERS#DANGEROUS OBSESSION WARNING: #Mature content #obsession #cruel scene..read at your own Risk..This is based on my own imagination...please don't copy.

Sriste♥️♥️ · Fantasy
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Sweet Family❤️❤️... secret note❤️❤️

///Guys I updated...I am little bit disturbed in these days...I can't even write...so sooorrryyyyy...I will upload related pictures...I will upload Xander's all dogs and Lio's pictures too///

Xander's pov

After coming to home I went to meet mommy....she was the one I wanna show my all affection ..my mommy...I went slowly and kissed mommy's cheeks...she smiled...I tried many time to surprise mommy...but she recognised me alltime...she pulled my cheeks and said "you know na xanny...you can't surprise me..ha ha"...

I sighed...then mom saw the cut on my  hand ....shit I am now gone case....she said panickingly " Goddddd....how ....is it hurting???"....i knew it...my mommy was a soft person ....she again looked at me and said "who bandaged you ???" ...her little chubby face came in front of my eyes....why I was feeling this towards the kid...arghhhh I became pervert to think about a little girl...I came out from my thought when mommy shook me..I said hurriedly "a little girl"...

Noah came and kissed mommy's forehead and said "God mom...he also tied his exceptional Handkerchief to her knees...see he didn't give his single thing to anyone...here he have his Handkerchief which you gifted him"....this guy ...arghhh yes why I gave her....this was a gift from my mommy...she made this for me and Vivy....shit...this guy....I said gritting my teeth "will you shut up??she is a kid...she is important also...mommy can make me another na...but her both knees were bleeding "

Mommy looked at me as if I was some alien ..I said "what...can't I help a little girl??see she bandaged me also"...mommy smiled and went inside the kitchen...arghhh this people ...

End of the pov

Noah showed tongue and went to study room...Xander went to room then sat to the couch...he looked at his own bandaged head...he closed his eyes while gripping the tore cloth in his hand...her wide doe eyes...chubby cheeks...pointed nose ...he shoot open her eyes and shook his head ....he said "she is kid...oh my god xanny...what happened to yourself...arghhhh this little girl...she was looking like her...no no it's my imagination...I hate girls...I hate love..even why I am thinking about love and this kid...ewww..let me fresh my mind ."...he went to shower ....after shower he put this cloth again in his hand then went to out side of house...in anyone went there...their will think that they came to zoo...there were many types of dog breed....big dogs...cats..especially Lion...Romano house was situated on a private land....there were lake...woods...many out houses...huge garden which was made by Sriste Romano their mommy...

He went to the woods in evening...he whistled and shouted "Lioooooo...."...after sometime a Lion's roaring came....he came and snuggled on his feet...Xander smiled and sat on grass then started rubbing Lion's head...he said to Lio "Lio you know...today my heart is beating fastly...why I don't know...today I saved a little girl...then a puppy...you got a little dog breed sister...she will come to our gang tomorrow ..she is in my room...see...that little girl bound her cloth on my hand...I hate girls...but she was so adorable and cute...you know her eyes ....her cheeks...everything matched with her...I was so surprised ....she was so smaller than me in my arm" .....he closed his eyes...again this night came...then this girl came...

He said while patting Lio's head "Lets run together....I am feeling restless ...why I don't know...let's run together baby boy "....Lio roared then nodded his head...Xander smirked and whistled...then both started running...seeing them running Xander's all dog started running with them too....

After one hour running ...he laid on grass ....Lio and all dogs came running with him and sat beside him...they were with him from childhood...Alan came with this road's dog breed and stood there ...He called Xander "master here she is "....Xander sat down and said "Al..i told you not to call master.. .i am tired of your master calling "...Alan sat down beside him and said "Bro you know na...my Job is your PA..so I have to ...i mixed up office and house...so let master...it means everything like you are genius...you are big brother...you know na"....Xander rolled his eyes and said "I know...i know...now tell me did you find her owner "...Alan shook his head as no...Xander smirked and said  "Then this is mine...her name will start with Romano"...Alan smiled at him...because all dog had adoption certificate...their all name was related with Romano...only Lio was on River's adoption...because he was with Xander from his little age...

Meanwhile River (Xander's father) came....he was in his 55s...still his body ...his oldy wrinkle made him quite handsome...he came and said "What's going on boys "...Xander smiled slightly and said "Papai see my new daughter...i will adopt her tomorrow."....River rolled his eyes and said "when will you show me a girl and tell that papai she is my Girl...i am afraid that you will take a tigress and tell me that she is your girlfriend "...

Alan laughed ...Xander glared at him...he stopped...but River flared back to him...he said annoyingly "don't glare at him ...i am right...go and find a girl...another son will marry to stethoscope....i won't say anything...i was first than both of you ....arghhh and this one you will marry with office files for being PA....i am old man...i want another daughter" ....in River's winning Lio roared for River's attention...

River patted his head and said "okay okay my son...i will bring a lioness for you ...they won't marry...i will marry you off ..okay ...papai promissed"...then Sriste came...Xander said "Mommy where is Bird???" ...Sriste said while patting Lio' s head "Tuffy went to Violet's place...she was crying for Fai (faith)...she will be there tomorrow Dumpling (Albert) will take her here ....dont worry ".Xander nodded...for him his Bird was a another level of love...his little sister ...his Bird....then tell caretaker to give food to all pets....

After eating Xander went to his room...then his phone started ringing...he smirked when he saw the screen....he received the call...as soon as he picked up...an angry shout came from another side..he put phone on speaker and started changing his shirt...

A angry voice came "how could you big Xan....how dare you to jump in front of car for saving puppy??? Are you mad...I will kill you...I am coming..."....Xander laughed and said "Oh Vivy...if you see this breed..you will love her...I am adopting her...you will be uncle soon"....in the other side Xavier sighed ....then he said "owwwo...then I am coming to kill you then adopt her as my daughter...deal??"

Xander chuckled and said "okay I am here for you...baby Xav....".....Xavier whined and said "don't you dare to call me baby Xav...Lion...by the way...where is our bird??" ...Xander took phone and went to bed..then said "Vivy I was so lost today...I saved one girl...I know that you know about whole incident ...I met a little kid" ...Xavier said "yeah...I have my way ..tell me about this little kid...is she cute..."

He sighed and said "phewwww....I don't know...I can't describe...it's I became like thinking about her all time....." .... Xavier said while giggling "brother did you forget about her from this night through her ??? " ....Xander said "No I didn't...I just ...ummm i don't know...I am tired...talk with bird ..she is waiting for your call ...she is in Purple mom's house...Shu Shu...bye" .....he hung up the call...then said loudly "arghhhh God ...what is this feeling...I hate girls...don't let them come near me ..."

Next Morning...

Xander woke up from sleep...then went to gym....he started doing workout .....he started throwing punch on punching bag...he said gritting his teeth "don't come near my eyes....little kid ....I hate girls...I hate all girls ...I hate affection ...in my heart only hate is filling ."

After venting his all anger in gym...he took shower after coming out he smiled when he saw his grape juice..its his favourite...because his mommy kept this here....after drinking juice he came down...River came to him and hugged him...then he went to Sriste then kissed her forehead....it's their rules...Sriste prayed that everything will be same in future too...

Alan started car ...he started checking mail on phone...after sometime they reached office...he was about to came out from car someone gave a Rose to him from window....he hurriedly came out from car but couldn't find someone....Alan hurriedly come out and said "what happened??" ...

Xander saw a note on this rose...he took out this and saw "thanks hero" ..he kept it into his suite.... then went into office....someone was smiling to see that he took this rose after seeing this note...she wishpered "see you tomorrow"...❤️❤️❤️