


With the half-machine Atlas strapped to his back, Emery dashed to chase the fleeing Magus, feeling the metallic weight of his friend and the urgency of the pursuit.

Magus Kenzo was a full moon magus with high proficiency in the law of shadow. His mastery not only makes him fast but also makes him nearly impossible to track down. It was like chasing a ghost through the night, a shadow that seemed always just out of reach.

But Emery was undeterred. He had his [wild hunt] innate ability. It allowed him to sense the reeking blood of his target wound, the one Kenzo got from the crash, and even the subtle scent of his sweat of fear.

The chase was fierce, both relentless and unyielding. Emery's heart pounded in his chest as he gained on Kenzo, fiercely hunting his prey for miles. He could feel Atlas's mechanical eyes on the target, assessing, calculating.

"He's heading to the elf Citadel," Atlas said.

To think they had fallen not too far from the citadel was unfortunate. This meant another element could be at play: the surviving dark elves and the orcs could come for them, or even worse, align with Kenzo. Emery's mind raced. He needed to hurry.

With determined resolve, Emery decided to use his [Immortal gate], and even his [Paragon's Blessing]. His body surged with newfound energy, and he leaped forward, within minutes he manage to close in the gap, ready to finally reach the fleeing Magus.

"Stop!! Stop chasing me!!" Magus Kenzo's voice cracked as he shouted, the desperation clear in his voice. He finally gave up on the run, turning back to fight, his eyes wild, his breathing ragged.

His intention was clear. He had drawn a wickedly curved dagger, the blade gleaming in the dim light. He was ready to fight.

"You are just a kid!! You are nothing!!" Kenzo spat, his voice dripping with contempt.

Emery's eyes narrowed, and he felt a cold anger settle in his chest.

"And you are just a scum!" he retorted, his voice full of disdain.

Before the battle could ignite, the cold mechanical voice of Atlas cut through the tension. "I am... 58% functional. I can fight,"

Emery turned his eyes to the half-machine magus strapped to his back. Despite Atlas's significant damage and disabled leg, the determination in his mechanical eyes was undeniable. Emery gave a slight nod, accepting the partnership. They would face this challenge together.

Magus Kenzo, seeing his adversaries momentarily distracted, suddenly charged at them. A [Shadow step] came from high proficiency in the law of shadow. A sneak attack with his dagger gleaming ominously as it cut through the air.

Emery's reaction was both calm and decisive. In a maneuver that seemed almost reckless, he threw the half-machine magus at the shadow magus. Atlas, who had lost the function of his leg, was not merely a passive projectile. He used the energy blast from his two mechanical arms to change his trajectory, dodging the dagger and propelling himself toward Kenzo with the precision of a guided missile.

Atlas crashed into Kenzo with a thunderous impact, the sound of metal clashing against flesh echoing through the air. Emery followed, his movements fluid and relentless, using a complex spell to weave magical threads around Kenzo, attempting to entangle the magus's whole body within it.

It took only a second for the full moon magus to break free from the entanglement and his mastery of shadows allowed him to slip away from Emery's counterattack. But as soon as he landed a few meters back, his face contorted in shock and anger, he realized that trapping him in such a spell was not Emery's true intention.

"You!! Give it back now!!" Kenzo howled, his eyes wide as he saw the two pouches, symbols of his power and leverage, already securely in Emery's arms.

Emery felt a surge of triumph, a momentary relief washing over him as he clutched the pouches tightly. The tide had turned in their favor, and he had gained the upper hand.

The feeling however was short-lived, as a sudden prickling sensation warned him of multiple energy signatures that closing in on them. The dark energy signatures were unmistakable; they were the dark elves. A quick mental count revealed there were about ten of them.

A flicker of panic crossed Kenzo's face as he sensed the approaching danger. His eyes darted between Emery and the incoming dark elves, clearly weighing his options. With a desperate edge to his voice, he looked upon Emery and pleaded, "Give it back!! We could offer them that to save ourselves!"

Emery's response was icy, his voice dripping with contempt as he gazed upon the magus. "If you still have an ounce of honor, you should kill a few of them before joining them in hell!" His words were a condemnation, a rejection of Kenzo's cowardice.

Without waiting for a response, Emery quickly scooped up Atlas and dashed toward the closest rock mountain. The landscape blurred as they sped across the terrain, leaving the shadow magus to his fate.

Atlas, still processing the situation, asked, "Are we running or are we hiding?!"

Emery's reply was filled with determination, his eyes fixed on the craggy rocks ahead. "No! I plan to kill them all." There was no trace of doubt in his voice, no hint of fear. His mind was set, his path clear.


Emery's fleeing form was soon lost to sight as the dark elves descended upon the scene, led by Kieran, the Khan himself. With him were ten of the survivors and victors of the earlier battle, a mixture of Dunmer and Drows, each carrying the scars and pride of hard-fought conquest.

As they approached the agitated shadow magus, Kieran's eyes narrowed, studying the man's panicked expression. He could see the two escaping humans in the distance and smiled, his teeth glinting ominously in the dim light. The prospect of chasing down the half-blood magus excited him, but for now, his attention was fixed on the trembling full-moon human magus before him.

"I… I am the one who stops the ship from leaving… me… I am here to deliver the spirit souls… to trade for my freedom," stammered the magus, his voice trembling with fear.

The response startled Kieran for a second, but his surprise quickly gave way to amusement. He began to chuckle, the sound low and menacing. "Alright, let me have it.. The spirit souls…" he drawled, his eyes never leaving the magus's face.

"They took it… I will get them for you… I can help you," the magus offered, pointing at the escaping figures with a desperate look in his eyes.

Kieran's gaze turned contemplative as he looked at the rest of his group, his eyes gleaming with malice. "What do you think?" he asked, his voice deceptively calm.

All ten dark elves responded with wicked smiles, their faces twisted with bloodlust. Kieran's smile broadened as he turned back to the magus, his voice dripping with scorn. "You see, my brothers and sisters here demand blood. No spirit souls, no deals."

What followed was a brutal display of violence. The 11-to-one fight was over in less than a minute, with the dark elves showing no mercy and the obvious victor emerging unscathed.

As the dust settled, Kieran looked toward the rocky mountains, his eyes gleaming with anticipation. "Two more left," he said, his voice filled with excitement. "Let's finish this before they arrive."

To be continued