

I'd do it all over for a little time in tranquility with you I'll always bring us back....♥

Dexy_Duexwriter · Teen
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4 Chs

Chapter 2

Juliette's POV



" D-Damien you can't be serious" I say shocked by his suggestion.

"I am rose I am" he says shaking his head "I love you so much it hurts I will revoke my title if they disagree" he says determined his eyes begging me to agree but for some reason I can't.

"Damien you're the prince you're meant to be married to Rosabelle my sister can give you what I can't give" I say trying to reason "we should stop this if my father finds out about this he'll cause war. My family agreed to this it's the only way to bring peace between our kingdoms" I say "think about all the families killed during this war we need to conjoining or kingdoms or we might lightly be the cause of the realms destruction." 

"Rosaline I don't care about any other thing than you, I don't think of any other thing than you, I don't love any other thing than you" he says all in a breath "Your sister is even more deranged than I thought if she actually believes I'll get married to her" he says looking me dead in the eyes.

"Damien she told me she loved you, I may not be able to move on but you have to-" I say biting back a sob while trying to keep the tears at bay "we're cursed Damien my parents told me why we couldn't be together" I say sniffling. "Since I met you my abilities have expanded they're afraid it'll destr-"

"It won't" he promises "I'll always be there to being you back we can do this-" 

"Y-You knew" I say backing up 

"Rosaline I-" 

"Damien y-you knew" I say once again feeling crushed " w-why didn't y-you tell me ?" 

"Rosa-". I caught him off once more.

"I-I'm a-a monster Damien don't y-you think I deserve to know" I say feeling the rage being somoned deep inside "I-I only destroy" I say and a sob breaks out and I bite my lips trying to keep it in "I'm the one who'll end-"

" Rosaline you won't"

"But I-I'm -" I say trying to step back once again only to be drawn closer by Damien and having no choice but to stare into his eyes 

"I'm here Rosaline I'm not going anywhere, it says there's two okay" he speaks "The one who takes and the one who gives" he says 

"The giver and the destroyer" I whisper scared.

"I won't let it take over" he says determined he leans in and whispers against my lips "I'll always bring you back"

"You'll always bring me back" I whisper back then feel the warmth of his lips against mine.



6:59 PM


I race through the boys dormitory passing different guys outside their dorms who give me weird looks or rather ignore me till I reach his dorm which is opposite the last dorm in the boys dormitory and catch my breath and just as I'm about to knock the door opens and I'm face to face with him making me feel a lot better than I've felt at home .

"Hey I breath out" and he looks at me his eyes twinkling with amusement

"pavońe you know some people would have gotten the wrong idea seeing you at the other part of the school" he says amused by my presence" And I thought I'd have to wait the rest of the week to see you" he says opening the door wider as I walk in and locks the door as soon as I'm fully in stalking behind me.

"I missed you" I say not being able to control the blush which sinks around my skin "And plus you were my excuse to leave that prison" I say to an amused Elliot who is even more amused by my confession probably the first one and he comes closer probably closer than how he's meant to be but I don't mind it not even a bit and I suprise myself with Elliot once more.

"You should just move into my dorm for the week Bello" he says and I immediately disagree with that thought I mean just being in a room with him for just few minutes makes it hard for me to think straight to top it staying with him for the rest of the week would feel exciting but I don't think I'm you for it but I'd be lying if I said I wouldn't feel comfortable he always makes me feel safe.

"No Elly that's too much for me" I say in a low voice looking down feeling somewhat embarrassed, I bet if it was Julie she'd have no problem agreeing to spend the just a few days with someone she trusts.

"Are you saying that because you don't feel trust me enough yet?

It's okay if you don't want to okay ?" Elliot says to me having that concerned look in his eyes

The look makes me feel warm on the inside knowing he cares but also a little guilty making him think and have to read into my emotions too much I'm too much to worry about and the thought of Elliot one day getting tired of me hurts and I'm too attached to him to lose him and everything about him makes me crave his touch probably every girl as well.

Even my mother's convinced he'll get tired one day and she's diabolically smart how can't I listen ? 

"Elliot it isn't about that I murmur moving deeper in his arms " I'm just nervous" I say finally letting it out "plus I will be imposing on your time your always busy I don't want to take all your time" I say in a short ramble trust Juliette to make it into a big deal 

"But Amòre" Elliot says carrying me over to the couch as I suppress a Yelp "you never impose I love spending my time on someone as beautiful as yourself pavońe" he says and I just can't help but ask this question.

"What does pavońe mean ?" I ask not being able to keep the curiosity at bay any longer.

"What ?" Elliot asks shocked at my sensible question. Or probably the change of question.

"It means pretty amòre" he says looking amused for some reason.

"Oh okay...pavone" I say my voice probably sounding weird and even weirder by my fake accent and I can't help the little giggle.

And Elliot doesn't seem that amused any longer having an hint of regret on his face.

"Don't call me that Piccolo piccione" he says he's eyes looking a little amused

"What does that mean" I ask showing confusion as I can't help but wonder again.

"No need to worry about that pavońe" he says his voice leading me to say he's done with that conversation and looks down at me with a small smile"so what got you upset Amore, you didn't have that smile on when coming in" he asks me making me feel a little sad that I'm about to talk about them but I say it anyway knowing Elliot would later get it out of me or find out what which would leave me speechless on how fast he was able to find out.

"Well my family thinks I'm a whore" I say slowly looking up at him feeling a little embarrassed I'm saying that to Elliot and he grits his jaw and nods at me to continue and I feel how angry he is just by looking at him and try to avoid his gaze looking down as I continue speaking "A-And my parents said they support me sleeping with you and I should advatise they're company to you while w-we're... together and my sister tried to tell my mother she has a crush on you but my mother called her ugly and called me stupid and naive" I said not going into details and I let two little drops of tears fall out from my glassy dark green eyes, sister once used the credit card mum gave her to buy contact-lens that looked almost like my eyes and they stood out Alot but didn't look similar enough and my mother said she looked fake and she should thank God for not giving her my eyes for she's not beautiful enough to use it that day my sister looked at me her eyes filled with a promise of hate that she's given me since we were thirteen.

For some reason I expected 

Elliot knight to look at me and Judge me for not defending myself or Julie, Judge me for always being so naive as people call me just for choosing a part of silence over fight.

I've known Elliot knight well enough to know he'd never have been quite timid in My shoes and would have hurt anyone who said that to him brutally, he wouldn't have sat still 

To my suprise Elliot pulls me unto his thighs making me turn red in a split second looking down. 

"You're strong pavońe" he says pulling my head up and I try to look away only having him pull my head once more holding me by my jaw making me look directly at him and i feel even more heat crawl unto my body.

"I'm weak" I mumble pushing my head into his neck." No wonder they all hate me"

"No pavońe your sister envy's you and that's her fault" he says in a reasoning tone as he play with my hair "And your parents don't even deserve you it's you who should hate them not the other way around and if they can't realized how much they've fucked up why are they still alive" 

"Don't say that Elliot" I say shocked at his last statement

"No one deserves death no matter what they've done especially my parents" I say shocked he'd say that I mean my parents can be alot but I don't think they'd deserve that.

Elliot always leaves innuendos in his words most times and most times I can't help but feels he means it.

"I wasn't serious amore don't worry, but haven't you ever wished they were far away from you and don't lie I know they bring you misery" he says in a knowing tone he uses when he knows he's anything but wrong which is mostly all the time.

"Elliot of course I've wished that but I always take it back because wishes like that are wrong especially for those who you're meant to love"I say to him

"Okay amore I'll let you handle it but if you can't I'll help" he says with a small smile dancing around his lips and I nod agreeing. "Soo about staying over amore" he asks leaning closer letting his breath fan on my lips and I can't disagree with that look in his eyes and his voice holds a promise to it which I know I'll unlock if I agree and nod not caring about any other person or thing except him and I whisper against his lips standing up I should go get my pajamas from my room I say Wondering if I could get it quickly without being spotted by any security. 

"No worries bellísimo I'll get you a shirt" he says retiring into his walk in closet to find me something to wear.

And I take my time to truly explore the room and I realize how large the room actually is it's the size of three of my own room swished together minus the large balcony which guarded by the set transparent glass and large dark curtains probably overseeing the school garden no doubt it's a marvelous view with a medium sized walk in-closet which could possibly fit it three people and the bathroom which as a normal sized bathtub which could probably swallow my small frame and a large shower close the zink accompanied my a mirror cupboard just the right size with a normal sized toilet in the Conner with a white glass like sliding door covering the view of whoever is using itz the white interior of the bathroom clashes with the black entirior of the room and the perfect king-sized bed in the middle of the room which makes me wonder just how much Elliot's father donated to the school.

And I walk back into the room and take a sit on the bed and I can say I'm shocked by how soft the bed is.

Elliot comes out of his closet and I restrain myself from asking him how a bed could feel soo... but restrain myself from asking and take the large shirt from him hearing him say here bellísimo as well bends down to lay a kiss on my cheeks and I feel the blush settling on my cheeks as I go into the closet and put on a black which almost reaches my knee proving how little I am compared to him and I decide to free my hair from the ponytail using the ribbon to tie his shorts on my little frame and I step out of the closet stepping into the night that awaited me 

Elliot's eyes rakes me from head to toe and I avoid looking anywhere other than his face noticing he changed into a pair of sweatpants and nothing else

"You look simply s-" Elliot's cut of my a loud scream coming from the hall way as we hear other students join into the noise and fear immediately jolts up my body.


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