


Introducing himself with a resonant voice that bore an air of authority, the man declared,

"Duncan is the name. I trust I'll have your full cooperation."

Duncan, the Grand Magus Emissary, didn't come alone. Accompanying him were a dozen other magus, each bearing an emblem of the Magus Alliance, signifying their rank and importance. Their purpose was twofold: to delve deep into the recent tumultuous events and to 'clean up' the aftermath of the skirmishes that had shaken Earth City, Rome.

The term "clean up" was a rather gentle way to describe a severe mandate. The Magus Alliance had strict guidelines regarding the dissemination of information about the broader magus universe to civilizations like Earth, which they categorized as a 'lower planet'. The prime directive was clear; Earth, being a fledgling civilization wasn't to be made aware of the hidden machinations and the vastness of the magus universe. Consequently, one of the immediate tasks of these magus was to enact a mass memory wipe over the denizens of Rome, ensuring that the memories of the recent battle faded away like a distant dream.

While the average citizens would end up with a blank slate regarding the event, those with a heightened spiritual and mental cultivation, such as the Earth realm individuals experienced something different. Their memories weren't entirely erased. Instead, they became hazy and indistinct. They would recall a looming danger, but the specific visuals, the faces, and the detailed occurrences would elude them, much like trying to recall a half-forgotten dream.

The beings of the Sky realm, on the other hand, posed a different challenge. These individuals, due to their advanced consciousness, might be harmed by a crude memory wipe. Instead, they were subjected to a sealing, symbolized by a rune, which was eerily similar to what Emery and his peers had once received during their time at the magus academy. This rune acted as a muzzle, allowing them to retain their memories but preventing them from vocalizing or sharing them.

In an impressive show of efficiency and prowess, the entire operation was completed in just a few hours. Emery and Julian, despite being central figures in the entire debacle, were left sidelined, mere spectators without any influence over these proceedings.

As the magus went about their tasks with methodical precision, Duncan, their esteemed leader, was escorted to one of the grandest villas in Rome. There, he was lavished with the finest hospitality Earth had to offer.

At the most prominent position on the long table sat Grand Magus Duncan, a goblet of Rome's finest wine in hand. The deep ruby liquid gleamed under the ambient light, casting a scarlet hue on his face.

"Ah, Kronos," Duncan mused, swirling his wine contemplatively. "You've kept this planet concealed for an impressive span. What a pity, considering its evident richness."

This elaborate feast was orchestrated upon Duncan's request. As a seasoned diplomat, he believed that conversations over shared meals often yielded more fruitful outcomes. Julian, readily complied, knowing that hospitality might be their best defense in these trying times.

Unfortunately, despite the bountiful feast, the atmosphere in the hall was thick with tension. On one side of the expansive table sat the imposing delegation from the Kronos faction, Kronos, with his stern countenance; Zeus, Poseidon, Ares, Athena, Hephaestus, Artemis, Hermes, Dionysus, and Demeter.

Directly opposite them were Earth's chosen representatives: Julian, with his ever-calm demeanor; Emery, bound yet defiant; Morgana, Thrax, Fjolrin, and Akasha.

The atmosphere was rife with mixed emotions. The Earth representatives were visibly irate over Emery's shackles. But it seemed the members of the Kronos faction, particularly Zeus and Kronos, were even more aggravated by the present circumstances as if they were in the midst of an unwanted chore.

Seizing the moment, Julian gracefully lifted his wine glass, a peace offering of sorts. "Emissary Duncan," he began, his voice smooth, "I extend an open invitation for you to remain our guest here for as long as you desire."

Duncan's chuckle was light, his eyes sparkling with mirth. "That's the spirit!" He commented, a hint of playfulness evident. It seemed that among all attendees, only Julian truly managed to savor the grandeur of the feast.

But not all were in the mood for pleasantries. Kronos, his face contorted in anger, snapped.

"Duncan, enough of this charade! Let's expedite matters and mete out the justice these insolents so rightly deserve!"

The weight of Kronos' words hung heavily in the air, but it was Thrax's fiery response that nearly set the room ablaze. The volatile warrior, still seething from his perceived failure in battle, stood up, his fury palpable. But before he could move a step, a mere flicker of Duncan's aura, a domain so powerful and overwhelming, froze Thrax in his tracks. The sheer might displayed by the grand magus reminded everyone present of the hierarchy of power.

Duncan, clearly perturbed by the outburst, carefully placed his wine glass on the table, his fingers lingering on its stem for a moment.

"Conflicts between caretakers and the magus under their watch are not as rare as one might assume," he began, his voice level and measured. "It is the fervent wish of the Magus Alliance, and my personal desire as well, that such disputes be resolved amicably and without resorting to the formalities of the Alliance Court."

Pausing for effect, Duncan signaled to an aide, a tall figure clad in somber robes, who stepped forward with a scroll.

"Fifteen at saint level perished," the aide reported, unfurling the scroll to read its contents, "One magus form destroyed, another grievously injured, and the Moon Outpost lies in ruins."

The silence following this declaration was deafening. These were the formal accusations leveled against Emery, the price of his actions, and Kronos' clamor for retribution.

Duncan, noticing the smirk playing on Kronos' lips, couldn't help but comment,

"Kronos, why are you smiling? To suffer such casualties at the hands of lower-realm magus? you should be embarrassed instead"

The words stung. Kronos, never one to easily mask his emotions, displayed a face contorted with rage. But he held his tongue. It was evident that Duncan, despite his seemingly cordial demeanor, wielded authority that even a faction leader of Kronos' stature dared not challenge openly.

Yet, the focus swiftly shifted from Kronos to the shackled figure of Emery. Duncan's gaze bore into him, the weight of judgment evident in his eyes. "Regardless of your reason," he intoned gravely, "Crimes have been committed. Lives were taken, and property annihilated, all against your very own caretaker. Such actions only amplify the gravity of your transgressions."

He paused, his piercing gaze unwavering, seeking the depths of Emery's soul. "Do you claim guilty for these crimes?"

Emery responded without faltering, "Yes, I do."

To be continued