


With just 24 hours remaining before the gravity anomaly commenced, the air was thick with tension. Emery, Atlas, Eeshoo, and Master Borin gathered around a holo-map created by Atlas's eyes, carefully examining their plan one last time. The projection showed the planet and pinpointed two distinct areas: one near the equator and the other on the polar opposite end.

Emery and Atlas were to form the first team. Their job was to create a diversion that would divert attention from the main objective.

Meanwhile, Eeshoo and Master Borin would be on the planet's other side. They will activate the device that would send out a signal to the Nephilim ship, calling it down for extraction.

The group knew the stakes. Only one team would have a clear shot at escaping, while the other would likely be stranded, facing inevitable doom. The weight of the impending decision pressed on their shoulders, causing an uncomfortable silence to spread across the cave.

Master Borin finally broke the silence. His gaze met Emery's, and with a deep voice,? he said, "I'll never forget our pact. I'll journey to find your Terra Kingdom and offer my unparalleled skills."

The gravity of Borin's statement reflected a task Emery had assigned him—a last-resort plan should their escape not succeed.

Eeshoo found himself lost for words but at the last moment, he said "Promise me this: Stay alive and I'll find a way to repay the debt I owe."

Turning to Atlas, Eeshoo tried to appeal to the mechanized warrior's logical side, "Atlas, you should be with us on the ship."

But Atlas responded with a shake of his head. He understood his role and if things went south, his unique abilities would be crucial for Emery's survival on the hostile planet.

Their plans were set, and the energy in the room was palpable—a mix of hope, determination, and an unspoken acknowledgment of the challenges ahead. With mutual nods and words of encouragement, the team members went their separate ways, each holding onto the belief that fate would favor them.

Using his newfound powers, Emery had successfully erased the soul imprints on both Eeshoo and Master Borin, rendering them invisible to the prying eyes of their pursuers.

However, there was a conscious decision not to erase Atlas's imprint. Emery had a bigger plan in mind, and Atlas's half-machine nature would play a pivotal role. In the grand scheme of things, Atlas was set to be their Trojan horse, the decoy that would draw attention and mislead their enemies.

Once preparations were complete, Emery and Atlas embarked on a grueling journey through a complex maze that spanned miles underground— a labyrinth they had previously mapped out. Hundreds of miles until they were drawing close to their starting point—a location near the formidable citadel.

After an exhausting 20-hour trek, they found themselves near the citadel's outskirts, hidden within the shadowy alcoves of a cavern. Time seemed to stand still, the only sound being their synchronized breaths and the distant rumbling of the impending anomaly.

Breaking the silence, Emery looked over to Atlas, his eyes seeking affirmation. "Are you ready?"

Without hesitation, Atlas responded, "Yes."

As the earth began to tremble beneath them and the nearby lava lake drained, signaling the onset of the gravity anomaly, the duo emerged from their hiding place. With a swift motion, Emery summoned the [Revenant]. It was a sleek dark elf spaceship, a marvel of arcane engineering, kept hidden in his storage ring.

Emery looked ahead, and with a commanding tone, he declared, "Let's go."


Within the looming walls of the dark elves' citadel, tension hung heavy in the air. Kieran, Ezekiel, and the remaining members of the notorious group, the Voidstalkers, clustered around a table laden with high-tech equipment. The room was dimly lit, bathed in the glow of the radar screen and other monitoring devices. In anticipation of the impending gravity anomaly, several small ships stood ready in the citadel's courtyard.

The warden paced impatiently. Casting a suspicious glance toward Ezekiel, he demanded, "Are you sure they will show up?"

Ezekiel, too engrossed in the radar's blips and patterns, remained silent. It was Kieran who addressed the warden. "Yes, warden. They have the blacksmith with them. I'm certain they'll attempt to construct another ship, just like last time"

The warden's eyes narrowed, his voice dripping with disdain. "They better show up, because this is the last time I'll tolerate you Voidstalkers meddling in my domain."

Suddenly, a tremor rumbled through the citadel, signaling the onset of the gravity anomaly. The room's occupants steadied themselves against the shaking, eyes glued to the radar. And then, a distinct signal appeared.

"We've got a hit!" A technician exclaimed, excitement evident in his voice. "It's prisoner 188293, it's one of them, name... Atlas!"

Utilizing the advanced surveillance system of the citadel, a live visual feed was projected onto the main screen. To the astonishment of the assembled Voidstalkers, the display showed two figures: Atlas, with his unmistakable half-machine form, and another individual that Ezekiel had been obsessively pursuing. But what truly took their breath away was the sight of a dark elf ship, primed and ready to soar into the skies.

Cursing under his breath, Ezekiel's voice cut through the room like a blade. "Dammit! Go! Go!"

With the urgency of the situation, Ezzekiel didnt teleported directly to the target area. Instead, he created a portal leading to the citadel's yard. Emerging from the portal's shimmering entrance, Ezzekiel and two members of his elite team sprinted towards the prepared ships, Three ships' engines hummed to life, filling the yard with a cacophonous roar.

Kieran, witnessing Ezzekiel's haste, called out, desperation in his tone, "Segura, let me accompany you!" But Ezzekiel, consumed by the mission's gravity, paid him no heed, quickly boarding the lead ship.

Within moments, the communications officer aboard Ezzekiel's vessel relayed critical information, "The ship is rapidly ascending. We've confirmed at least one of them piloting."

Determined to intercept the dark elf ship, three vessels surged forward, engines roaring. As they closed the distance, Ezzekiel's mind raced. 'How did they get their hands on such a ship?' he wondered, baffled. Yet, his nature was not one for patience. He was a man of action, often opting for aggression over inquiry.

The skies became a battleground. The dark elf ship, though alone, displayed astonishing agility, dancing between the trio with graceful maneuvers. But the Voidstalkers, seasoned by countless skirmishes, managed to corner the ship, stopping its ascent.

After a grueling fifteen-minute aerial dogfight, Ezzekiel's ship landed the final blow. Flames trailed from the dark elf vessel as it plummeted, eventually crashing a significant distance from the citadel.

Landing his ship nearby, Ezzekiel, filled with anticipation, approached the wreckage. The sight that met him was perplexing: within the charred remains, he found only a demolished half-machine human. As he check the soul within, he was once again annoyed, it was a dark elf soul.

Realization dawned, and his voice echoed with frustration, "This is a mere decoy! Where are the real targets?"

To be continued