
❤️ My First Love ❤️

N_6 · Fantasy
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10 Chs

The Eye Contact

[ Yuki works at X Publishing Company in Japan and it is Asano's first day working there as he recently joined. ]


[ Asano is walking towards his section in the building to start working obviously ( :P ) and Yuki is running towards her section as she is runing late (is what she thinks) Alas... they bump into each other and Yuki's belongings fall. They both apologize to each other and Yuki soon grabs her belongngs and dashes to her section ]


K (Head of section): Everyone pay attention, we have a new colleague starting today

[ K turns to Asano and ]

Asano: Good Morning Everyone : )

[ Asano notices the girl he met in the corridor ]

[ Asano walks to her and tries to introduce himself ]

Asano: Hello, I'm Asano

???: Can't you see I'm working >:(

[ one of the colleagues notices him and says that she is always like that and that she is the cold beauty of the department ]

K: Don't worry Yuki isn't angry or anything. She just doesn't likes to get disturbed once she starts working.

Asano: I see... she is a workaholic.

K: I'll tell about your main work in afternoon for now get to know your colleagues and help them in working.

Asano: Yes sir,

K: then I'll get going Bye.

Asano: Thank You sir.

[Asano glances at yuki and then gets to work]


Yuki: ....done gotta eat now...

[ K with Asano walks towards Yuki]

K: Yuki..

Yuki: Good afternoon Sir

K: Good afternoon .... by the way I'm here to introduce you to your partner

[ Yuki notices the person beside him]

Yuki: Aaah your the guy from morning.... I apologize for my behavour this morning

Asano: No problem : )

Yuki: I'm Yuki, Nice to meet you : )

Asano: I'm Asano, Nice to meet you too

[ Asano thinks that Yuki's smile is only superficial since her eyes hides tears of sorrow ]

----Lunch Break Over

Yuki: Lets work then....

Asano: huh? sure.

[ Yuki hands over some work files to Asano and tells him to get a copy of each]

[ Asano hands over the original file and copy file to her ]

Yuki: Thank you

Asano: My Pleasure

[ The afternoon is spent by Yuki expaining work to Asano ]

-------Working Hour Finishes

[Asano on his way to home thinks about his day then suddenly all he is thinking of is Yuki (oooooooooooh) Asano cannot stop thinking of Yuki's smile he is curious as to why she wears such a heart-breaking smile]


[After entering he freshes up and lies down on his bed]

Asano: AAAAHHHH!!!.... why can't I remove her frome my mind.....why is she crying ..... (sigh) let's just got to sleep.

-----FALLS ASLEEP (thinking about her (hehehehe) )