
❤️ My First Love ❤️

N_6 · Fantasy
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10 Chs

The Journey

Yuki: !?

???: oh! hi

Yuki:hi, what are you doing here, Asano?

Asano: I'm here for shopping and you?

Yuki: me too....oh and this is my childhood friend Suzy


Yuki:!? huh! where did she go?...aah there she is?

Suzy: sorry Yuki call from lily couldn't decline

Yuki:oh its fine she is your younger sister after all....oh by the way he is Asano the one I'm going with on the trip

Asano: Hello, I'm Asano, nice to meet you

Suzy: Hello, I'm Suzy , nice to meet you too...by the way Yuki I have to go now .....actually i have to meet up with my boyfriend

Yuki: oh! its fine you could have said earlier I wouldn't mind coming alone.

Suzy: that is why I didn't say it

[ Yuki pouts ]

[ Asano smiles looking at Yuki's cute behaviour ]

[ Suzy notices the loving smile of Asano for Yuki and since he is super handsome she decides to become their cupid too ]

Suzy; Hey Asano right?

Asano: yes?

Suzy: will you accompany our Yuki for shopping?

Yuki: yah! why are you -

Asano: it's fine .... I don't mind

Suzy: see~

Yuki: sorry Asano you have to do this

Asano: ay~ don't think like that aren't we friends

[ Yuki lightens up with that ]

[ Asano's heart thumps ]

[ Asano thinks how can she be so cu~te ]

Yuki; let's go then

Asano; hmm

[ Yuki and Asano enter a shop that Asano had in his mind ]

[ Asano tries on a suit that he liked ]

Yuki: you look so hot, nice (thumbs up)

[ Asano blushes ]

[ Asano buys that suit and then he also chooses a dress for Yuki which she is trying on now ]

[ Yuki comes out ]

[ Asano was dumbfounded for her beauty ]

Yuki: how does it look?

[ Asano without uttering a single word gets up from his place and moves towards Yuki ]

[ Not knowing anything Yuki is confused ]

[ Asano then reches out to Yuki's head and removes her hair pin which makes her hair bun loose and her hair falls down ]

[ Asano was much more mesmerised how beautiful she looked with her hair let down he then tries to lean forward trying to kiss her but then- ]

Yuki: hey Asano! what was that for?

[ Asano snaps out ]

Asano: hmm?

Yuki: why did you spoil my hair-do?

Asano: sorry I just thought if it would look good more with hair let down or not

[ Yuki sighs ]

[ Asano makes a puppy face asking for apology ]

Yuki: (chuckles) fine, so?

Asano: ???

Yuki: did you like it with hair let down?

[ Asano thinks that her beauty might add more rivals for him to fight with thus he doesn't say his true opinion ]

Asano: yeah you should but I think any hairstyle would do

Yuki: oh okay

[ Yuki then changes back and Asano pays the bills ]

[ Yuki gets angry at Asano for paying her bill too and asks him to take the amount which he refuses to accept but then she says if he won't accept she will stop talking to her which leaves him no choice and accepts the money she gave ]

[ They both get out and then Asano drops her to her house and returns to his house ]

[ Asano as usual thinks about Yuki and his heart starts racing as he keeps thinking about her in that dress and slowing as time passes he falls asleep ]

[ The next days pass as usual ]

[ Today is the day they travel to Fukuoka ]

[ Asano drives his car to Yuki's place...He picks her up and they start "The Journey" ]

[ Yuki and Asano are silent as they travel.... Yuki has headaches whenever she travels long distancce thus she fell asleep in less than an hour ]

[ While Asano is driving he keeps stealing glances at our sleeping Yuki and looks at her with the softest eyes and loveliest smiles ]

[ After driving for 5 hours they decide to take a break and rest nearby there they both get down the car and move to a bench Asano asks Yuki if she would eat ice-cream and she says she wants strawberry flavoured he goes to buy ]

[ Yuki sees Asano walking to the shop and her eyes land on a child that is in the middle of the road and a truck that is coming-by in full speed without giving a thought she runs to save the child, she pushes the child but ends up getting hit by the truck and everyone gather around ]

[ Asano who went to buy ice-cream returns and looks for Yuki as she is not where he last saw her ]

[ Asano notices the crowd and tries to take a peek of what's going on he then notices the familiar pink hair which made him drop the ice-creams in shock, he then moves forward trying to get a clear look as soon as he sees that Yuki covered in blood is lying down there without any moment ]

[ Asano rushes to her and tries to wake her up though he doesn't get any response, she now looks like a lifeless body. He starts crying and calling for Yuki then the ambulance arrives and takes Yuki to the hospital while trying to get some response from her but Yuki doesn't show slightest response ]

[ Then the doctors decide to give her electro-shock treatment after she get shocked she....]

----------- TO BE CONTINUED-------------