
❤️Drunk on your Gothic love❤️

The sequel of OBSESSION TURNS INTO SWEET LOVE.... Xander Luca Romano,25 year old arrogant ,Mysterious,handsome.he was one of the eligible bachelor of Los Angeles.In his age 20 he took the title of CEO..due to some past incidents the sweet boy turned into rude which caused pure hatred towards love in his heart. Shizu Crystal,a 15 year old school girl.She was an orphan and a bubbly girl.From childhood she dreamt of her prince charming who saved her in her age 10.Unfortunately she forgot her past except his Dracula uniform for Halloween party. What will happen when she finds out the identity of her saviour after seeing him saving a puppy from road and becomes obsessed with him.Then starts chasing him everywhere.Will he feel the same for this little girl?? Will he ever give space in his heart for this little girl??? Xavier Luca Romano,25 year old..cool,calm, smoking handsome Neurologist.In his childhood he was sweet like his mom.But because of a girl he became a heartless doctor.He hated girls except his mommy and little sister. Faith Alistano,23 year old..single.half Indian half English..A Gynocologist.Sweet Calm Cute girl.Her dream was becoming a doctor like her mother.Her little heart was craving for one guy who didn't even take a glance to her. What will happen when this guy will become her life partner by family..A arrange marriage make her the obsession of a cold and rude doctor. Angel romano..The little princess of Romano..Sweet but dangerous like his dad..Pure and bubbly stubborn girl. Spano David M'culum, the professor of the most popular international university.Girls wanted to admit there to see his devilish handsome face.Calm yet Arrogant person. What will happen when this both student and teacher came closer by hate and ignorance.. #THE LOVE BETWEEN THREE COUPLES#SIX DISTINCT CHARACTERS#DANGEROUS OBSESSION WARNING: #Mature content #obsession #cruel scene..read at your own Risk..This is based on my own imagination...please don't copy.

Sriste♥️♥️ · Fantasy
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265 Chs

❤️❤️ Dream catcher❤️❤️

///guys I updated...I will upload related pictures too...see the pictures before reading...I tried my best to describe all points...let me know how you felt...///

In Fairyland Orphanage

At morning

Sun's ray came to a small but cute girly room...there were two bed in cottage style...one was under cottage...another was above of the cottage...there were a table...a small sofa...behind the cottage there was staircase to go to another bad....Shizu was sleeping into the cottage because she had some hight issue from her childhood...so Tina was sleeping on above the bed...

Suddenly Shizu woke up with messy hair...she yearned then screamed "what is the time Tintin...TINTINNNNN " ....Tina woke up immediately and looked down with her sleeping face..."what....are you joking Puppy...it's just ummm...let me see..........it's just 8 am..let me sleep...today we have class on 10 ..." ...Shizu ran to washroom and said " we will bang the class today...I have to go to see Dracula ....he will search for me ...get readyyyy" ....Tina said cryingly "Listen...wha...what...hey...Puppy...how will i get ready when you went to washroom....hey...this girl..." ...Tina cursed her and took her cloth and ran to another washroom on another room...

In Orphanage there were many long room with all kid's bed...but whose age was 15 and 15 up...they got a small room with two bed ...in some month they will be sent on foster family...they will be given a little  money from orphanage for teaching kid....if by luck they got good foster family...they will be well educated...

Shizu came out with a jeans and crop top with jeans jacket and pump shoe and cap....her long hear was tied in two long bun ...Tina also came then they both went to garden bush...then Shizu took out those big stones and made a Piller then went out from there...they collected it from the back side of orphanage....

After coming out Shizu hold her necklace to calm her down...she took a long breath and said Tina "let's go Tintin...I am late already..." ...then they took a taxi and went to Xander's office...after going there Shizu's face dropped ..because car was already there and closed that meant he went away ....she sighed but God was in her side ....she saw Alan came to car and unlocked then took his laptop and many files...for loaded thing in his hand he couldn't lock the door ....he went inside the office...Shizu ran to the car and opened this...as soon as she opened the car...his smell came to her nostrils...she sniffed and smiled...

Then she took out a dream catcher which she made last night...she could feel that Xander was not wear this type of boy's fancy necklace.. still she made it .....she kept it to a envelop with a poem which she wrote...

Then she ran away...behind the trees...Alan came and locked the door and went inside the office again...Shizu sighed...Tina frowned...she was standing there like a infromer...she said irritatingly "done with your stupid lovey dovey things??" ....listening her Shizu blushed and telling while rubbing her hand where he gripped her hand tightly "uff Tintin...see his mark is there...he hold me yesterday he he "...she was smiling folishly then Tina said crossing her arm "Angrily...he didn't touch you...he gripped your hand angrily..." .....Shizu rolled her eyes and said " whatever ...let's go...we are going to talk with this gaurd...they can tell us where he is..."

Tina laughed at her and went to the gaurd ...Shizu said with her big doe puppy eyes "Uncle"...one of gaurd looked at him and said "you...you again came...how are you ??" ....Shizu smiled and said "I am okay....how are you uncle...how is your family members uncle ??" ...Tina pinched Shizu's arm and wishpered "isn't it too much Puppy...that's much calling uncle then asked about family's health...won't he suspect ??" ....Shizu winked at her and looked at the gaurd....He said "I am okay...my family member is okay too...you didn't tell why you came here?? Your relative is working here ???" ...Shizu muttered "My Dracula worked here" ...he said confusingly "You said something??" ...Shizu grinned and said "No no...he he..that day I asked about that person...you told me everything that's why I came to thank you ".....he smiled and said "actually he is the son of our River sir...I worked here from River Sir's time..actually his son is the most intelligent CEO " ....

Shizu grinned at her Dracula's praising...Tina wishpered "if your blushing is done then let's go...we have to go..Teacher will punish us"...Shizu nodded and started going out from office area...she looked back and up....Tina said "puppy what happened ?? Don't look high...you will feel dizzy again " ...Shizu said while looking up again "I felt that I have to look back " ....Tina hold her hand and said "Good Job...you became insane officially...let's go" ....Shizu Giggled and went with her...

In 50th floor on Romano office...

Xander was standing near the big glass wall while hand on his pant's pocket...he looked down to see the little figure was disappearing slowly...then he looked at car in front office ....suddenly phone was ringing...he picked up the call and said in sweet voice "bird "... 16 year old Angel whined and said "Lion...where are you...I am angry on mummy...she scolded me...." ...he said in concerning voice "whyyy...mommy scolded my bird..what naughty things she did..."

Sriste said in grumpy voice "Xanny if you don't have any important meeting then come to home...this Bird of your beat a guy because he asked name of a girl for sometime....this girl cried that's why she beat him...his mother's called me and said many things ...am I look like cruel ?? Tell me...you all went on your Angry father ..no one ...why God ..why you didn't make a child like me...I am angry come earlyyyyy" ...Xander sighed and said "Mommy...listen my fairy ...just calm down...take a long breath then out...in and out....I will come back by two hours....I have a board meeting...after that I will talk with you...bird is little pie ...she just threw some cute punches by her little hand...how this guy got hurt...he is lying I think...I am gonna meet him.." ..

Sriste screamed frustration and said "Arghhhhh oh Jesus...I will go to France...stay you all spoil kid "...Xander chuckled.. Then cut the call...after sometime Alan came and said "Master let's go..." ...he nodded and went away...

After two hours...

All board member was coming out with horrible expression...all employees knew that their jailer of hell did something with them all...after sometime Xander came out with folded sleeve ..his flaring nose... knitted brow was telling that not to come in his path...all stood there with low head...he came out of office and said Alan " Al...just remove some pointed board member...I want a honest one not corrupted ...now let's go to mansion "...

He sat on car but his eyes were on a envelop...he slowly cleared his throat and took out a note on this...there were a poem...he took a long breath and started reading...

                       Hey handsome

The world around me stopped at the moment I seen you

It feels like only you and me were the first couple in the world

Your thoughts making me insane

Your smile driving me crazy

Your image is everywhere when I'm awake

You're ruling my dreams when I'm asleep

What's this feeling called Mr.handsome.

His lips curled up in a smile but disappeared too...then he heard some sound from inside the envelop...he looked into it...there were a dream catcher necklace...black was his favourite colour..he looked at this...this was the combination of black and light blue...there was wooden circle which was made by 3wooden stick braided beautifully...inside the circle there were black lace with blue colour stone....there were 3 feather which had blue black and white combination...

Xander hold the dream catcher up and watching this....a smile was forming on his lips but Alan called him "Master we came " ....the forming smile vanished he put a straight face and put this things on his laptop bag and went inside the house.....

After going there he saw Angel sat there with a pout face ...Sriste was sitting too...he went and kissed Sriste's forehead then Angel's cheeks and said "What happened to Romano mansion ??"  ....Sriste said glaring at Angel "just tell her why she beat this guy...did he ask her name...no na...then why she beat him black and blue ".... Xander looked at Angel...she shrugged of her shoulder...Sriste again said pointing at her "see...see how careless she is...she did mistake ...still she was behaving like she doesn't give a damn care...only 16 ...her age is only 16 ...her attitude was on peak...it's all your fault...you three boys spoiled her badly...one is in America here another is in office all-time..no one...no one love me oh god " ....

Both Xander and Angel laughed then said "that's why Papai loves us Minus one ....he he he" ...Sriste blushed and said "You both go to your room...freshen up...I am going to give you both snacks  " Sriste ran away...Angel said with lower head "Lion I swear ....I didn't beat him intentionally ...he was bullying a girl by asking name...that's why I got angry ....are u angry on me??"

Xander smiled and took her on his lap and said softly "I know you won't do any wrong ...me and Vivy will support you every time....but don't do any wrong ....because we trust you okay??" ... She hugged him back and said "Lion ...i won't do any wrong things....I am missing tiger " .... Xander said sighing "I am missing Vivy too..let's pray that he would come early early " ... Angel looked at him with twinkling eyes...then said happily "owwo let's pray ".....