

"W,what? l,less than five years"

Rinn asked his father with a serious and sad tone.

" well, just sleep for now and don't carry him evereywhere or put him on your pocket.Just lay him on your bed." louis said and push him to the door and when he's finally out he locked the door inside to avoid Rinn's hundreds of questions.

Rinn is now on his room still looking at Khai on his hands and kept saying sorry over and over again on his head.Tears rolled from his cyan eyes to his pale cheeks and dropped on the marble where Khai is locked.

" I'm fine,don't cry " a familiar voice whispered in Rinn's ears.

it sounds cold but calming to hear,he's not sure wether he's hearing Khai's voice so he turned his head around to see Khai but he only saw nothing.

. . .

Three years has passed,Rinn just came back from work.He's a teacher.As he walk in the house he saw his father Louis.He bowed and asked politely " Father what are you doing here?" And lift his head.

It's the third day of the third month this year 2010,no?".Rinn got stunned when he heard Khai's birthday.

" I'm not hungry you can eat first I'm going to my room" he changed the subject and continued walking,he turn around again and said " Father please get in . . .its cold outside ".

Rinn continued walking to his room and get his key to open his locked room.when he unlock his room.

Khai who was finally free from his ball . . . sleep again from exhaustion and hunger.Rinn, his father who saw him quickly hugged him tightly. "Khai!" he shouted and it woked up Khai.

"You are?" Khai's first word,Rinn cried when he heard his son's voice again,he may be crying but its actually a tear of joy, cause he finally saw his son again." I'm your father dont you remember me?" he replied with a smile.

" Apologies but I can't seem to remember you,or anything,not even my name " Khai said without giving any expression because he's confused about all of this." I . . . see " Rinn dissapointly said while looking down." First why don't you look in the mirror?" he said and smile.

Khai walked towards the mirror and saw his long skyblue hair,blue eyes and white skin,he pinched his cheek."ouch!" his father rubbed it.

" Son are you okay?" he asked but in his mind his asking why would Khai pinch his cute face

" I thought I was dreaming " Khai said and look at his father's reflection on the mirror.His eyes slightly widened when he saw his and his father's face looked almost exactly the same except his father's face is a bit mature.

"Are you really my father or a twin" he asked half jokingly but now he believes that the person right infront of him is his father.

" Pfft silly child " he smiled again and hugged khai then told him to go downstair with him.On their way down they saw Rhianna,Rhianna flinched when she feel some strong bloodlust and quickly ran inside to her room.

"Hoh! what a strong killing intent you have" Khai and Rinn looked in the sofa where the head of the family is sitting.

"Father! look, Khai woke up from his long nap" Rinn said with a smile, excited yet polite manner and bow,Khai saw his own father bow so he did the same.

" you have'nt change your personality,huh?" Louis praised Khai but Khai just got confused so he just curl up his thin lips and shows a cute pout intead of a smile.

Khai's father saw it,he was stunned by Khai's cuteness so he hugged Khai tightly again.

"Are you hungry" louis asked his grandson Khai." Yes " Khai answered immidiately due to hunger.Who would'nt even get hungry for being locked for three whole years?.

both Rinn and louis laughed when he said it in a haste and told the chef to make a lot of dish using all their vegetable.

"Khai remember this" Louis said seriously while patting khai's head "Never-ever eat meat,undertand?" he added and hugged khai from behind.




Khai finished eating and now cleaning the dishes when Macky approached him and asked "who are you" he's tall and handsome about a year older than Khai,his hair is color red same color as his eyes."They call me Khai" he answered and continue doing the dishes.

Macky did'nt know what to say when he heard his one and only step brother Khai said it as if he do'nt know his name,"Do you remember me" Macky asked Khai.

"He doesn't" their grandpa louis interrupted."He can't remember anything,all he know is that he's seriously mad at your mother" he added and grin on his grondson Macky.Khai almost did'nt even care because he feels kinda drowsy.

"Rinn take Khai to his room" he ordered his first son.

"Father can he sleep with me tonight,please" his son Rinn begged.

"No." Louis answered and go back to his room

Rinn saw his brother's son near Khai,he grabbed Khai's wrist and pull him aside then look at macky in the eye then leave the kitchen. Now they're on Khai's room.

"This is your room do you remember now?" his father Rinn asked expectanly. "I . . dont,but everything feels familiar" khai looked at the blue walls.

Rinn smiled and said "Go to bed, I'll introduce you to all the maids and guards tommorow so they'll know who their young master is".

He closed the door and go back to his room with joy and big bright smile. he goes directly to the toilet because he feels like throwing up...

Female snow aren't suppose to show their emotion because if they do,it keeps getting carried away till they hit their end.They may be powerful but after all they're just humans and a powerful ones always had a weakness that could feel like taking their life ,like superman and kryptonite.




In the morning Khai woke up at 4:19 in the morning. He brushed his hair and cut it to perfection but truth to be told every style fits him except bald because that would seriously look terrible on him,Then he brushed his teeth and go back to bed

5 minutes has passed and he finally leave his room while wearing a white shirt and white shorts that made him look like a model,he saw the front door open.

He leave the house without any trouble.A lot of butterflies approached him and continue landing on any part of his shirt.


a sound of camera echeod on Khai's ears.The sweet and calming aura from Khai disappeared that turned dark and manacing,that made the butterflies so scared so they fly away and continue what they were doing a minute ago.

"Show yourself" Khai said with a cold tone while staring at the bush.

"okay-okay,you got me so stop looking at me as if I'm just a small rabbit fighting a lion,well anyway who are you" a girl with a green hair,to be honest she looks like a Goddes or a fairy anyways he's Khai's oldest step sister meaning she's Sinn's oldest daughter Riho Colíne

"I'm Khai" Khai answered.Riho's eyes widen and her hands started shaking that caused the camera to fall.

"Did I say something wierd?" Khai confusely asked. "Ahhh ehhh ummm n,no I,I guess" she ran away and call his father to come

Sinn came because he's curious, upon their arrival they saw a boy sitting on a grass holding and petting three bunnies,birds singing from the bush and branches,and butterflies lingering on his side.Even though he does'nt show his emotion his atmosphere is calming and gentle. It's a fantasy like scene that they almost cant believe their eyes

"K,Khai?" Sinn called khai."Hmmm?" Khai turn around and asked.Sinn was stunned when he saw Khai's gentle eyes looking straight at him. It cools him off and made all of his problems disappear. Sinn did'nt know khai has always had that kind of eyes because he only see him as a bastard and a nuisance, he always call him a Pest or a parasite.

"S,sorry" Sinn apologize and approached Khai. Khai just scratch his head lightly because he dont know what to say,he did'nt even know who this peoples are.When he scratched his head lightly Sinn saw a bruised on his wrist because of what happened yesterday.

"What happened to you" Sinn asked while still looking at Khai's wrist. Khai looked at his right wrist and saw it too and touched it."It's fine father kinda grabbed me a bit tight last night" he said with an indiferent expression.

"That sounds a bit misleading you know?" Riho said from behind. She's a girl who ship boys to boys and loved reading BL. "Ah! I did'nt mean it that way " Khai corrected ."I thought you died three years ago" Sinn asked Khai without thinking

"Haist, Khai come here for a sec" his grandpa louis called him because he's about to hear something stupid again.

"Sorry uncle grandpa is calling me see you" Khai bowed and ran away which made all the animals scrammed.

"Are you okay?" his grandpa asked."yes" he answered."do you want to go outside?" he asked again."yes, can I?" Khai asked."Here, wear this" He gave the watch that only their family can create,it has a tracker though."Thank . . you? errr why do I need this for?" Khai asked confusedly.

" hohoh just go,its a secret" he said when he finished putting it in Khai's left wrist.

"Off you go" he said and smile gently while waving goodbye.

"bye. . then" Khai said and ran as fast as he can to avoid being cought by the guards. Though he was just playing around.