
the new beginning

'….weird, is this what happens after you die? It feels like I'm in water, I'm not sure though since I can't see, it's just dark.'

' the water feels warm at least, good to know that not all my senses have gone. Speaking of senses I've heard mumbling from outside for a while now, I can't tell what they're saying, it's sounds kind of muffled'


'I must've been in here at least a week, in this week I've realized that I may be in someone's womb… if I'm being honest I never would of thought I'd get reincarnated, or at least not like this. I thought it would be immediate, or like fresh out the womb but I'm actually chillin inside it and have been for at least a week… weird'


'Hmm… I think I'm about to be born, We've been moving around a lot less than before. Oh, I've also learned that the constant mumbling were my parents trying to talk to me, or more specifically it's my father. I wonder what my parents look like'


'Welp… I think my mother is going into labor, good to know I'm about to be born… I guess?'

"Ma'am keep pushing you're almost there, keep going!"


"Honey, they're almost out just a little more"



" they're out!"

"Good job, honey! Just rest now I'll—"

"No, I wanna see them first"

'Strange, the child isn't crying? It seems to be fine since it's looking around but…' thought the servant who had put the child into a cloth to hand over to the mother.

"Here ma'am, It's a healthy baby girl!" Said the servant

'Hold up…. Baby girl? But… I'm a dude?' Thought Jack

"Look honey! It's a girl" said the mother with a smile on her face

"What should we name her?" Asked the father

"… Rio, I think Rio is a good name" said the mother

"Rio…. Yes, that's an amazing name!"said the father agreeing

'Rio? That's the name I decided for my kid…'thought Jack or more specifically Rio.

'Looking at my parents they seem to be rather good looking and young, maybe early twenties? My mother has a beautiful face,unfortunately she has some kind of scar going vertically across her left eye.

Her eyes are purple? Perhaps due to the injury her left eye gained a fogginess making it look like a pale purple…., her hair is a purple color as well but with a slightly darker hue.

My father has seemingly vibrant red eyes that looked as though they were glowing, his hair was completely black… or perhaps just really, really dark brown? his face could be considered handsome too, he seems to have a rather stern look though, his physique is good as well, does he work out?'

" honey I'll take care of our child you rest, okay?"said the man with black hair and red eyes.

The mother nodded in agreement and closed her eyes to rest.

Taking the child from her arms he moved Rio to another room, the room looked nice though a bit too old school. It looked like what you'd think a noble family in ancient times would have.

Putting the new born baby into a wooden craddle that was right next to a rather large sized bed, the man sat down and began watching the child and began talking to it telling it about his future plans for himself and the rest of his family, Rio mostly just listened not having anything better to do, Occasionally zoning out.

'I wonder what I look like… since I'm a girl I probably look like my mother right? Then do I also have her purples eyes? Or maybe I got her purple hair? Or maybe I only got my looks from my father?

Sigh… I need a mirror' thought Rio trying to move around to see her own reflection somewhere.

After a bit of a struggle due to her weak neck muscles she managed to find a mirror on the side and in it showed a baby with surprisingly a full head of dark purple hair, Along with eyes that showed two different colors. The reflection showed a vibrant purple eye for the left and a vibrant red eye for the right as well as a small but visible beauty mark next to her left eye as well as one next to her mouth on the right side.

It also showed how adorable she looked.

'Woah, my eyes…. They look like they're glowing, my face is also really adorable looking. I just know I'm about to break a lot of guys' hearts in the future…. Wait, do I need to go through periods too now?' Rio thought with a sense of dread slowly creeping up.

Deciding to leave the period problem for the future he decided to try and look around some more.

Looking to the other side her vision was blocked by her father who seemingly was looking at her the entire time, Which she thought was a bit strange. After that trying to look around and not finding anything of interest he decided to just go to sleep and wait till tomorrow to arrive.



"It's time to wake up~"

Upon waking up Rio was met with a handsome face with slightly glowing red eyes and black hair calling out to her with a deep but gentle voice.

Being picked up by her father she reluctantly woke up and began looking at her surroundings.

Leaving the room the she had slept in, they went into the rather large hall way and walked into another room where she saw her mother eating a small breakfast.

' now that I think about it… this whole situation is weird. Why did I reincarnate? And why into a girl? Also why does everything in this place look like some kind of old nobles house? And what's up with my hair and eyes? Is it some kind of mutation that I got from my parents?' Rio thought as she was being handed over to her mother.

After asking himself questions that didn't really have any answers he decided to just accept it like how he accepted his own death and reincarnation.

After a while Rio was taken back from her mother arms and left the room.

According to what she heard her father tends on taking a walk out side his manor just to show Rio what everything outside looked like and to get some sun.

After a bit of walking they finally made it outside where Rio instantly noticed something.

'Is that a f*cking dragon!?!?' Rio thought staring at a rather large wayvern that was just sleeping inside the large garden the manor had behind it.

Without realizing it she had made a sound that beckoned for her fathers attention, looking at where the baby was staring at with its mouth agape he saw a sleeping wayvern, deciding that it was a good idea to show the child the wayvern he began walking towards it.

'Wait-wait-wait!! Don't go towards it what if it's hostile!?!'

As the baby began panicking the pair slowly approached the wayvern which had beautiful white scales, and as the pair got closer, the wayvern sensed their approach and woke up.

Its eyes were a vertical slits filled with a variety of colors that made it look stunning.

"This is flake the wayvern, he guards our home, and he was also my old partner back when I fought for the army" the man with red eyes said looking at the baby with a smile.


…..He can't be serious, that's a WHOLE DRAGON, is he telling me that the army gives out free dragons?

….cause IM IN! I want my own dragon, that'd be cool as f*ck!

Rio thought with a smile showing on his baby face

"Oh, it's seems you're happy to see the wayvern" the man said trying to give the baby a better angle

Changing angles the baby and the wayvern could now see each other easier, looking down at the child and then back at the man, it gave a nod before going back to sleep.

"Did you see that? it approved to letting you ride it" the man said rubbing his finger across the infants cheek.

It did? That nod just now was it giving permission? But we didn't even ask it anything? Also I can't even ride it, I'm a baby that struggles to even control my body. Rio lampooned

"I'll teach you how to ride it when your older so don't worry for now let's check out the rest of the garden"

As the man said that he began walking around the garden to show the baby around.

After a while of walking they went back inside to eat.

….is this cheating?

Rio thought as she looked at the breast In front of her that her mother was trying to use to feed her.

Deciding that it was not cheating she took the breast and began drinking the milk from it.

Nah it's not cheating this is technically my mom so I'm still in the green. She thought drinking the milk eagerly to try and satisfy his hunger that hit him all at once.

Hmm? I didn't know breast milk tastes so sweet

Rio thought as she kept eating.


Five years have past, I've spent most of my time just eating,reading, and sleeping.

About my third year in I found out we had a rather large library which had a variety of books to choose from. Since then I spent most of my time reading in there, learned that this world is different from the one I was in last time.

This world has magic,knights,dragons, and other stuff that people in my old world would have thought to believe was only a myth.

Honestly when I found out, it didn't really shock me all that much, I had suspected something was up ever since I saw the wayvern in the garden.

Speaking of, I began growing horn from my head and a tail. I asked my parents about it yesterday since that's when I noticed and they said it was because we were from a blood line of ancient dragons.

At first I didn't really believe them but I guess sensing my doubt they removed their transformation magic revealing their horns and tails, but what was interesting to me was what they said after showing me.

They said that our family lives in hiding. When I asked why they said it was because we were once hunted due to fear of betraying humanity or whatever, they also said that everyone here was a dragon as well but they all had different amounts of blood flowing through them.

According to my parents I'm currently the only one with the highest amount of dragon blood, which reaches a shocking 75 percent,. They did say that it was only an estimate since they didn't know how pure my mother was due to her having been an orphan her entire life.

They estimated it by how far her beast transformation goes, pretty much if you can turn your hands and feet into claws then you have anywhere from ten to twenty five percent.

If you can completely cover yourself in scales along with claws then you have about fifty to seventy five percent, and of course if you can completely transform into a dragon then you could be considered a pure descendant with it being from 90 to 100 percent.

My horns are black and mostly covered by my hair due to them not having grown much since it's only been about a day, my hair has surprisingly grown quite long. My hair now reaches a little past my knees which forces me to style it in a way that makes sure it doesn't touch the floor, honestly with how quick my hair is growing, I can expect to be called rapunzel…. Well assuming that this worlds people know who that is.

My tail has also grown out from my body, unlike my horns that grow rather slow, my tail has already stopped growing, being about half my size in length. According to my parents,my tail grows as my body grows but since my tail came out late it's growth was sped up and stopped once it reached the right size for my body.

My parents had arranged for me to take classes to learn about society and how things in the world worked but I beat them to it. In the two years that I had gone to the library I learned everything I needed to, which made there efforts go into the trash.

I felt a bit guilty since they had wasted money on my education only for me to have already learned everything on my own.

I also learned magic, which my parents had wanted to teach me themselves but of course I beat them to that too. For now I just pretend as though I'm learning everything for the first time. Currently they're just teaching me how magic works and how it's usually used, but I already knew all of that.

Reading in the library taught me that children can't use magic untill a certain age regardless of what race they come from, which is around 11 and 12.

The thing is though, I unlocked it extremely early more specifically around the age of three, and have been practicing ever since in secret,pushing my self untill exhaustion.

Oh, about the different races, there are the beast men,the humans, the elves, the dwarfs, and us the dragons, there are more but I'd be here all day naming them.

But anyway this world seems rather interesting, if I'm being honest I'm a bit excited about the future.

Speaking of, According to my parents there is a school or as they call it, an academy, that raises future generations into being the best. They asked me if I wanted to go once I reached the age of twelve.

Not seeing any immediate problems with it, I agreed. I thought of it as a way to learn new information and techniques.

It's safe to say that I'm looking forward to this new world.