
… and they were roommates

BL Tyler, the high school rebel, and Jonah, the stern student council member, are two unlikely characters who hate each other with a certain passion. But what happens if they’re being forced together as roommates in the dorm? And what if the mutual attraction proves too much to ignore? ⚠️ TW: strong language and sensitive topics ⚠️

Maryne · LGBT+
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I've actually never really seen myself as a troublemaker

... well, admittedly ...

I don't always wear my school uniform correctly and I don't always listen to what the teachers say, but who does that in the first place? What am I? The teacher's pet?

Besides, I'm in my senior year, so who's gonna to stop me from doing what I want? They should be happy that I still show up here.

I snorted once mockingly.

My gaze slid to the gate of the school entrance... and of course I saw him first...

Little Mr. Perfect was here again to fulfill his task as a student council.

With his tall stature, he even towered over most of the teachers. And as if his almost ridiculous size wasn't annoying enough, he was also more muscular than me. That was literally an insult to my ego. At least he was wearing one of those ugly frameless glasses that looked like shit on everyone. This reduced the value of his annoyingly handsome face, so only a few girls were interested in him. So he wasn't a competitor in that respect.

His calculating eyes scanned the area for students trying to sneak past him. It was his turn to check our uniforms again... and he was always quite a pain in the ass with it. He was the only one who took his job so seriously. He always carefully checked how we wore our uniforms and that was extremely annoying, because he almost always had something to complain about. Either the tie was askew, the blazer was missing or the shirt wasn't ironed. This petty bug always found something he could complain about. I bet it was his secret hobby.

And I'd bet my grandma's ass that he definitely had me on his radar again.

To him I was probably like the scum of the school. With my dyed red hair, my ear piercings and my attitude, I didn't fit in here at all in his opinion.

He literally hated me. But - thank god - that feeling was mutual.

I wore my uniform particularly casual and sloppy today. That would definitely make him really angry. I smirked. It was fun to tease him because he had trouble hiding his anger and his face always turned to this specific shade of red.

I didn't even try to adjust my uniform or sneak past him. As his sharp gaze caught me from afar, I saw his facial expression already darken.

"You're late." He complained grumpy.

"A good morning to you too." I said sarcastically in a mock-friendly tone, trying to squeeze past him. However, he quickly grabbed my arm to stop me from going any further.

"Your uniform looks terrible. Don't you know how to put it on properly or something?" He asked challengingly with a nasty look.

"Of course I know how to dress properly. But this stuck up, sycophantic look just doesn't suit me." I scoffed.

I saw his face gradually turn to the color of my hair. He was already pissed.

"Tyler Williams. Do you think I'll just let you walk in here with a half-buttoned shirt and no tie on your uniform? The rules specifically say to wear the uniform properly!" He said with his typical stern expression.

"Look, Jonah, no offense, but why should I? I mean who even wears ties these days? Besides, who put you in charge of checking on the dress code anyway?" I said almost condescendingly.

"I am the head of the student council and as a representative of the student body I have the duty of insuring that all students are properly uniformed. Now fix that shirt, young man."

"You know you sound like an old geezer when you say it like that? We're the same age! Fucking act like it." I said defiantly.

Jonah seems to be taken quite aback by my comment, but after a split-second he looks even more pissed off and raises his voice even louder, now in front of other students and maybe even one or two teachers.

"Young man, it's your fault if you can't follow the rules. Now do as I say and fix that damn shirt this instant!"

Now Jonah is boiling with fury, he can barely contain himself.

This is a scene that happens almost every day between the two of us. The other students didn't even bother to get in between.

"Young man, this is the last time I'm giving you a chance. Fix that shirt, or you're getting reported to the principal and you'll get a three-day suspension, or worse!" He said, boiling with anger.

I was clearly not interested in avoiding a fight:

"Like I give a shit." I answered.

I saw Jonah gritting his teeth and clenching his hands into fists.

Oh, he really wanted to hit me so bad. And he had a hard time to control his anger. A provocative smirk appeared on my face.

"Oh you wanna hit me? Do it! Then the both of us can go to the principal." I replied sassily.

There's now a few students gathered around us, watching the scene as i really tried to provoke Jonah.

Jonah, still clenching his fists hard, grits his teeth even more and tried to keep himself from attacking me.

"I - I'll do it. You'll see." Jonah said warningly.

Then he grabs my collar, but i only looked at him with a smug smile:

"Do your best, Jonah. I'll see you in the principal's office!"

hey :3

I just wanted to say that I started this little story just for fun because I was inspired by a roleplay chat. Let's see how long my inspiration lasts haha ​​xd

If you have your own ideas for the story, feel free to write them in the comments ^^

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