


"You… I've bested you once. Do you truly believe you can defeat me here?" The voice dripped with condescension, emanating from a female dark elf, her visage showcasing the epitome of elven beauty yet marred with a cold, steely demeanor. Amongst the captive spirit souls, Emery recognized her as the most formidable.

From one of the other dark elves he had previously subdued, Emery had gleaned some valuable information. This female went by the name Vespera. Not only was she a force to be reckoned with, but she had also been the formidable second-in-command of the dreaded Demon's Pit for countless years. She had served under numerous Khans and had seen many of her brethren redeem themselves and return to the elven society. But Vespera choose to stay amidst the darkness and chaos of the pit.

What made her especially invaluable was her intricate knowledge of the pit. Yet, that wasn't all. Whispers suggested that she was privy to secrets of the Umbra space fortress that orbited outside of the planet.

But as Emery sized her up, he realized the enormity of the challenge before him. Vespera wasn't just any dark elf; she was a Full Moon dark elf, a title given to the most elite. Furthermore, her lineage traced back to the Dunmers, elves who were born with an innate talent for spirit. This made her a veritable prodigy in the art of Katra, having scaled to Level 7 – merely a step away from the revered status of a grand magus.

The setting was an ancient stone temple, cradled amidst jagged rocky peaks. The temple wasn't real in the physical sense but was a manifestation from Vespera's very soul, a reflection of her inner sanctum. Within its confines, Emery faced her. The intensity in her gaze was palpable, her confidence unwavering.

Meeting her stare, Emery replied, "Indeed, you defeated me once, but that was a month ago."

Her laughter echoed through the stone halls, mocking and derisive. "A mere month! And you dare think you've grown enough to challenge me?"

Emery's lips curled into a knowing smile. "Shall we begin and find out?"

Where other dark elves faltered and found difficulty in even conjuring weapons, Vespera was engulfed in an ethereal fire. With grace and ease, she summoned two sabers, each alight with flames, to her arms.

"Lets have a good fight," Emery remarked, keeping his tone light. He too conjured dual blades from the very essence of his spirit, their edges gleaming coldly.

This battle was not just a simple clashing of weapons or trading of spells. Every move, every strike was a testament to one's mastery over their spirit. Every slash or parry required the combatant to exert control over their soul, affecting the speed of their casting or the force of their blows.

Time seemed to lose meaning as the two dueled, their spirits dancing and clashing for what felt like an eternity. When the dust settled, there was no clear victor. They seemed evenly matched, each one's strengths mirroring the other's.

"You've grown in strength," Vespera conceded, her voice holding a hint of respect, "but do you truly believe you can subdue me with such feeble soul strength?"

Emery, flashing a confident grin, replied, "Do you think so? I actually disappointed, i am hoping for a more challenging fight"

Vespera huffed, "If you're trying to rile me up to manipulate my soul, don't sweat it, it wont work"

Emery smirked, "Let's make things a bit more interesting, then."

Suddenly, in the physical realm of the Khaos Gate, Emery's real body accessed two additional dark elf spirit souls and connecting them all with his [Spirit walk]. Moments later, the entire spiritual construct of the temple quivered. Two additional dark elves materialized, unmistakably Vespera's underlings. Though not as potent as her, they were Dunmer nonetheless, wielding formidable spirit souls.

Vespera's eyes widened in shock. "You arrogant fool! By bringing my kin here, you've sealed your fate! Together, we will obliterate your very essence."

With a challenging smile, Emery shot back, "Prove it."

The trio of dark elves wasted no time, coordinating their attacks to unleash a barrage of spells and weapon strikes that threatened to rupture Emery's spiritual essence. Each strike was meticulously aimed, designed not just to wound, but to annihilate his soul.

However, Emery was not one to be underestimated. Rather than deflecting or avoiding the assault, he dropped his swords, focusing his consciousness inwards. The ambiance of the spirit realm shifted perceptibly. Slowly, his ethereal form began to transform. Silken shadows merged, evolving into dark fur, and Emery's spiritual avatar grew in size, expanding nearly threefold. Monstrous fangs and razor-sharp claws emerged, promising doom for any who dared to approach.

A deep, haunting howl echoed throughout the realm. This wasn't a simple replication of the twilight transformation known in the physical world; it was an embodiment of his raw primal essence, the pure savagery of his lineage manifesting itself.

Even as magical flames scorched his fur or swords sought to pierce his hide, the wolf seemed invulnerable. Each blow, rather than weakening him, seemed to fuel his fury further.

With a burst of speed, the wolf lunged at Vespera, delivering a claw strike of such force that she was sent sprawling, tumbling meters away. The sheer force of the blow left her dazed, her ethereal form shimmering unsteadily.

Witnessing the sheer might of Emery's transformed state, the remaining two dark elves were seized by panic. They scrambled desperately to put distance between themselves and the ferocious beast.

However, the monstrous wolf, with its incredible speed, anticipated their every move.

With a frighteningly swift and powerful lunge, Emery's wolf form pounced on one, disorienting him with a simple but forceful headbutt. Then, with a precision that seemed almost unnatural for such a beast, he sliced through their limbs as effortlessly as one would cut through softened butter. The sight was gruesome and terrifying. He then dragged their incapacitated forms toward Vespera, like a predator presenting its catch.

She looked up, gasping for breath, her once confident eyes now wide with terror. "How… how can this be?" she murmured, disbelief evident in her voice.

The monstrous wolf that stood before her was not just any ordinary beast. It was the embodiment of Emery's [Emperor Focus] skill. A manifestation born from relentless training sessions in the spiritual realm, honed to perfection. It had been a defensive tool initially, but Emery had evolved it into one he can used in spirit realm.

Vespera, despite her vast expertise in Katra, could sense the raw and untamed energy emanating from Emery's transformed form. It was a power she knew she couldn't match. Her pride as a master of Katra seemed insignificant before this behemoth.

"What are you? What do you want?" she cried out, desperation replacing her earlier arrogance.

Emery, in his fearsome wolf form, leaned in close, his chilling gaze locked onto Vespera's. "I thought you already knew," he growled, every word dripping with a menace that resonated deep within the chambers of the temple. "I wish to subdue your soul, knows everything store in your mind"

Emery's eyes wandered to the incapacitated dark elves beside him. Defeating Vespera wasn't enough; he had to shatter her powerful Katra mental strength. To achieve that, he plan to demonstrate another ability he'd honed recently.

Without hesitation, Emery lunged at one of the fallen dark elves, digging his massive claw deep into its chest. The echo of a tormented scream resonated throughout the temple. But the physical damage wasn't what stunned Vespera; it was the sudden void that appeared in her senses. A life force she once felt had vanished entirely.

"You... you just devoured his soul!" she gasped, horror evident in her eyes.

The monstrous wolf, paying no heed to Vespera's shock, turned its attention to the second dark elf. With an almost methodical pace, Emery approached it, and just as before, he absorbed its essence, leaving behind a lifeless shell.

The weight of Emery's actions bore down on Vespera, and she could only tremble in dread.

"Don't Worry," Emery whispered, his voice a chilling promise. "I won't devour your soul... not unless you tell me everything you know."

After extracting the information, Emery began the process to revert from his [Spirit Walk]. As he transitioned back, an overwhelming sensation enveloped him. The surroundings seemed brighter, the weight of the world felt significantly lighter, and a profound inner power surged within him.

A notification echoed in his mind.

[You have successfully mastered Katra level 6.]

A wave of satisfaction washed over him. The culmination of his efforts and experiences had led him to this pivotal moment. Yet, as the euphoria settled, an even more intense feeling took over, it was a feeling he once felt before, when he first breakthrough into a magus realm.. His magus core ignited, a surge of energy pulsating and spreading throughout his being.

[Your magus core is experiencing changes.]


Author Note:

The character event vote has been incredible, and I want to thank you all for your points and votes. Just a heads-up: if you have any unclaimed points from rewards, please check under profile-rewards. Additionally, there's an ongoing event that offers 200 points for reading 10 minutes of comics and 5 minutes of new books in the Isekai event. I apologize if I come across as desperate, but I truly value all the votes you've given to Emery, and not wasting it by winning this round. Thank you!

To be continued