


Emery found himself confronted by an echo from his past. "You... Why are you here?" he questioned, a sense of disbelief permeating his words.

The woman that had approached him was unmistakably familiar, a ghost from his history. She had matured significantly, her visage taking on an even more regal demeanor. Yet, Emery could still distinguish the inherent nobility that danced behind her flowing curtain of golden hair.

Her identity was indubitable. She was Jinkan, the esteemed princess of the formidable Nephilim Faction, a name that resonated with power and influence in their world.

The corners of her lips pulled up into a half-smile as she noted his recognition, "Good, you still recognize me," she articulated, each word bearing the assertive weight of her authority. This was a gaze that Emery was familiar with, a gaze that could make the strongest of warriors cower under its intensity.

Facing the enigmatic princess, Emery's expression turned grave. The Nephilim faction wielded considerable influence, one capable of allowing their own to step foot on this planet. However, it did not make Jinkan's sudden appearance any less puzzling.

"Why are you here? What is it that you want?" he demanded, his gaze hard and questioning.

With a mysterious glint in her eyes, she declared, "I am here looking for you." She paused abruptly before adding, "Can we talk outside? It's too crowded in here."

A wave of nostalgia hit Emery as he contemplated her proposition. Their shared history was rife with collaboration; they had been teammates on numerous occasions. Yet, they were never comrades in the true sense of the word, their relationship marred by an underlying tension. This caused him to hesitate before agreeing to her request.

Sensing his hesitation, she elaborated, "It's about your Earth planet, I have information that you need to hear."

This claim was startling to Emery. He found it hard to believe that she would journey all this way to share news about his lower realm planet. Even so, if it involved his home, he needed to know. Driven by this need, Emery found himself following the woman into the serene solitude of the Grove's garden.

Feeling the cool breeze brushing against their skin and hearing the rustling leaves in the distance, Emery faced Jinkan. "This is far enough, tell me now!" he urged, his impatience for her revelations now evident in his tone.

Jinkan turned around, her movements deliberate and unhurried. From her pocket, she pulled out a peculiar object, a device no larger than a finger. Holding it out to him, she urged, "You will understand once you hold this." Her tone was stern, her gaze unwavering.

Emery, with an air of skepticism, reached out to grab the device. Just as his fingertips were about to brush against the cold metal, he paused, withdrawing his hand. He shot her a puzzled look. "What device is this?"

Instead of responding, Jinkan made her move. Swift as a striking serpent, she lunged at him. Her gloves radiated with an intense light, unleashing a surge of powerful lightning toward him. The unexpected attack momentarily paralyzed his movements.

"Jinkan!!" Emery grunted in pain and surprise.

The audacity of the Nephilim princess, to dare to attack him in broad daylight in the middle of Vanyar city, was staggering. It spoke volumes of their arrogance.

Silent but swift, Jinkan capitalized on his momentary weakness. She executed a sequence of precise movements, employing her expert hand-to-hand combat skills to lock his arms and restrain him fully.

If Jinkan thought that her newly achieved Magus-level strength and powerful artifact would be enough to immobilize him, she was gravely mistaken. Emery was not one to be underestimated.

[Twilight Transformation]

Emery summoned his power to morph into a more powerful form. Mid-transformation, he had already garnered enough strength to fling Jinkan away.

However, the Nephilim princess simply smiled as she showed her empty hand, devoid of any devices. Only then did Emery realize that during their struggle, she had managed to pierce the tiny metallic device into his shoulder.

Before Emery could react, Jinkan called out, "Target lock, two to beam up."

The world around Emery altered abruptly as his senses snapped back into focus. He found himself enclosed in a different environment - a room composed entirely of cold, unyielding metal. It was devoid of any comfort, a cage designed for containment.

His mind spun, swiftly knitting together the fragments of recent events, leading him to a stark conclusion. He had been teleported, plucked from his original location, and transplanted into this room.

The realization of his predicament ignited a potent fury within Emery. "JINKAN!!" His voice ricocheted off the stark metallic walls, a raw growl of protest that echoed ominously within the confined space.

But even amidst his anger, Emery refused to succumb to despair. Gathering his energy, he called upon the apex of his power.

[Paragon's blessings]I think you should take a look at

[Immortal Gate]

His battle power skyrocketed, an ethereal glow illuminating his determined figure. Without hesitation, he launched himself at the metallic wall, his fists a relentless barrage against the unyielding surface. Each strike imprinted a dent, the wall gradually yielding under his unrelenting onslaught, bending and scarring under his power.

Unexpectedly, a high-voltage electric shock shot through him, a defense mechanism embedded within the cage. Following in its wake, a smoky gas seeped into the room, its bitter scent hinting at the presence of poison. Yet, Emery was undeterred, his determination unshaken by these additional obstacles.


His roar echoed within the metallic confines as he poured every ounce of his power into his attacks. With a triumphant crash, the wall finally gave way, allowing Emery to escape the confining cage.

He dashed down the starkly lit corridor, halting abruptly in front of a massive viewing window. His breath hitched as he took in the sight - they were in space. Far below, the vibrant, verdant expanse of the Canta planet dwindled with each passing second.

Turning away from the window, he noticed a door open with Jinkan walking out of it surrounded by four formidable figures radiating an intimidating aura. Their presence was suffused with the distinct power signature of Full Moon Magus at their peak.

Reality hit Emery like a ton of bricks, weighing him down. As he grappled with the enormity of his situation, Jinkan's voice resonated through the silent spaceship,

"You need to stop now, Emery. There's no point in resisting." Her words served as a chilling reminder of his predicament.

Despite his dire circumstances, Emery retaliated, a blazing fury in his voice. "Release me now, or you will regret it!"

Jinkan's calm in response to his threats was disconcerting. "Emery, you must understand. I desperately need your help, and I won't accept refusal," she stated, her voice firm and resolute.

Their exchange seemed futile, given their vastly different perspectives. A subtle trembling underfoot alerted Emery to the spaceship's departure. He could already see the Canta planet slowly receding in the distance.

A spark of an idea ignited in Emery's mind. He would shatter the window, and use his abilities and potions to descend back to the planet. But he needed to act quickly before the spaceship moved too far away.

Sensing his plan, Jinkan ordered, "Stop him!!!"

The Full Moon Magus moved swiftly, their robust figures closing in to obstruct Emery's path. However, Emery was prepared for such an event. Tapping into the raw energy of Khaos residing within him, he incanted a potent water spell, [Dark Tide]. The spell was unleashed, sending forth an unstoppable cascade that knocked the magus off balance.

Using the moment of disruption, Emery drew forth his [Blade Claw]. With calculated precision, he lunged towards the window. The loud crack echoed throughout the room as the window's surface was marred with a web of fractures.

Emery was a mere moment away from delivering the final blow that would shatter the window completely when the magus recuperated from their earlier disarray. Two of them gripped his arm and shoulder, their hands strong and unyielding. The others, meanwhile, worked in unison to weave restraining spells around him.

"Get off me!!!" Emery growled, his voice a thunderous roar as he wrestled against their combined strength.

The sharp edges of his [Blade Claw] found their targets, cutting into the Full Moon Magus and compelling them to let go. But the confrontation was far from over.

Channeling his full might, Emery's battle power surged to over 500, creating an aura of daunting energy around him. Freedom was tantalizingly close, with the grip of the Full Moon Magus weakening under his tremendous power.

However, in the throes of his struggle, a searing pain suddenly tore through his heart, stopping him in his tracks. This wasn't an effect of the restraining spells woven by the magus, but an insidious toxin lingering in his system from a previous competition.

His heartbeat echoed painfully in his ears, each pulse sending waves of agony coursing through his veins. His strength drained away rapidly, leaving him weak and defenseless. The relentless headache that hit him was like a hammer, pounding relentlessly against his skull.

Emery roared in helpless defiance, his voice filled with anguish and frustration.

The vibrant green of the Canta planet continued to shrink in the window, the spaceship's warp drive creating an insurmountable distance between them.

Jinkan approached him casually, a sense of finality in her voice. "You should rest, You'll need all your strength for where we're going."

Her words were the last thing Emery registered before darkness claimed his consciousness.

To be continued