
Chapter 9

As we were going up we see new things and people. Finally, we reach the crest of the mountain we see a beautiful view from there then Miichi and Inosuke said " i am starving , i cant step a foot long " we all was starving so we planned to eat something we was going then i suddenly bumped with a boy, he said " i am sorry....Yu-chan ohh... you are here too my Ko-chan" i looked at him and said "huh?! Uruma-san ! whats you doing here" he said " i went to your house and it was locked then i was wondering here and there Kenjisuke saw me and tell me about that you are here " Akiko said " you came here just to meet us....." he said " yeah" Akiko said " ohh you poor thing....you should have tell us " everyone was shocked then Akiko said " guys, he is my fiance , Ito Uruma" everyone was shocked and said " you are getting marrieddd!!!!!!!! " Akiko said " yes" he was so happy and said "Ko-chan

long time no see....i Missed you so much " Akiko said " i missed you too " i and others said "...its getting romantic in here....lets go we cant handle it " after that Uruma-san was with us then Kazuma asked Uruma-san " what do you do? i mean your job " Uruma-san said " i am the boss of the company where Ko-chan and kenjisuke work " everyone was shocked then everyone shouted " what!!!!!!!! " Uruma-san said " its true....after marriage Ko-chan too will be the boss " i said " i think after we get back we should meet on a place where everyone can introduce ourselves like someone's house or a cafè.... " everyone was happy with this idea, Takuma said " where? " i said " umm....uhhgg" Katsuke said " my house will be good....not my apartment where i live now....its in Okinawa where my mom and aunt live it big enough for everyone " i said " it will be good how about tuesday?" everyone nod their head said " okay " after we eat we start walking back down....we was getting down then suddenly i step on a stone...my foot was badly hurt that i wasnt able to step it on the ground its start swelling....everyone was worry about me...Akiko tie a handkerchief on it....then suddenly Kazuma get me on his back without looking at anyone, he start running down with everyone , i said " you can go slowly...its not hurt that much " he said " nah! its seems so bad..i want to know if it is fractured...and... " i said " and? " he take a deep breath and said " i-i cant see the girl i like in pain " i was so surprised and i blushed red and then i said " i-i like y-you " he said "i like y-you since the day i met you " ~I cant believe that it was a confession ~

we went to the doctor....she said " its a fracture " i was shocked and start crying....Kazuma said " it will be alright...dont cry " his smile was so bright that my tears dried....